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Use of Building Information Modeling and Augmented

Reality in the field of Construction

Group 7
Carelo, Romero, Javier
Background of the study

 There are many issues plaguing the field of construction such as

time constraints budgetary issues and safety concerns. Many people
suffer from these issues which cause many delays, errors, going over
or under budget, and possible physical harm to laborers, managers,
and sometimes on-site shareholders which could lead to project
cancellation or delays.
Gap analysis
 Our research talks about the applications of AR in construction management and its application
within its fields of worker training, progress tracking, scheduling, safety management, time and
cost management, and quality and defects management. As well as its improvements in heavy
equipment training. The visualization aspect in Augmented reality features allows for better
communications opportunities between the parties involved in any construction project
conferences as it can aid in commenting and suggestion making by linking the multiple
conference members from long distances and simulating them within the Real-time space in the
same area. It can also utilize its AR technologies in order to find defects in the project otherwise
unnoticeable to the human eye.
Research Question

What technologies can Augmented reality benefit the field of

construction Directly.

How will the field of construction benefit from the use of Augmented
Reality technologies
General Objective
 The aim of this project is to show technological examples on how the AR based
technology is able to improve the fields of progress tracking, scheduling, safety
management, time and cost management, and quality and defects management.
BIM is all about the sharing of information between all parties to a project.
Ideally it involves the design and construction teams, the client and the people
who will be managing the project long after the other participants have left.
Specific Objectives
 The goal for our research is to apply the uses of Augmented reality
into the field of construction in order to save time and cost to any
ongoing projects. Also, to aid in project management for the field to
be safer and more efficient.
 We are currently in an age where the fast paced development of
technology has altered the way humans view and interact with their
environment. AR application can utilize the camera of any mobile
device and scan the real world in order to layer images or text into
the view of that real space. 
 It is very expensive to implement and develop AR technology-based
projects and to maintain it. It is very costly to develop AR
enabled devices. Lack of privacy is major drawback of AR. Low
performance level of AR devices is a major drawback which can
arise during testing phase.
Conceptual Framework
Uses of Augmented reality
 Augmented reality has many beneficial uses, it is meant to
superimpose sounds simulated imagery or text into real space this
has many benefits in many fields of science such as medicine,
manufacturing and business conferencing Several mobile assistive
devices utilized in augmented reality on a head mounted display are
used in multiple purposes such as training or information sharing
especially within the construction industry this provides an aid in the
complex manufacturing environment and offers great possibilities to
overcome many challenges.
 Augmented reality has the potential to utilize BIM-based augmented
reality in order to provide a platform for the sub-contractors and the
site management team to effectively utilize data gathered inside a
BIM model that could be used to store all the data needed in the
documentation process and the two dimensional layout of the
construction site which can be printed out for the convenience of the
 With the widespread implementation of BIM or Building
Information modeling it has revolutionized the visualization of the
projects design by professionals in many fields. BIM can provide the
ability to create a 3d model that encapsulates an entire structure and
provide accurate building information
 BIM or Building Information Modeling in providing information
storage, communication aids, and Lean construction techniques like
PPC or production planning control. The last planer system is a PPC
system initially created by Glenn Ballard and Greg Howell  made to
improve the construction and predictability by bringing a last
planner into the process this is a party typically a trade foreman who
is tasked to control the operative tasks and provide practical
experience and to structure the plans more realistically it
decentralizes management tasks and makes cooperative work more
Research Locale
 The researchers have chosen the construction company RITVIT as the basis of
our research Engr. Nemesio Guillermo and Engr. Herminiguildo Carelo, an
Electrical Engineer and a Mechanical engineer working for the company of
RITVIT. The company is located in URCI, Alabang–Zapote Road, Las Pinas,
1740 Metro Manila.
Respondents/Dataset-Sampling Technique
 The members of the company will be interviewed we will ask how they currently conduct
project management in their company how they plan out and manage each of their projects how
they receive commissions from their clients then we would ask whether or not they believe that
the utilization for augmented reality could aid in conferencing or visualization of their
architectural plans as well as utilizing BIM for more effective construction cost estimation
and if using BIM allows them to better coordinate trades and subcontractors, detecting any
MEP, internal, or external clashes before construction begins. The data collected will give us an
insight on how to better utilize this technology in the field and other fields in construction.
1. What kind of construction projects o you
usually conduct?
2. Do you know about any BIM or AR
3. Do you implement any BIM or AR
 A survey has also been
Technologies in your construction
given to the representatives
in order to recieve more
information relevant to the 4. If yes, did it help in any way in your
companies methods in projects?
construction 5. If not, do you think that it will improve
work quality and efficiency in conducting
the projects?
6. What problems do you usually encounter
in the construction phase of the project?
7. Do you use any risk management
software or programs in your projects?
Statistical Treatment
 To interpret the data acquired from conducting the tests, the researchers will utilize
the Independent T-Test a kind of Comparison of Means these tests look for the difference
between the means of variables. Two-sample groups will be the representatives of the company
and regular unaffiliated individuals in the company one side will know what has been
implemented into our project and the other will not be informed and will be given a description
on what it's supposed to do. The data will be then gathered on the reactions and how they
interacted with our project based on the ease of access on utilizing our proposed project.

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