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Copyright © P. Kundur COMP -1

This material should not be used without the author's consent 1539pk
Power System Security

Security of power systems depends on three


 The Physical System

 the integrated generation, transmission and
distribution system, and loads
 protection and controls
 The Business Structures
 owning and operating entities
 performance and service contracts
 The Regulatory Framework
 roles and responsibilities of individual entities
 well chosen, clearly defined and properly

COMP - 2 1539pk
Challenges to Secure Operation of
Today's Power Systems

 Large complex power systems

 thousands of devices requiring harmonious interplay
 Complex modes instability
 global problems
 different forms of instability:
rotor angle, voltage, frequency
 "Deregulated" market environment
 many independent entities with diverse business interests
 lack of integrated and inter-regional planning
 power systems can no longer be operated conservatively within pre-established limits
 A comprehensive approach to system security is required

COMP - 3 1539pk
Comprehensive Approach to System

1. Proper selection, design and application of

power system controls and protective relaying
2. Development and deployment of a good
“defense plan” against extreme contingencies
3. Development of a well documented and
organized plan for rapid and safe restoration of
the power system
4. Use of state-of-the-art techniques for on-line
dynamic security assessment to determine
stability margins and identify any corrective
5. Implementation of a Reliability Management
System (RMS) for setting, monitoring and
enforcing security related standards
6. Development and application of real-time wide
area Monitoring and Control
 an emerging technology

7. Widespread use of distributed generation

COMP - 4 1539pk
Power System Controls and
Protective Relaying

COMP - 5
Normal State Controls

 Generator controls:
 excitation controls: AVR, PSS
 prime-mover, energy supply system controls

 Transmission controls:
 voltage regulators
 switched reactors/capacitors, SVCs
 HVDC and FACTS controls

 Secondary/tertiary voltage control:

 used by EDF, ENEL

COMP - 6 1539pk
Preventive and Emergency Controls

Preventive Controls
 Generation shifting
 Increase in VAR reserve

Emergency Controls
 Generator tripping
 Generation runback/fast valving
 Load shedding
 Dynamic braking
 Transient excitation boosting
 HVDC link rapid power ramping
 Controlled system separation
 Transformer tap-changer blocking

COMP - 7 1539pk
Power System Controls in the New

 Efficient utilization of facilities while ensuring

 greater dependence on controls

 Successful energy trading (buying, wheeling and

selling of power):
 can overwhelm existing controls
 need for more sophisticated controls using
advanced technologies

 New business structure of owning and operating

entities impacts:
 what controls are used
 how they are designed and deployed

COMP - 8 1539pk
Implications of Ownership

 Industry will comprise corporate entities having

diverse roles and business interests
 Physical functioning of the integrated power
system will remain the same
 Control of individual equipment should
 not to be left to owner’s discretion
 be vested with the independent system operator
 Specification and design of controls:
 part of overall system planning/design
 carried out by an independent entity
 Otherwise security and overall economy will be
 defeats the very purpose of restructuring

COMP - 9 1539pk
Generator Controls

 Essential to recognize the critical role of

generator controls
 Use of fast exciters, AVR, PSS and speed
governor should be mandatory
 No difficulty in motivating power plant owners to
install controls:
 needed to meet local plant needs
 enhance plant operability and stability
 Financial incentives for controls needed to:
 meet global system needs
 enhance overall system performance
 Many of the existing equipment are old and
 need for upgrading on a prioritized basis

COMP - 10 1539pk
Coordinated Design of Robust

 Increasing use of:

 multi-purpose controllers
 multiple controllers to solve a common problem
 Satisfactory and harmonious performance of different controllers with overlapping
spheres of influence requires:
 coordination and integration
 Controller design must consider performance under all probable conditions:
 wide range of conditions encountered during normal operation
 severe system upsets: coordination with protective systems
 Addressed in a recent report by CIGRE TF38.02.16: “Impact of Interactions among Power
System Controls”

