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Benzene and

Based on McMurry’s Organic Chemistry, 9th edition

Aromatic Compounds 芳香族化合物
 Aromatic was used to described some fragrant
compounds in early 19th century
 Current: distinguished from aliphatic 脂肪族
unsaturated compounds by chemical behavior
(aromatic unsaturated compounds that undergo
substitution rather than addition)
Why this Chapter?

 Reactivity of substituted aromatic compounds

is tied to their structure

 Aromatic compounds provide a sensitive

probe for studying relationship between
structure and reactivity

15.1 Sources and Names of Aromatic
 Coal 煤渣 and petroleum 石油 are the major sources of simple
aromatic compounds
 Petroleum primarily comprises alkenes and few aromatic compounds

苯 甲苯 二甲苯 茚

萘 蒽 菲
聯苯 4
Naming Aromatic Compounds
 Aromatic compounds possess the largest number of
nonsystematic names, of which some are allowed by the IUPAC
 Many common names (toluene 甲苯 = methylbenzene; aniline
苯胺 = aminobenzene

甲苯 苯甲醛

酚 苯甲酸

苯胺 二甲苯


Naming Aromatic Compounds
 Monosubstituted benzenes have systematic names
with –benzene being the parent name
 C6H5Br = bromobenzene
 C6H5NO2 = nitrobenzene
6 5 2 2 3 = propylbenzene

The Phenyl Group
 Arenes 芳烴 are alkyl-substituted benzenes
 Based on the size of the alkyl substituents, they are
termed alkyl-substituted benzene or phenyl-substituted

The term phenyl 苯基 (Ph or Φ) is used when a
benzene ring is a substituent in the –C6H5
 The term benzyl 甲苯基 is used for the C6H5CH2– group

CH2Cl benzyl
Disubstituted Benzenes
 Relative positions on a benzene ring
 ortho- (o) 鄰位 on adjacent carbons (1,2)

 meta- (m) 間位 separated by one carbon (1,3)

 para- (p) 對位 separated by two carbons (1,4)

 Describes reaction patterns (“occurs at the para position”)

Naming Benzenes With More Than Two Substituents
 Numbers with the lowest possible values are chosen
 List substituents alphabetically with hyphenated numbers
 Common names, such as “toluene” can serve as root name (as in

15.2 Structure and Stability of Benzene
 The reactivity of benzene is much lesser than that of alkenes
 Benzene reacts slowly with Br2 to give bromobenzene (where Br
replaces H)
 Substitution reaction rather than addition reaction that is common
to alkenes, suggesting that in benzene there is a higher barrier

Heats of Hydrogenation as Indicators of Stability
• Benzene has about 150 kJ/mol (36 Kcal/mol) more
“stability” than an isolated set of three double bonds
• Unusual Stability of Benzene
 150 kJ/mol (36 Kcal/mol)  Resonance energy
Unusual Structure of Benzene
 All its C-C bonds are the same length: 139 pm —
between single (154 pm) and double (134 pm) bonds
 Electron density in all six C-C bonds is identical
 Structure is planar, hexagonal
 C–C–C bond angles 120°

Unusual Structure of Benzene
 Each C is sp2 and has a p orbital perpendicular to the
plane of the six-membered ring
 Defining three localized  bonds in which a given p
orbital overlaps only one neighboring p orbital
 All  electrons move freely in the entire ring due to
equal overlap of all p orbitals
 Resonance of benzene is another factor that influences
its rate of reactivity
Benzene’s Resonance Structure
 Each sp2 hybridized C in the ring has an unhybridized p orbital
perpendicular to the ring which overlaps around the ring.
 Aromatic compound : a cyclic compound containing conjugated
double bonds and having an unusually large resonance energy.

