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Origin of the Ottomans (Part-I)

Shajeer. S
Associate Professor & H.O.D
Dept. Of Islamic History
University College
Ottoman Empire At Its Height
Ottoman Empire
Established in 13th century and continued
up to 20th century
One of the long lasted empires of the
Became the custodian of Islamic
Caliphate and the champion of the cause
of Islam
Came to an end in 1922 by the abolition
of Sultanate
Turkish origin of the Ottomans
Descended the mass nomads who lived in the
Altai mountains near outer Mongolia
Followed a primitive civilization
Based on tribal organization and lacked formal
organs of government like the advanced societies
Leadership was entrusted with the ‘Khan’
Followed Shamanistic belief
Worship of natural elements
Shaman – a priest with super natural powers to
control the spirits
Turkish Home Land
Turkish Migration
Turkish migration to the neighbouring
steppes in the 2nd century B.C
Changing political , climatic and economic
conditions in the Altai mountain region
The nomads who moved to the South and
west towards Europe, Middle East and
Central Asia came to be called Oguz
The people who had to face their attack
called this new people as Turkoman or Turks
Transoxania became the stage for Turkish
migration in the middle east
The Seljuk Dynasty
A group of Turks entered the middle east by 10th
Battle of Manzikart in 1071- defeat of the
Byzantines by Turks under Alp Arslan
Turkish settlement following the battle
Rise of the Seljuk dynasty-Alp Arslan
Later became the protectors of the Abbasid Caliphs
at Baghdad
Tughril Beg forced the Abbasid caliph to make him
the protector of Islam and recognise as Sultan.
Asia Minor- Turkish Settlement
following the battle of Manzikart

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