Kundalini Yoga-1

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 Kundalini is term for a spiritual energy or life force
located at the base of the spine.
 Coiled up serpent.
 Practice of Kundalini yoga is supposed to arouse the
sleeping kundalini shakti from its coiled base through the
6 chakras and penetrate the 7th chakra, or crown.
 This energy is said to travel along the Ida (left) and
pingla (right) and the sushumna nadi (central), the main
channels of pranic energy in the body.

 Kundalini energy is technically explained as being

sparked during yogic breathing when prana and apana
blends at the 3rd chakra (navel chakra).

Recent article has suggested that the process

may be mediated by vagus nerve

 Nadis are the astral tubes made up of astral matter that

carry psychic currents.
 The sanskrit term ‘Nadi’ comes from the root “Nad”
which means ‘Motion’.
 It is through these Nadis (Sukshma, subtle passages),
that the vital force or Pranic current moves or flows.
 The body is filled with innumerable Nadis that cannot be
 72,000 – 3,50,000
 Nadis play a vital part in this yoga.
 Kundalini, when awakened, will pass through Sushumna
Nadi and this is possible only when the Nadis are pure.
 Therefore, the 1st step in Kundalini yoga is the
purification of Nadis.

1) Sushumna 8) Pushpa

2) Ida 9) Sankhini

3) Pingala 10) Payasvini

4) Gandhari 11) Varuni

5) Hastajihva 12) Alambusha

6) Kuhu 13) Vishvodhara

7) Saraswati 14) Yasasvini

 The gross nerves and plexuses have close relationship with the subtle
 Whenever there is an interlacing of several nerves, arteries and veins,
that center is called “Plexus”.
 The physical material plexuses that are known to the Vaidya Sastra
are :- Pampiniform, Cervical, Brachial, Coccygeal, Lumbar, Sacral,
Cardiac, Esophageal, Hepatic pharyngeal plexus, etc.
 Similarly there are plexuses or centers of vital force in the Sushumna
 They are known as Padmas or Chakras.

 All the chakras are connected with

spinal column.
 Spinal column is known as Meru
 This is the axis of the body just as
Mount Meru is the axis of the earth.
 The spine is formed of a series of 33
bones called vertebras.
I. Cervical region (neck) – 7

II. Dorsal region (back) – 12

III. Lumbar (waist or loins) – 5

IV. Sacral (gluteal or sacrum) – 5

V. Coccygeal - 4

 The physical body is shaped in accordance with the

nature of the astral body.
 The physical body is something like water, Sthula form.
When water is heated, the steam or vapour corresponds
to the astral body.
 In the same way the astral or Sukshma body is within the
gross or physical body.
 This is situated between the anus and the root of the
reproductive organs.
 It is like the shape of an egg and is covered with membranes.
 This is just above the Muladhara Chakra.
 All the Nadis of the body spring from this Kanda.
 It is in the junction where Sushumna is connected with
Muladhara Chakra.
 It is corresponds to ‘Cauda equina’ center in the gross physical
 The spinal cord extending from the brain to the end of
the vertebral column topers off into a fine silken thread.
 Before its termination it gives off innumerable fibers,
crowded into a bunch of nerves.
 This bunch of nerves is ‘Cauda equina’ in the gross body.
 The astral center of ‘Cauda equina’ is Kanda.

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