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 A model is a theoretical way of understanding a concept
or idea.
 Represent different ways of approaching complex
 Health beliefs are a person‟s ideas, convictions, and
attitudes about health and illness. Because health
beliefs usually influence health behaviour, they can
positively or negatively affect a client‟s health.
 „Prevention of illness‟ is a positive health behaviour.
 Common positive health behaviours include
immunizations, proper patterns, adequate
exercise, and nutrition.

 Primary prevention focuses on the health of a person or

 Secondary prevention includes screening for those at
risk to develop an illness or those who could have
disease diagnosed early in the process for prompt
 Tertiary prevention occurs when diagnosis of a long term
disease/disability has already been made.
Definition of health
 Traditional medicine - "absence of disease”.

 "Health a state of complete physical, social and

is well-being, and not merely the absence of
mental or infirmity"- WHO(1948)
 Murray & Zentner –"state of well-being
& uses purposeful, adaptive
(where)…personmaintain relative stability and
comfort strive for personal objectives & cultural goals".
New philosophy of health

Health is:
 fundamental right

 Essence of productive life

 Intersectoral

 Integral part of development

 Central to the concept of quality of life

 Involves individual, state and international

 World wide social goal

 Major social investment

Millennium development goal

 In the millennium declaration of September 2000,

member states of the United Nations made a most
passionate commitment to address the crippling poverty
and multiplying misery that grip many areas of the world.
Government sets a date of 2015 by which they would
meet the millennium development goals.

 Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger

 Achieve universal primary education
 Promote gender equality and empower women
 Reduce child mortality
 Improve maternal health
 Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other disease
 Ensure environmental sustainability
 Develop a global partnership for development
Concept of prevention

 "...prevention is any activity which reduces the burden

of mortality or morbidity from disease."
Clinical model

 the absence of signs and symptoms of disease indicates

 Illness would be the presence of conspicuous signs and
symptoms of disease.
 People who use this model of health to guide their use
of healthcare services may not seek preventive health
services, or they may wait until they are very ill to seek
Role performance model

 health is indicated by the ability to perform social roles.

 Role performance includes work, family and social roles,
with performance based on societal expectations.
 Illness would be the future to perform a person‟s roles at
the level of others in society.
 This model is basis for work and school physical
examination and physician –excused absences.
 The sick role, in which people can be excused from
performing their social roles while they are ill, is a vital
component of the role performance model.
Adaptive model

 the ability to adapt positively to social, mental,

and physiological change is indicative of health.
 Illness occurs when the person fails to
adapt or becomes inadaptive toward these
Agent-Host-Environmental model

 by Leavell and Clark(1965)

 useful for examining causes of disease in an individual.
 The agent, host and environment interact in ways that
create risk factors, and understanding these is important
for the promotion and maintenance of health.
 An agent is an environmental factor or stressor that
must be present or absent for an illness to occur.
 A host is a living organism capable of being infected or
affected by an agent.
 The host reaction is influenced by family history, age,
and health habits.
High Level Wellness Model

 by Dunn(1961)
 recognizes health as an ongoing process toward a
person‟s highest potential of functioning. This process
involves the person, family and the community.
 describes high-level wellness as “the experience of a
person alive with the glow of good health, alive to the
tips of their fingers with energy to burn, tingling with
vitality – at times like this the world is a glorious place”.
Holistic Health Model

 by Edelman and Mandle, 2002

 Holism acknowledges and respects the interaction of a
person‟s mind, body and spirit within the
Holism is an antidoteto the atomistic approach of
contemporary science. An atomistic
things apart
, examining the person piece by piece in an
attempt to understand the larger picture.
 Holism is based on the belief that people (or their parts)
can not be fully understood if examined solely in pieces
apart from their environment.
Nightingale’s Theory of Environment

 Florence Nightingale
 This model views health as a constantly changing state,
with high level wellness and death being on opposite
ends of a graduated scale, or continuum.
 This continuum illustrates the dynamic state of health,
as a person adapts to changes in the internal and
external environments to maintain a state of well-being.
A patient with chronic illness may view himself/herself at
different points of the continuum at any given time,
depending on how well the patient believes he/she is
functioning with .
Milio’s Framework for Prevention

 Nancy Milio
 includes concepts of community – oriented, population-
focused care.
 basic treatise was that behavioural patterns of the
populations-and individuals who make up populations –
are a result of habitual selection from limited choices.
 challenged the common notion that a main determinant
for unhealthful behavioural choice is lack of knowledge.
 Milio‟s framework described a sometimes neglected role
of community health nursing to examine the
determinants of a community‟s health and attempt to
influence those determinants through public policy.
Levels of Prevention Model

 advocated by Leavell and Clark in 1975

 This model suggests that the natural history of any
disease exists on a continuum, with health at one end
and advanced disease at the other.
 Primordial prevention- prevention of the emergence or
development of risk factors in population or countries in
which they have not yet appeared.
 efforts are directed towards discouraging children from
adopting harmful lifestyles.
 Primary prevention-An action taken prior to the onset of
disease, which removes the possibility that the disease
will ever occur.
 Secondary prevention- Action which halts the progress
of a disease at its incipient stage and prevents
 Tertiary prevention-All measures available to reduce or
limit impairment and disabilities, minimize suffering
caused by existing departures from good health and to
promote the patient's to irremediable
adjustment conditions.
Modes of intervention
 Health promotion

 Specific protection

 Early diagnosis and treatment

 Disability limitation

 rehabilitation

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