My Proyect: My Name Is Karen Milusca Jaimes Guerra

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My proyect

My name is Karen Milusca Jaimes Guerra

What´s the top priority in your life?why?

For me, the top priority in life is health because when you are healthy
you can have an education and have a career and thus generaty a lot of
money .
What do you do to stay healthy and prevent health problems?

for me to stay healthy aug the following

1.Exercise regularly.
2. Follow a healthy diet.
3.Maintain a healthy weight.
4. Get enough sleep.
5.Learn ways to manege stress.
6.Create a balance between university, work and social life.
and complying with was already mentioned,preventing health
How will your life be in 20 years?

my life in 20 years will be married with 4

children and i will live in Huancayo and i will
have my own business and i will travel on
vacation to Macchu Picchu with my whole
family for the distraction of the mind.
What news about a natural disaster caused you the biggest impact?

The news that struck me was the 7.9 degrie earthguake that
The biggest impact on the struck in was very sad there were many danages and
news of natural disasters victims this happened on august 15, 2007 at 6:40 pm the
is. 7.9 earthguake occurred that had its epicenter at 40
kilometers west of pisco,the death toll reacher 597 people
and 1287 were injured.the victims exceded 400 thousand,it
was very sad to see that so many people cried for their
Thank you

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