Financial Statements: By: Dr. Angeles A. de Guzman Dean, College of Business Education

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Financial Statements

By: Dr. Angeles A. De Guzman

Dean, College of Business Education
 Means by which the information accumulated
and processed in financial accounting is
periodically communicated to the users.
 End product or main output of the financial

accounting process
 Structured financial representation of the

financial position and financial performance

of an entity
Components of Financial Statements
 Statement of Financial Position
 Income Statement
 Statement of Comprehensive Income
 Statement of Changes in Equity
 Statement of Cash Flows
 Notes, comprising a summary of significant

accounting policies and other explanatory

Statement of Financial Position
 Use to evaluate factors as liquidity, solvency
and the need of the entity for additional
 Elements

◦ Assets
◦ Liabilities
◦ Equity
 Controlled by the entity
 Result of a past transaction or event
 Provides future economic benefits
 Cost can be measured reliably
 Classified into current assets and noncurrent

Presentation of Current and Non
Current Assets
 Current Assets
◦ Cash and cash equivalents
◦ Financial assets at fair value
◦ Trade and other receivables
◦ Inventories
◦ Prepaid expenses
 Noncurrent Assets
◦ Property, plant and equipment
◦ Long-term investments
◦ Intangible assets
◦ Other noncurrent assets
 Present obligation of a particular entity
 Arises from past transaction or event
 Requires an outflow of resources embodying

economic benefits
 Classified as current and noncurrent liabilities
Presentation of Current and
Noncurrent Liabilities
 Current Liabilities
◦ Trade and other payables
◦ Current provisions
◦ Short-term borrowing
◦ Current portion of long-term debt
◦ Current tax liability
 Noncurrent liabilities
◦ Noncurrent portion of long-term debt
◦ Finance lease liability
◦ Deferred tax liability
◦ Long-term obligations to company officers
◦ Long-term deferred revenues
 Residual interest in the assets of the entity
after deducting all of its liabilities
 Net assets or total assets minus liabilities
 Terms used depending on the form of the

business organization
◦ Owner’s equity in a proprietorship
◦ Partners’ equity in a partnership
◦ Stockholders’ equity or shareholders’ equity in a
Shareholders’ Equity
 Residual interest of owners in the net assets of a
Philippine Term IAS Term
Capital Stock Share Capital
Subscribed capital stock Subscribed share capital
Preferred stock Preference share capital
Common Stock Ordinary Share
Additional Paid in Capital Share Premium
Retained Earnings (deficit) Accumulated profits (losses)
Retained Earnings appropriated Appropriation reserve
Revaluation Surplus Revaluation reserve
Treasury stock Treasury share
Notes to Financial Statements
 Provide narrative description or disaggregation
of items presented in the financial statements
 Information about items that do not qualify for
 Contain information in addition to that
presented in the financial statements
 Provide the necessary disclosures required by
Forms of Statement of Financial
 Report Form downward sequence of assets,
liabilities and equity
 Account Form – assets shown on the left side

and liabilities and equity on the right side of

the statement of financial position
Comprehensive Income (OCI)
 Profit or loss –total income less expenses excluding
the components of other comprehensive income
 Other comprehensive income
◦ Unrealized gain or loss on investment in equity
instruments measured at fair value
◦ Gain or loss from translation of the financial statements of
a foreign operation
◦ Changes in revaluation surplus
◦ Unrealized gain or loss from derivative contracts
designated as cash flow hedge
◦ Actuarial gain or loss on defined benefit plan fully
recognized through other comprehensive income
Presentation of other comprehensive
 OCI that will be reclassified subsequently to
profit or loss when specific conditions are
 OCI that will not be reclassified subsequently

to profit or loss
Presentation of comprehensive
 Two statements
◦ An income statement showing the components of
profit or loss
◦ A statement of comprehensive income beginning
with profit or loss plus or minus the components of
 Single statement of comprehensive income
Sources of Income
 Sales of Merchandise to Customers
 Rendering of Services
 Use of Entity resources
 Disposal of resources other than products
Components of Expense
 Cost of sales or cost of goods sold
 Distribution costs or selling expenses
 Administrative expenses
 Other expenses
 Income tax expense
Forms of Income Statement
 Functional Presentation or the cost of sales
 Natural presentation or nature of expense
 PAS 1 does not prescribe any format
Statement of Retained Earnings – shows changes affecting

directly the retained earnings of an entity and relates the

income statement to the statement of financial position

Statement of Changes in Equity – is a basic statement

that shows the movements in the elements or

components of the shareholders’ equity

Statement of Cash Flows - - is a basic component of the

financial statements which summarizes the operating,

investing and financing activities of an entity

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