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Artha Training Session

Flow of the Debate-

Gsl -----modcauc-----gsl-----unmod-----gsl-----mod cauc

Gsl list should not get exhausted at any cost.

How voting and raising a motion works?

First the eb has to ask if there are any motions on the floor


Raising a motion
according to

Rights while entering a mod
The person who has raised a motion gets some perks

• Using the right- you basically want to speak first

• Reserving the right- you want to speak last
How are speeches conducted?
Assume that you have successfully raised and passed a motion with
total time 10 per speaker 1 minute,
recognises speakers
A speaker
speaks for
1 minute Next
Verbatim for raising a motion-
1. The delegate of ______ would like to raise a motion to-
a. if mod cauc- suspend the formal debate and move into a moderated
caucus for the topic ____________ for a total committee time of __, per
speaker time being ____ seconds/minutes each.

b. if unmod- move into an unmod for total time being ____

2. General motions such as adjourning or breaking for lunch can be simply
raise by saying- The delegate of ______ would like to raise a motion to
3. Discretion- The eb has this special power which allows them to use their
authority to pass a motion without actually voting on it.

1. Point of Personal privilege- a point of pp is used when you want the

eb or the oc to help/do something for you.
2. Point of parliamentary enquiry- a point of PE is used when you have
a procedural doubt or even a general doubt
3. Point of Order- a point of order is only used when there is a grave
procedural inaccuracy or factual inaccuracy happening in the
4. Point of information- point of information can be raised when you
want to ask a delegate a question regarding his/her speech.
How to ask poi’s?
Ask your question

The other delegate

If you have another
question ask for a
plead to follow up

If allowed ask If denied

the question send in a
How to research for a mun?
• Exploit google yaar.
• Read news articles.
• Dig up dirt on other nations.
• Youtube dekhlo yaar.
• Make notes.

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