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Materials are categorized into two they are:

Natural Man-made
Let’s look at Some examples of natural
It is used for burning, building houses,
making furniture and lots of other
Chalk is a soft white
rock called lime. It is
formed in and around
the sea.
Let’s look at some examples
of man-made materials
Rubber is made from a
material from
trees(latex) or
petroleum. In both the
ways the natural
There are many types of
Question Time!!!
• What do we mean by natural materials??

• What are man-made materials??

• Identify! Man-made or plastic???

• Activity book: page 15,16,17
Materials can change Shape
Some materials also can be twisted. Example
balloons can be twisted into any shape.
• Materials that will stretch are called elastic

• The thicker the elastic, the stronger it is.

• Men use elastic materials to train their muscles.

Heating & Cooling
• When you burn a candle, the hot flame begins to melt
the wax.

• You can also cool materials. A liquid will change to a

solid if it is cooled to a low enough temperature.

• Example: if water is put into a freezer it will change

into ice.
Dissolving materials

• Some materials dissolve in water while others don’t.

• Can you think of Some????

Check your Progress……………
• What happens to these materials when they are
Chocolate butter ice

• What happens to these materials when they are put in a

water Cooking oil Warm liquid chocolate
•Challenge book pages: 18,19,20&21

•Activity book: 18,19&20

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