COMP - 11 1539pk
Analytical Techniques for Design of
Normal Controls

 Proper design techniques and procedures to

 utilization of full potential of the controller
 no adverse interaction with other controls or with
protective systems
 Key design issues:
 selection of devices and input signals
 robustness
 coordination
 impact on overall system performance
 Complementary use of small-signal analysis and
nonlinear time-domain simulation


COMP - 12 1539pk
Analytical Techniques (cont’d)

 Small-signal analysis using eigenvalue

techniques provides valuable information
useful in control design:
 transfer function residues, participation
factors, frequency response, controllability
and observability
 examination of interaction with other
 Nonlinear time-domain (short- and long-term)
simulations assist in:
 establishing signal limits
 assessment of performance during large
 checking adverse interaction with protective
 designing emergency controls


COMP - 13 1539pk
Analytical Techniques (cont'd)

 Design one controller at a time with all other

relevant devices/controls modelled
 Robustness to changing system conditions
achieved by:
 considering different operating conditions
 using engineering judgement
 Robustness to parameter uncertainty
achieved by:
 carrying out sensitivity analysis
 Alternatively, robust controller design
technique may be used:
 for example, H-infinity approach

COMP - 14 1539pk
Improved Protective Relaying

 State-of-the-Art protective relaying for

generating units and transmission lines
 Adaptive relaying with settings that adapt to the
real-time system states
 Replacement of zone 3 and other backup
relaying on important lines with improved
 Improved protection and control at power plants
to minimize unit tripping for voltage and
frequency excursions
 Protective relay improvements to prevent
tripping of critical elements on overload
 control actions to relieve overload

COMP - 15 1539pk
Defense Plans Against Extreme

COMP - 16
Extreme Contingencies (ECs)

 Major system disturbances:

 result of contingencies more severe than
normal design contingencies
 occurrence rare, but impact very high
 likely to be experienced more often in the
new environment
 Brought about by a combination of events:
 multiple outages caused by severe weather
 inadequate design of system and equipment;
equipment malfunction
 human error
 Examples of major system upsets:
 French system, 1978 and 1987
 WSCC system, July and August 1996
 Brazilian system, March 1999
 NE U.S.A. and Ontario, August 2003
 Italian System, September 2003
 Sweden and Denmark, September 2003

COMP - 17 1539pk
Defense Plans to Minimize Impact of
Extreme Contingencies

 Judicious choice of several forms of emergency

controls will provide protection against different
forms of possible disturbances
 Key design and implementation issues:
 detection
 control action
 timing
 automation and Adaptiveness
 side effects on equipment and system
 coordination

CIGRE TF 38.02.19 report on "System Protection

Schemes in Power Networks" published in 2001
provides a good summary of emergency controls used
by utilities worldwide, future trends and suggested
design procedures

COMP - 18 1539pk
Steps in the Development of a
Defense Plan

 Detailed modeling of power system, including fast and slow processes triggered by EC’s:
 includes wide range of protection and controls
 Identification of scenarios of ECs:
 based on past experience, knowledge of unique characteristics of system
 probabilistic approach
 Simulation and analysis of contingencies:
 extended time-domain simulation
 Identification of measures to minimize the causes of ECs:
 improved protection/controls;
better coordination
 Development of a comprehensive set of emergency controls to mitigate consequences of ECs

COMP - 19 1539pk
Guidelines for Design and
Deployment of a Good Defense Plan

 Should, as far as possible, provide coverage against all possible ECs

 Simplicity, reliability,and low cost should be prime considerations
 Inadvertent operation of emergency controls must not severely affect system
 Response-based emergency controls should generally be preferred:
 as opposed to those based on direct detection of outages
 Various emergency controls should be coordinated:
 complement each other
 act properly in a complex situation triggering several controls
 Ensure compatibility of defense plans developed by neighboring utilities

