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Lesson 4: Ending Sounds

Linking Sounds
English Pronunciation
Hoang Binh Hau
Ending Sound
/s/, /es/
- Xuất hiện trong 4 trường hợp:
Danh từ số nhiều: I went out with my friendS
I have some questionS for you
Động từ thời hiện tại đơn sau chủ ngữ ngôi thứ 3 số
ít: He goES to school by bus
Sở hữu cách của danh từ: Mary'S brother is a doctor
Dạng rút gọn của "is" hoặc "has": He'S been a famous
student since he was 15 years old
Ending Sound
/s/, /es/
/s/: khi từ tận cùng bằng các phụ âm /p/, /t/, /k/,
/f/, /θ/

/iz/: khi từ tận cùng bằng các phụ âm gió /s/, /z/,
/ʃ/, /ʒ/, /tʃ/, /dʒ/
‾ He is very rich. He has 3 big houses in Hanoi
‾ He washes all the dishes after our dinner

/z/: còn lại

Add the correct s/es to the end of the words
below then speak them aloud
Stops /s/ Changes /iz/ Kids /z/
Topics /s/ Classes /iz/ Calls /z/
Plays /z/ Gets /s/ Cloths /s/
Laughs /s/ Focuses /iz/ Speaks /s/
Breaths /s/ Takes /s/ Messages /iz/
Return /z/ Buses /iz/ Checks /s/
Ending Sound /ed/
/id/: ends with /t/, /d/
‐ I waited for him all night
‐ I visited my brother last week
/t/: ends with voiceless consonant, except /t/
‐ He kicked the ball
‐ When I asked for help, they supported me a lot
‐ My father fixed my bicycle yesterday
‐ He kissed on her cheek
/d/: ends with voiced consonant or vowel, except /d/
‐ She cried a lot last night
‐ I climbed up to the top of this mountain
‐ She saved all her money
 Consonant + Vowel
 Consonant + Consonant
 Vowel + Vowel
Consonant + Vowel
Thank you! =/θæŋkju:/
Come on! = /kʌmɔn/
I like it! = /ai laikit/
Look at me! = /lʊkət mi/
Hold on = /houldɔn/
All of you = /ɔːləvju:/
LA (=Los Angeles) = /el lei/
MA (=Master of Arts) =/em mei/
Consonant + Consonant
Black Coffee
/blæk//kɒfi/ => /blæ’kɒfi/
Gave it to him!
Them = /əm/
Him = /im/
Her =/ər/
• take him = /teikim/
• gave her = /geivər/
Vowel + Vowel
Đối với nguyên âm tròn môi (OU, U, AU…)
 +W
  e.g: Do it! = /du: wit/
You are = /ju:wɑːr/ 
 USA = /ju wes sei/

Đối với nguyên âm dài môi (E, I, EI,…)

 +J
e.g: I ask him = /ai ja:skim/
I am = /ai jæm/
My eyes = /maijaiz/
the end = /ðiːjend/

Đối với âm /j/ đứng sau chữ t, d

 + CH
e.g: Do you believe me, don’t you? (/doʊnchju:/)
What would you (/wʊchju:/) like?
Linking Sound
Wake up /weɪk ʌp/
I like you. I love you. /aɪ laɪk juː/. /aɪ lʌv ju:/
I hate it. I hated it /aɪ heɪt ɪt/. /aɪ ˈheɪtɪd ɪt/
Just a moment! /ʤʌst ə ˈməʊmənt/
She’s an American /ʃiːz ən əˈmɛrɪkən/
Have a good day! /hæv ə gʊd deɪ/
Life is awesome! /laɪf ɪz ˈɔːsəm/
What time is it? /wɒt taɪm ɪz ɪt/
Can you kick it there? /kæn juː kɪk ɪt ðeə/
Can I talk to you? /kæn aɪ tɔːk tuː juː/
I think it’s easy /aɪ θɪŋk ɪts ˈiːzi/ 
It’s a piece of cake /ɪts ə piːs ɒv keɪk/
That’s very kind of you! /ðæts ˈvɛri kaɪnd ɒv juː/ 
I want to find out who he is /aɪ wɒnt tuː faɪnd aʊt huː hiː ɪz/
My wife is pretty /maɪ waɪf ɪz ˈprɪti/ 
The bag is too big /ðə bæg ɪz tuː bɪg/ 
These bags are too big /ðiːz bægz ɑː tuː bɪg/ 
Her smile is beautiful /hɜː smaɪl ɪz ˈbjuːtəfʊl/
There are six honest people /ðeər ɑː sɪks ˈɒnɪst ˈpiːpl/
Can I have an apple? /kæn aɪ hæv ən ˈæpl/
“You’ll always be in my /juːl ˈɔːlweɪz biː ɪn maɪ hɑːt/

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