p orbital overlaps induce a ring current

Unusual Reactions of Benzene
 Alkene + dilute,cold KMnO4 or OsO4 diol (addition)
Benzene + KMnO4 or OsO4  no reaction.
 Alkene + Br2/CCl4  dibromide (addition)
Benzene + Br2/CCl4  no reaction.
 With FeCl3 catalyst, Br2 reacts with benzene to form
bromobenzene + HBr
(substitution!). Double bonds remain.
Br Br
Br2, FeBr3


is not formed 15
Valence Bond Theory Description of Benzene
Valence Bond Theory
 The two benzene resonance forms can be

represented by a single structure with a circle in the

center to indicate the equivalence of the carbon–
carbon bonds
 The ring does not indicate the number of  electrons in

the ring but is a reminder of the delocalized structure

價鍵理論缺點 :
苯為穩定,而環丁二烯為不穩定,無法以共振結構解釋 16
Molecular Orbital Description of Benzene
 The 6 p-orbitals combine to give
 Three bonding orbitals with 6  electrons,

 Three antibonding with no electrons

leading to 150 kJ/mol (36 Kcal/mol) stabilization of energy

 Orbitals with the same energy are degenerate

分子軌道理論解釋 :
分子中六個 P 軌道通過線性組合,生成六個 π 分子軌道,其中三個鍵結軌道,三
個反鍵結軌道。在基態時,苯分子的六個 π 電子填入三個鍵結軌道中,其能量比
原子軌道低,所以體系能量較低,使苯分子趨於穩定。 17
Molecular Orbital Description of Cyclobutadiene
 Following Hund’s rule, two electrons are in 補充
separate orbitals.
 This diradical would be very reactive.

分子軌道理論解釋 :
分子中四個 P 軌道通過線性組合,生成四個 π 分子軌道,其中一個鍵結軌

二個非鍵結軌道,一個反鍵結軌道。在基態時,環丁二烯分子的二個 π 電

入一個鍵結軌道中,另外二個 π 電子分別填入二個非鍵結軌道中,形成二 18
15.3 Aromaticity 芳香性 and the Hückel
4n+2 Rule
Benene and aromatic compounds 芳香性化合物 :
 Cyclic and conjugated

 Each atom in the ring must have an unhybridized p

 Planar hexagon: bond angles are 120°, carbon–carbon

bond lengths 139 pm

 Unusually stable - heat of hydrogenation 150 kJ/mol (36

Kcal/mol) less negative than a cyclic triene

 Undergoes substitution rather than electrophilic addition

 Resonance hybrid with structure between two line-bond


Hückel’s 4n+2 Rule 胡克耳規則
 Aromatic ( 芳香性 ): the compound has a
continuous ring of overlapping p orbitals (planar
conformation) and has 4N + 2  electrons.
 Antiaromatic ( 反芳香性 ) : the compound has a
continuous ring of overlapping p orbitals (planar
conformation and has 4N  electrons.

有 4n + 2 個電子,均在同一個平面的環烯具有 " 芳香性 "

有 4n 個電子,均在同一個平面的環烯具有 " 反芳香性 "

Aromaticity and the 4n + 2 Rule
Aromatic requirements
 Huckel’s rule 胡克耳規則 , based on calculations – a
planar cyclic molecule with alternating double and single
bonds has aromatic stability if it has 4n+ 2  electrons
(n is 0,1,2,3,4)
 For n=1: 4n+2 = 6; benzene is stable and the electrons
are delocalized

Aromatic( 芳香性 ) 判斷: 4n+2  電子,環狀共軛結構,平面結構

Anti- and Not aromatic
 Antiaromatic ( 反芳香性 ) compounds are cyclic ( 環狀
), conjugated, with overlapping p orbitals around
the ring, but the energy of the compound is greater
than its open-chain ( 開鏈 ) counterpart.
 Not aromatic ( 非芳香性 ) compounds do not have a
continuous ring of overlapping p orbitals and may
be not planar.

similar CH3

stability CH3

less stable more stable (nonaromatic)

(antiaromatic) 22
Compounds With 4n  Electrons Are Antiaromatic
 Antiaromatic : Planar, cyclic molecules with 4 n 
electrons are much less stable than expected
 Cyclobutadiene has 4  electrons and antiaromatic.
 It is highly reactive and so unstable

 it dimerizes by a self-Diels-Alder reaction at low


Compounds With 4n  Electrons Are Antiaromatic :
May be Not Aromatic
 Cyclooctatetraene has 8  electrons and not aromatic.
 it’s not planar, so it’s not aromatic.
 The  electrons localized into four double bonds rather
than delocalized around the ring. The molecule is tub