COMP - 20 1539pk
Power System Restoration

COMP - 21
Power System Restoration

 Even if power systems are designed and operated in the best possible manner:
 impossible to prevent all contingencies which could cause widespread blackouts
 While the physical extent of the blackout is a concern, the duration is equally
 detailed restoration plans required
 The new competitive environment requires a well documented and organized plan:
 to ensure that the system, with its numerous independent entities, can be
re-energized safely and quickly
 Successful system restoration has been a challenge for traditional monopolistic
 will be a greater challenge in the new competitive structure with many owners

COMP - 22 1539pk
Power System Restoration Process

 Assessment of the system status and initial cranking


 Identification and preparation of restoration paths to

build subsystems

 Resynchronization of subsystems and restoration of


COMP - 23 1539pk
Key Issues for System Restoration

 Ensuring sufficient black start capability with due regard to:

 generator startup times and loading rates; governor droop characteristics, and
VAr capability
 Maintaining voltages and other key parameters within acceptable bounds
 avoid tripping of critical elements or equipment damage
 Developing a consistent switching strategy throughout the procedure
 Coordinating system protection schemes
 Organizing the restoration plan with well defined roles for each participant
 Training all participants in the restoration procedure

COMP - 24 1539pk
Analytical Tools for Developing
Restoration Plans

 Steady-state analysis:
 power flow analysis, including examination of sustained overvoltages; fault level
calculation; harmonic analysis
 Quasi steady-state analysis:
 operator training simulator, long-term dynamic simulation
 Dynamic analysis:
 transient stability (TS) programs for verifying subsystem resynchronization
 extended TS programs for verifying startup of auxiliaries of power plants, i.e., large
induction motors
 ElectroMagnetic Transients Program (EMTP) for analysis of switching transients

COMP - 25 1539pk
Reliability Management System

COMP - 26
Reliability Management System

 In the monopolistic structure, power systems were

owned and operated by a few vertically integrated
 planning and operating standards were developed
cooperatively and implemented voluntarily
 In the competitive environment, with many new
players, global management of power system
reliability requires a process that is legislated
 Roles and responsibilities of individual entities
should be well chosen, clearly defined and properly
coordinated and enforced
 For proper functioning of the overall system
 a “shared vision” is necessary among all the
entities involved
 a good monitoring system for ”standards”
 The RMS approach provides a contractual method
of dealing with the many entities of a single
interconnected system:
 ensures overall system security through a well
defined and enforceable criteria

COMP - 27 1539pk
Components of Reliability
Management System

 A typical Reliability Management System has four components:

1. Reliability criteria applicable to Control Area operators
 operating reserves, disturbance control, control performance standards, operating transfer
2. Reliability criteria applicable to generators
 requirements for AVR and PSS
 “grid codes” for new sources of generation
3. Reliability criteria applicable to transmission system users
4. Excuse of performance
 excused non-compliance, specific excuses
 For each component, the reliability system specifies:
 participants, criteria, data reporting, compliance standard, non-compliance standard, sanctions

COMP - 28 1539pk
On-Line Dynamic Security

COMP - 29
Dynamic Security Assessment

 A challenging task
 changing system conditions; complexity and size of power systems

 Historically based on off-line studies

 system operated conservatively within
pre-established limits

 On-line DSA essential in the new competitive environment

 evaluation of available transfer capability (ATC)

COMP - 30 1539pk
Components of DSA

 All forms of system instability must be addressed

 Two categories important for on-line assessment
 Transient (angle) stability
 Voltage stability
 Small-signal (angle) stability
 control problem addressed in system design
 on-line assessment important for some systems
 Here we provide a description On-line Voltage Stability and Transient
Stability Tools developed at Powertech Labs Inc.

