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Inglés II - Len1702

The Past

April 6th - April 10th

6.1 Don’t give up

In this section you will learn to:

• Use was/were to talk about the past.

• Use past time expressions.

Activity: Make a list of five things a person needs to be
successful in life.

1. A good education.
2. Proper qualifications.
3. …..
4. …..
5. ……

Past simple of the verb TO BE

When do we use it?

We use the past simple of the verb to be to talk about the


We often use these time expressions with the past simple:

- Yesterday
- In 2000
- Last week
- Last month
- Last year
- ago
6.1 Past Simple of the verb to be: WAS & WERE

Was y wasn’t (was not) son las formas pasadas de is y isn’t.

Were y weren’t (were not) son las formas pasadas de are y


Yes / No questions with the past simple of the verb TO BE

Yes / no questions There is an inversion of the verb when you ask a question.

Verb be in
Pronoun complement Short answers
the past
WH- questions with the past simple of the verb TO BE

Wh- questions
Para hacer preguntas WH- se usa una
palabra wh- (what, where, when…)

El orden es el mismo que para las

preguntas si/no.

What  Qué
Who  Quién
When  Cuándo
Why  Por qué
Recordatorio How  Como
How many  Cuántos/cuántas ( contable)
How much  Cuánto / Cuánta (incontable)
Where  Dónde
What time  A qué hora
Language focus practice
Language focus practice
Let’s practice

Pronunciation of regular verbs

6.2 Stories

In this section you will learn to:

• Use regular verbs to talk about what happened in the past.

• Use common collocations.

Vocabulary & Speaking: Common regular verb collocations

• Let’s see how the past simple works

Past simple important notes

• There are two types of verbs to form the past Hay dos tipos de verbos para formar el pasado
simple: Regular verbs & irregular verbs. simple: verbos regulares y verbos irregulars.

• We add –ed to the infinitive to form the past simple Se agrega –ed al verbo en infinitivo para formar el
of most regular verbs. pasado simple de la mayoría de los verbos regulares
Post  Posted

• Irregular verbs change completely their form. They Los verbos irregulars cambian completamente su
forma. Ellos no terminan en -ed
don’t end in –ed.
Think  Thought
Existe un verbo auxiliary “did” para oraciones
• There is an auxiliary verb “did” for negatives and negativas y Preguntas.
El pasado simple es el mismo para todos los
• The past simple is the same for all pronouns. pronombres.

• The contraction for negative sentences is didn’t La contracción para la negación es didn’t ( did not)
( did not)
Past simple activity

Look at the following list of past tense verbs, which verbs are regular (R) ? And which are
irregular (I) ?

Taught walked gave became studied cried lived did


Past simple of regular verbs


Affirmative I worked yesterday.

She studied for the test.

I did not work yesterday.

She did not study for the test.

? Question Did I work yesterday?

Did she study for the test?
Answer Yes, I did.
No, she didn’t.
Past simple of regular verbs

Spelling rules
Reglas de ortografía
Pronunciation of regular verbs in the past

There are three different ways to pronounce

the –ed endings in the past simple verbs.

/d/ :
/t/ :
/id/ :
Pronunciation of regular verbs

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