It is reacting with Br2, KMnO4, and HCl as if it were
four alkenes

not planar
not aromatic

[4] antiaromatic [6] aromatic [8] nonaromatic


10 all cis H H two trans naphthalene

[10] nonaromatic(not planar) [10] nonaromatic(not planar) [10] aromatic (planar)

12 16 20

[12] nonaromatic [16]nonaromatic [20] nonaromatic

14 18 H

trans trans
[14] aromatic(planar) [18] aromatic (planar) [14] nonaromatic (not planar)
Aromatic Stability and the Molecular Orbital
 Aromatic compounds have (4N + 2) electrons and the orbitals are filled.
 Antiaromatic compounds have only 4N electrons and have unpaired electrons in two degenerate orbitals

Why 4n +2? Molecular Orbital Description
 When electrons fill the various molecular orbitals, it
takes two electrons (one pair) to fill the lowest-lying
orbital and four electrons (two pairs) to fill each of n
succeeding energy levels
 This is a total of 4n + 2
Energy levels of the six benzene π molecular orbitals

15.4 Aromatic Ions
 The 4n + 2 rule applies to ions as well as neutral species
 Both the cyclopentadienyl anion 環戊二烯陰離子 and the
cycloheptatrienyl cation 環庚三烯陽離子 are aromatic
 The key feature of both is that they contain 6  electrons in a ring of
continuous p orbitals

Aromatic Ions
 When one hydrogen is removed from the saturated
CH2 in an aromatic ion, rehybridization of the carbon
from sp3 to sp2 would result in a fully conjugated
product with a p orbital on every product
 Methods to remove the hydrogen molecule
 Removing the hydrogen with both electrons (H:–) from
the C–H bond results in a carbocation
 Removing the hydrogen with one electron (H·) from the
C–H bond results in a carbon radical
 Removing the hydrogen without any electrons (H+) from
the C–H bond results in a carbanion
Cyclopentadienyl Anion and
Cycloheptatrienyl Cation
Aromaticity of the Cyclopentadienyl Anion
 1,3-Cyclopentadiene contains conjugated double bonds joined
by a CH2 that blocks delocalization
 Removal of H+ at the CH2 produces a aromatic cyclic 6-electron
cyclopentadienyl anion, which is stable
 Removal of H- or H• generate antiaromatic 4 electron
cyclopentadienyl cation and an not aromatic cyclopentadienyl 5
electron radical.

not aromatic

antiaromatic not aromatic aromatic 31

Aromaticity of Cyclopentadienyl Anion
 Disadvantages of the four--electron cyclopentadienyl
cation and the five--cyclopentadienyl radical
 Highly reactive
 Difficult to prepare
 Not stable enough for aromatic systems
 Advantages of using the six--electron
cyclopentadienyl anion
 Easily prepared
 Extremely stable for aromatic systems
 pKa =16
Aromaticity of the Cyclopentadienyl Anion
1,3-Cyclopentadiene is Relatively acidic (pKa = 16)
because the anion is stable

sp3 →
sp2 + p

Why 4n +2? Molecular Orbital Description
Energy levels of the five cyclopentadienyl molecular orbitals

With conjugated systems such as
cyclopendadienyl cation and anion, the resonance
approach is a poor predictor of stability. The
Huckel rule, based on molecular orbital theory, is
a much better predictor of stability for these
aromatic and antiaromatic systems

Aromaticity of Cycloheptatrienyl cation
 Cycloheptatriene has 3 conjugated double bonds joined by a CH2
 Removal of “H-” leaves the Cycloheptatrienyl cation
 The cation has 6 electrons and is aromatic

Which of the following is an
aromatic compound?

Non-aromatic Aromatic
There is an sp3 carbon in All carbons are sp2
the ring, delocalization will hybridized and it obeys
not be complete. Huckel’s rule.