COMP - 31 1539pk
On-Line Voltage Stability
Assessment Package

COMP - 32
Key Elements of VSA

 Interface with EMS; Model Initialization

 Contingency screening and selection
 Determination of secure operating region
 using static analysis

 Determination of remedial actions

 Fast time-domain simulation
 validation and checking

COMP - 33 1539pk
Contingency Selection Module

 Impractical to consider every conceivable contingency

 A limited number (typically 20) critical contingencies determined for
detailed studies
 Performance Indices based on a few power flow solutions and reactive
reserve not reliable
 A fast screening method used:
 based on exact margin to voltage collapse and full power flow solutions
 number of power flow solutions 1.2 to 2.0 times number of contingencies
 Supplemented with user-specified contingencies

COMP - 34 1539pk
Fig. 4 Automatic Critical Contingency Selection

COMP - 35 1539pk
Security Computation Module

 Engine for voltage stability analysis

 static analysis with detailed models
 Secure region is defined by a number of Coordinates (SRCs)
 key system parameters: MW generation, area load, interface transfers, etc.
 Voltage stability determined by
 existence of powerflow solution
 MVAr reserves of key reactive sources
 post-contingency voltage decline
 Specialized powerflow dispatcher and solver to quickly search for stability limit

COMP - 36 1539pk
 generator capability curves
 governor response, economic dispatch, AGC
 nonlinear loads
 control of ULTCs, switched shunts, etc.

Inputs and Outputs:

 Inputs
 list of contingencies produced by screening and
ranking (+user defined)
 base case powerflow from state estimator
 definition of SCRs
 voltage security criteria and definition of
parameter of stress
 Output
 secure region in secure region space

COMP - 37 1539pk
Secure Operating Region

COMP - 38 1539pk
Secure Operating Region

COMP - 39 1539pk
Remedial Measures Module

 Determines necessary remedial measures to

 ensure sufficient stability margins
 expand the secure region
 Preventative control actions:
 taken prior to a contingency
 caps/reactor switching, generation redispatch,
voltage rescheduling
 Corrective (emergency) control actions:
 applied following a contingency
 load shedding, generator runback, transformer
tap changer blocking
 Ranking of each remedial measure using
sensitivity analysis

COMP - 40 1539pk
Ranking and Applying Remedial

 Objective is to identify the most effective remedial measures to give the desired
stability margin
 Obtain solved power flow case for the most severe contingency
 gradually introduce the effect of the contingency
 bus injection compensation technique
 Compute the sensitivities of reactive power (or bus voltage) to different control
 rank the remedial measures
 Apply controls one at a time in order of ranking until power flow solves for the
most severe contingency

COMP - 41 1539pk
Expanding the Secure Region:
Remedial Measures

COMP - 42 1539pk
Fast Time-Domain Simulation

 Determines the essential dynamic phenomena without step-by-step

numerical integration
 when chronology of events significant
 for validating the effect of remedial measures

 Focuses on the evolution of system dynamic response driven by slow

 transformer tap changers, field current limiters, switched caps

 Captures the effects of fast dynamics by solving associated steady state


COMP - 43 1539pk
Fig. 3 VSAT Structure

COMP - 44 1539pk
Transient Stability Assessment

COMP - 45
Transient Stability Assessment

 Time-domain simulations essential

 modeling detail and accuracy
 Sole dependence on time-domain simulations has severe limitations
 high computational burden
 no stability margin/sensitivity information
 requires considerable human interaction
 Supplementary techniques for speeding up and automating overall process
 Methods available for deriving useful indices
 Transient Energy Function (TEF)
 Signal Energy Analysis
 Extended Equal Area Criterion (EEAC)

COMP - 46 1539pk
Key Elements of TSA

 Interface with EMS; Model Initialization

 Contingency screening and selection
 Simulation engine
 detailed modeling
 time-domain simulation
 speed enhancement
 Post-processing of detailed simulation
 stability margin index using EEAC
 power transfer limit search
 remedial measures
 damping calculation using PRONY

