Susta Inabil Ity An D Inabil Ity FR Amew Ork in Busin Ess

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y a nd

a b i l i t r k i n
s t a i n e w o
Su F r a m
b i l i t y
t a i n a n e s s
Su s Bu si
Presentation Outline
• Concept and reasons of sustainability in
• The Triple Bottom Line
• Sustainability’s 6 Rs
• Sustainability matrices
Concept and reasons of Sustainability in
• “Meets the needs of the present without compromising
the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”
– World Council For Economic Development
• Business sustainability is often defined as managing the
Triple Bottom Line 
• Three impacts are sometimes referred as profits, people
and planet
• “An enterprise that has minimal negative impact on the
global or local environment, society and economy”

• Tech or financial firms going to a paperless

office environment
• A cell phone manufacturer pursuing a
“conflict-free” mineral resource supply chain
• A bank committing to and accomplishing
carbon-free operations
Reason of sustainability in business

• Reduction of costs -Managing resources more

• Enhancing brand image - More responsible brand
image to consumers and can encourage brand loyalty
• Better HR personnel- Sustainability helps attract
talent, especially millennials
• Encouraging innovation/innovative thinking -
Sustainability initiatives can deliver great ideas from
across the business as cost-savings to identifying new
business opportunities.
• Demonstrating corporate leadership-Attractive to
potential investors, business partners and clients
The Triple Bottom Line
The Triple Bottom Line is one of the main systems
being used by businesses to assess the profits they
are making through their corporate sustainability
Social Sustainability
• The first bottom line is obviously about money,
and the second is a measure of how socially
responsible a business is.
– Does the organization take care of its employees by
offering to pay for health insurance fully or partially?
– Does the organization offer a retirement program?
• Poverty, community, health and wellness and
human rights
Environmental Sustainability
• Environmental bottom line means managing,
monitoring, and reporting your consumption,
waste, and emissions
• Climate change, land use and biodiversity
Economic Sustainability

• Measured in terms of how much of an impact

your business has on its economic environment.
• Does your business help local suppliers stay in
business and innovate? Or do your activities put
the local economy at risk?
• Do you pay employees enough to stimulate
economic growth and spending? Or does your
compensation policy shrink local economy?
Refuse: Make the
choice to not
generate waste
Consider and Reduce: Make
question decisions that
consumption habits decrease the
amount of waste
Replace/Rebuy: s 6 Rs
Next ime consider Re-Use/Repair:
recycled and Expand the
green content shelf-lives of
Recycle:  products
Reclaim the raw
Sustainability Matrix
Innovation and Growth path and
Repositioning Trajectory

Internal Sustainable Value External

Cost and Risk Reputation and

Reduction Legitimacy

Thank You

Best of luck in your


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