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Creating a Usability Test Plan

Human Computer Interaction and Communication
Topics and Agenda

 Creating a Usability Test Plan

Course Progress

 Project 01: World Food Initiative Website

 Project 02: Auto Rental Corporation Website
 Project 03 Usability Testing

• Class 31: Introduction to Usability Testing • Class 39: Object-based Techniques

 Class 32: Creating a Usability Test Plan • Class 40: Focus Groups
• Assessment 10
• Class 33: Creating a Usability Test Plan • Class 41: Surveys and Diary Studies
• Class 34: Recruiting Participants • Class 42: Field Visits

• Class 35: Conducting a Usability Test • Class 43: Group Presentations

• Assessment 08
• Class 36: Conducting a Usability Test (Exercise) • Class 44: Group Presentations

• Class 37: Analyzing Usability Test Results and • Course Review

Creating a Usability Test Report
• Assessment 09
• Class 38: Creating a Usability Test Report
Why do you need a usability test plan

 Provides blueprint for test

 Describes details for every test element

What information goes into a usability test plan?

 Overview
 Research questions
 Participant information
 Methodology
 User tasks
 Test environment and logistics
 Project timeline and testing schedule
 Test measures
 Deliverables

 Brief explanation of reasons for performing test

Research Questions

Describe the primary questions you want the test to answer,

which should:
 Relate to specific user needs, wishes, pains, or frustrations
 Be measurable and observable

 How easily do users find the information they are looking for?
 Are users able to successfully register for events?
 Do users understand how to navigate through the site?

 Describe the type of test you will conduct

 Include information on:

 Data to be collected
 How sessions will be run
 Pre-test arrangements

 Introduction to the session

 Tasks
 Post-test debriefing

 Standard usability test generally includes:

 Pre-test arrangements
 Introduction to the session
 Tasks
 Post-test debriefing
Participant Information and User Tasks

 Participant Information:
 Summarize characteristics of ideal test participants

 User Tasks:
 List specific tasks participants will perform
Test Environment and Logistics

 Describe environment for your usability testing

 Can be online test environment or paper prototype

 Create checklist to track logistics

Project Timeline and Testing Schedule

 Provide timeline for:

 Finalize test plan
 Recruiting participants
 Conducting tests
 Analyzing data
 Reporting results and recommendations

 Typical timeline: Three to four weeks


 Describe data to collect during your test

 Performance data: Behavior that can be measured

 Preference data: Participants’ opinions or feelings


 Describe deliverables resulting from test

 Typically includes:
 Usability test report
 Recommended design changes
Creating User Tasks

 Tasks should represent typical user activities

 Create at least one task for each feature you would like to test

 Create alternate tasks for important features

Creating User Tasks

 According to your reading assignment, what are some of the

other criteria to keep in mind creating your tasks?

 What are some of the potential tasks you could choose to test
include in a usability test of the WFI website?

 Reading assignment: Complete by Class 34

 Observing the User Experience: Chapter 6
 Reading assignment: Complete by Class 35
 Observing the User Experience: Chapter 11 (p. 296 - 314)
 Assessment 08: Class 35

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