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Introduction to Business Strategy

Sonam Tashi (031824)
Dawala (031804)
Module: MGT502

Presentation Outline:
 Strategy (emergence)
 Business strategy
 When it is used?
 How it is used?
 Why it is used?
Strategy (origin):
Ancient Greek- Strategos or “the art of the general,”
therefore strategy has military roots (Beamish &
Woodcock, 1999).

Strategy refers to top managements plan to attain outcomes

constant with the organizations missions and goals
Strategy can be viewed from 3 vantage points:
i. Formulation
ii. Implementation
iii. Control
(Wright, Pringle, & Kroll, 1992).
Strategy Management is a study of the
organizational systems and processes used to
establish overall organizational goals and
objectives and to formulate, implement, and
control the strategies and policies necessary to
achieve these goals and objectives (Beamish &
Woodcock, 1999).
Business Strategy
It means by which it sets out to achieve its
desired ends. It can be simply described as
long term business planning.
Typically a business strategy will cover a period
of about 3-5 years or more (Nickols, n.d).
When is it (BS) used?
i. Major issues:
• Raising the finance
• Expansion
ii. Deciding on what products to allocate major
iii. Concerned with the scope of business
Two categories of strategies:
i. Generic strategies
a. Growth
b. Globalization/internationalization
c. Retrenchment
ii. Competitive strategies
d. Pricing strategy
e. Product differentiation
Beamish, P.W. and Woodcock, C.P. (1999). Strategic management. (5 th ed.). McGraw-
Hill Ryerson Limited: Canada.

Business case studies. (n.d). Strategy theory: business strategy. Retrieved from on
8th February 2018.

David, F.R. (2005). Strategic management: concepts & cases. (10 th ed.). Pearson
Education Inc: UK.

Nickols, F. (n.d). Three kinds of business strategy. Retrieved from on 8t
h February 2018

Wright, P., Pringle, C.D., and Kroll, M.J. (1992). Strategic management: text & cases.
Allyn & Bacon: Massachusetts.
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