15.5 Aromatic Heterocycles: Pyridine and Pyrrole

 Heterocycles 雜環化合物 : Cyclic compound

contain elements other than carbon in a
ring, such as N,S,O
 Aromatic heterocycles 芳香性雜環化合物 :
Aromatic compounds can have elements
other than carbon in the ring

 Pyridine 吡啶 is a six-membered heterocycle with a nitrogen atom in its
  electron structure resembles benzene
(6  electrons)
 The nitrogen lone pair electrons are not part of the aromatic system (sp2,
perpendicular orbital)
 Pyridine is a weak base compared to normal amines but protonation
does not affect aromaticity

Pyridine and Pyrimidine
 The  structure of pyridine 吡啶 is quite similar to
that of benzene
 All five sp2-hybridized carbon possess a p orbital
perpendicular with one to the plane of the ring
 Each p orbital comprises one  electron
 The nitrogen atom is also sp2-hybridized and
possesses one electron in a p orbital
 Pyrimidine 嘧啶 comprises two nitrogen atoms in a
six-membered, unsaturated ring
 The sp2-hybridized nitrogen atoms share an electron
each to the aromatic  system

 Aromatic six-membered heterocyclic
 Pyridine has a resonance energy of 27 kcal/mol,
For N:
1. Planar 1. this sp hybrid orbital is
2. Cyclic, p orbital perpendicular to the six
on each atom of 2p orbitals of the pi system
the ring
3. 6  electron
• aromatic
• resonance energy
= 27 kcal/mol
2. this pair of electrons
is not a part of the
aromatic sextet
, not  electron
3. Weak basicity
pKb= 8.8
 Pyrrole 吡咯 is a five-membered heterocycle with one nitrogen
  electron system similar to that of cyclopentadienyl anion
 Four sp2-hybridized carbons with 4 p orbitals perpendicular to the ring and 4
p electrons
 Nitrogen atom is sp2-hybridized, and lone pair of electrons occupies a p
orbital (6  electrons)
 Since lone pair electrons are in the aromatic ring, protonation destroys
aromaticity, making pyrrole nonbasic
 Imidazole 嘧唑 is a five-membered heterocycle with two nitrogen



basic N


Pyrrole 吡咯
• Aromatic five-membered heterocyclic
• Resonance energy= 22 Kcal/mol

• the pyrrole nitrogen

atom is sp2 hybridized
with a lone pair of
electrons in the p
orbital. This p orbital
overlaps with the p
orbitals of the carbon
atoms to form a
lone pair e- on N
continuous ring.
involve in the ring
,  electron 45
 Pyrrole is aromatic because the lone pair on nitrogen is
delocalized. it has six pi electrons
 N-protonated pyrrole is nonaromatic because the nitrogen is sp3

nonbasic nitrogen

Imidazole 嘧唑 補充

this pair of electrons

this pair of is a part of the
electrons aromatic sextet
is not a part ,  electron
of aromatic
, not  electron N N H

basic non basic

- pKa = 6.10
Amino acid CH2 CHCO 2
N+ +
Histidine NH
H 3
How Do We Know That Cyclopentadiene’s
Lone-Pair Electrons Are π Electrons?
• If a lone pair can be used to form a π bond in a resonance
contributor, the lone-pair electrons are π electrons.
Resonance Contributors of Pyrrole and Furan
• If a lone pair can be used to form a π bond in a resonance
contributor, the lone-pair electrons are π electrons.
Rings of Pyrimidine and Imidazole
 Pyrimidine 嘧啶 and imidazole 嘧唑 rings are
important in biological chemistry
 Pyrimidine is the parent ring system present
in cytosine, thymine, and uracil
 Histidine contains an aromatic imidazole ring
15.6 Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds
 Polycyclic aromatic compounds 多環芳香族化合物 : two or more
benzene-like rings fuse together.
 Many are carcinogenic 致癌性 .
 Compounds from fused benzene or aromatic heterocycle rings are aromatic
 Fused rings 駢環 :Two rings are joined together and share two adjacent carbons

萘 蒽 苯駢芘
resonance energy resonance energy
= 60 Kcal/mol =84 Kcal/mol 51
Naphthalene Orbitals
 Three resonance forms and delocalized electrons

