Complementary and Integrative Medicine For Older Adults

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ary and Integrative Medicine for

• I am not an expert on all modalities of Integrative

• This session is not to serve in place of medical

treatment and advice. Please formally consult your

medical provider for treatment of any and all
What is Complementary Medicine
Complementary medicine is a group of diagnostic
and therapeutic disciplines that are used together
with conventional medicine. Its also commonly
called Integrative Medicine.
• such as aromatherapy to lessen a patient’s
discomfort after surgery.
Integrative (CAM) vs Alternative Medicine
Integrative medicine is the uses of alternative
medicine together with conventional medicine.
While alternative medicine is used in place of
conventional medicine.
• An example of alternative therapy is using a
special diet to treat cancer instead of
undergoing surgery, radiation, and
chemotherapy that has been recommended
by a physician.
Integrative (CAM) Medicine
acupuncture herbalism osteopathic - omt
aromatherapy hypnosis reflexology
biofeedback massage spiritual healing
chiropractic meditation tai chi
diet naturopathy chinese medicine
energy medicine nutritional yoga
Do older adults use Integrative/CAM?
• Recent studies show 30%-58% of older adults use

• A significant concern is 58% do not discuss these

therapies with their medical doctor.

• Only 35% reported CAM was in the patient’s chart.
• Many using CAM assume “natural” equals “benign”
• A number of CAM practices have significant

interactions and contraindications with conventional

Complementary and Alternative Therapies
1. Traditional Chinese medicine
• acupuncture and naturopathic medicine
2. Mind-Body Interventions
• meditation, prayer, art, music, and tai chi
3. Biological based therapies
• herbs, foods, vitamins, supplements, natural
4. Manipulative and Body-based methods
• chiropractic/osteopathic manipulation, tai chi, massage
5. Energy therapies
• therapeutic/healing touch, bioelectrical fields, reiki
Traditional Chinese medicine
Acupuncture - Chi vs nerve stimulation and blood flow
5-20 needles
afterwards may feel lightheaded but generally relaxed
• Bleeding disorder,
• Pacemaker
• Pregnancy

Uses: Pain, Nausea, Opioid addiction

Traditional Chinese medicine
• Aromatherapy
• Essential oils rose, lavender, frankincense
• Used for:
• Anxiety, depression, sleep, pain
Mind-Body Medicine
• Variety of techniques designed to enhance the mind’s

capacity to affect bodily function and symptoms.

• Some techniques considered integrative/CAM in the

past are today considered main stream (patient

support groups and cognitive behavioral therapy).
• Other mind body techniques:
• meditation, prayer, mental healing, arts, music,

animal therapy, deep breathing, biofeedback,

Mind-Body Medicine
Mind body techniques include:
meditation, prayer, mental healing, arts, music, animal
therapy, deep breathing,
Animal therapybiofeedback, Spirituality
Mental healing
Art therapy Music
Biofeedback Prayer
Deep breathing Sound therapy
Meditation Spirituality
Mind-Body Medicine
• Meditation/Prayer/Stress reduction may confer

lasting benefit: long term follow up (average of 7.6

years) of 202 persons 55+ who participated in studies
involving meditation showed:
• Decreased by 23% all cause mortality
• Decreased by 30% cardiovascular mortality
• Decreased by 49% cancer mortality compared with

control subjects in the same studies.

Biological based therapy
Biological medicine includes herbs, foods, vitamins,
supplements, natural supplements
Black Cohash Menopausal Symptoms

Echinacea Immune health

Fish oil Anti-inflammatory

Glucosamine/Chond Arthritis
Probiotics Irritable Bowel, cold, eczema

Saw Palmetto Prostate

Turmeric Cholesterol, Arthritis

Biological based therapy
• 15% adults age 60+ have what is considered a “poor”

diet from: too few meals, meals lacking vital nutrients,

or simply inadequate produce and protein intake.
• Frequently seen in seniors who live alone, have

untreated dental problems, or difficulty swallowing.

• Medications can alter taste and suppress appetite.
Biological based therapy
Biological medicine - memory
• Balanced diet may be difficult to achieve every day.

Supplement with B vitamins (B2, B6, B12) to help

improve energy and maintain healthy memory.
Biological based therapy
• Biological medicine - bone health
• Calcium and Vitamin D supplementation may also be

necessary to protect your bones. Many multivitamins

contain the necessary daily intake for seniors, but
remember to mention this supplement to your
physician as increased vitamin supplementation may
interact with particular medications.
Biological based therapy
• Biological medicine - Pain - anti-inflammatory
• Omega-3 Fatty Acids found in fish oil, with DHA and

EPA have been shown to have anti-inflammatory

• Turmeric can reduce inflammation and improve pain

within the body. Consider 1-2 teaspoons of the spice

to your evening meals or morning smoothie.
Biological based therapy
• Constipation: Affects almost 30% of the elderly.

While it may be the sign of a more serious problem,

typically, most constipation is caused by medications.
• Many individuals find it difficult to get adequate

fiber and fluid. To alleviate this problem, consider

adding 1-2 cups of peppermint tea to your diet. This
improves gut motility.
• Consider also taking a probiotic.
Manipulative and Body- based therapy
• Tai Chi - systematic exercise and martial art in China

for more than 2000 years. Slow circular movements

require muscles to remain relaxed while making a
sustained, even, and continuous effort.
• It can be considered both a body based and an energy

based practice, as it is purported to move chi the life

energy. Tai Chi is a standardized and manualized
series of exercises based on Tai Chi that has been
Manipulative and Body- based therapy
• The Cochrane Review determined tai chi is likely

effective in preventing falls in the elderly. It is more

effective than brisk walking in improving balance,
flexibility, and lower extremity strength.
• It decreases the likelihood of falls at 6 months and

improves static balance.

• Further, it has been shown to increase physical

functioning, increase reported feelings of relaxation,

Energy therapy
Energy Therapy
• Healing touch
• Heat
• Light
• Reiki
• Sound
• Spirituality

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