 Naphthalene and other polycyclic aromatic

hydrocarbons possess certain chemical properties
that correspond to aromaticity
 Heat of hydrogenation in naphthalene is
approximately 250 kJ/mol
Aromaticity of Naphthalene
 Naphthalene possesses a cyclic, conjugated
electron system
 p orbital overlap is present along the ten-carbon
periphery of the molecule and across the central bond
 Aromaticity is due to the  electron delocalization caused
by the presence of ten  electrons (Hückel number)
Reactivity of Polynuclear Hydrocarbons
As the number of aromatic rings increases, the
resonance energy per ring decreases, so larger
polycyclic aromatic compounds will add Br2.
H 9 Br

resonance energy
= 36 X 2 Kcal/mol
H 10 Br
Expeiment 13.3


anthracene O
maleic anhydride
2019.01.01 食品藥物管理署實施

 增列 食品污染物 「苯駢芘」 (benzopyrene)

• 一種多環芳香烴類,也被列為致癌物,食品在乾燥、燒
• 新法針對燒烤或煙燻肉類、醃漬的水產品、乾燥水果、
DNA Mutations 基因突變 補充

Benzo[a]pyrene, one of the most thoroughly studied

carcinogens 致癌物 , is formed whenever organic compounds
undergo incomplete combustion

DNA alkylation
by arene oxide
cause errors in
reading of genetic

Heterocyclic Analogs of Naphthelene
 Quinolone, isoquinolone, and purine have pyridine-
like nitrogens that share one  electron
 Indole and purine have pyrrole-like nitrogens that
share two  electrons
15.8 Spectroscopy of Aromatic Compounds
 Infrared Spectroscopy
 C–H stretching absorption is seen at 3030 cm–1
 A series of peaks are present between 1450 and
1600 cm–1
 Caused by the complex molecular motions of the ring
Ultraviolet Spectroscopy
 Presence of a
conjugated  system
makes ultraviolet
spectroscopy possible
 Intense absorption
occurs near 205 nm
 Less intense absorption
occurs between 255 nm
and 275 nm

benzenoid band (B band):

特徵吸收帶。是苯環振動及 π→π* 重疊引起的。
在 255 ~ 275nm 之間出現精細結構吸收,又稱苯
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy

 The aromatic ring shields hydrogens

 Absorption occurs between 6.5 and 8.5 δ
 The ring current is responsible for the difference
in chemical shift between aromatic and vinylic
 Ring current is the magnetic field caused by the
circulation of delocalized  electrons when the
aromatic ring is perpendicular to a strong
magnetic field
 The effective magnetic field is greater than the
applied field
NMR : Ring Currents
 Aromatic ring oriented perpendicular to a strong magnetic field,
delocalized  electrons producing a small local magnetic field
 Opposes applied field in middle of ring but reinforces applied

field outside of ring

pi 電子產生誘導磁場。環外氫,氫位於誘導磁力線上的方向,與外磁場方向一致
時 ,產生加成作用,共振所須外加磁場減小 去遮蔽效應,低磁場區, 值大

1 H NMR of Aromatic Compounds

環內氫,位於誘導磁力線上的方向與外磁場方向相反時 ,產生抵消作用,共振所須外加
磁場增大 , 遮蔽效應,高磁場區, 值小。
H NMR spectrum of p-bromotoluene
• Aromatic protons appear as two doublets at 7.04 and 7.37 δ
• Benzylic methyl protons appear as a sharp singlet at 2.26 δ


C NMR of Aromatic Compounds
 Carbons in aromatic ring absorb at  110 to 140
 Shift is distinct from alkane carbons but in same
range as alkene carbons

C NMR of Aromatic Compounds
 Three Isomers of Dichlorobenzene
 The mode of substitution influences the
formation of two, three, or four resonances in
the proton-decoupled 13C NMR spectrum
The Proton-Decoupled 13C NMR Spectra of
the Three Isomers of Dichlorobenzene

 The term aromatic refers to the class of

compounds that are structurally similar to
 Apart from IUPAC terms, disubstituted benzenes
are also called ortho, meta, or para derivatives
 The C6H5 unit is called a phenyl group
 The C6H5CH2 unit is called a benzyl group
 The Hückel rule states that in order to be
aromatic, a molecule must possess 4n + 2 
electrons, where InI = 0,1,2,3, and so on

 Planar, cyclic, conjugated molecules with

other numbers of  electrons are antiaromatic
 Pyridine and pyrimidine are six-membered,
nitrogen containing, aromatic heterocycles

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