COMP - 47 1539pk
A Practical Tool for TSA

 Overall architecture similar to that of VSA

 Time-domain program, with detailed models and efficient solution techniques, forms
simulation engine
 EEAC used for screening contingencies, computing stability margin, stability limit
search, and early termination of simulation
 “Prony analysis” for calculation of damping of critical modes of oscillation
 A powerflow dispatcher and solver for finding the stability limit
 a fully automated process

 No modeling compromises;
can handle multi-swing instability

COMP - 48 1539pk

 Integrates the dynamic response in the

multimachine space, and maps the resultant
trajectory into a set of one-machine-infinite-
bus planes
 by applying complementary cluster center of
inertia (CCCI) transformations
 keeps all dynamic information in the
multimachine space
 stability analysis can be quantitatively
performed for the image OMIB systems
 has the same accuracy and modeling flexibility
 fast, quantitative

COMP - 49 1539pk

 Loss of transient stability in a power system always

starts in a binary splitting of generators:
 critical cluster of generators
 rest of the system

 At any given
point in the time-
trajectory of the
system, the
system can be
visualized as a
(OMIB) system

COMP - 50 1539pk

 The classical equal area criterion can be

extended to the visual OMIB system

Stability margin of the system is defined as

 Ad  Aa
 100 x if the system is stable  Ad  Aa 
A  Aa
100 x d if the system is unstable  Aa  Ad 
 Aa

Thus, -100   , and

if the system is stable

 if the system is unstable

 can be used as a stability index

COMP - 51 1539pk
Use of EEAC Theory

 Contingency screening
 stability margin gives an indication of the relative severity
 Corrective measures for maintaining secure system operation
 critical cluster of generators (CCG) provides valuable information
 Power transfer limit search
 stability limit can be determined in four iterations using stability margin
 each iteration involves a detailed simulation and computation of
stability index

COMP - 52 1539pk
Results - Test System

System description

 BC Hydro system
 1430 buses
 186 generators
 4 HVDC links


 GMS and PCN output

 Base case transfer = 3158


 Three phase fault at GMS 500

kV bus
 Tripping of one of two 500 kV
lines from GMS to WSN

COMP - 53 1539pk
Limit Search Results

COMP - 54 1539pk
Speed Enhancement: Parallel

 Code parallelization
 differential equations easily parallelized, but not network equations
 speed-ups limited by serial slowdown effect
 up to 7 times speed-up can be achieved with 20-30 processors
 not an effective way
 Conventional serial computers offer much faster computational per-CPU
 Best approach is to use multiple processors
 Perform TS analysis and VS analysis in parallel
 For multiple contingencies
 perform initialization only once
 run contingencies on multiple processors

COMP - 55 1539pk
TSAT Structure

Solved Powerflow
Dynamic Data

Transaction Screening & Ranking Contingency List
Definitions (EEAC)
Must Run




Security Limit?

Sufficient No Remedial
Margin? Measures


Fig. 8 TSAT Structure

COMP - 56 1539pk
Computational Performance of DSA

 Target cycle time from capture of state estimation to

completion of security assessment for all specified
 20 minutes

 TSA and VSA functions performed in parallel

 distributed processing on separate CPUs

 This can be readily achieved with low cost PCs

COMP - 57 1539pk
Example of Computational
Performance of VSAT

Computation times for a 4655 bus, 156

generator system on a 1.7 GHz Pentium 4 PC
with 256 MB memory:

 Screening 300 contingencies to select 20 critical

contingencies: 20 secs
 Detailed security analysis of base case with 20
critical contingencies: 1.2 secs
 One transaction limit search with 20 critical
contingencies: 12 secs

COMP - 58 1539pk
Example of Computational
Performance of TSAT

Computation times for a 4655 bus, 156

generator system on a 1.7 GHz Pentium 4
 Screening 100 contingencies for ranking
10 critical contingencies: 75 secs
 Detailed security analysis of 10 contingencies
including 3 second time domain simulations and
stability index calculation: 75 secs
 A four-iteration power transfer limit search for
one contingency: 120 secs
 Total time for complete power transfer limit
calculation, including screening of 100
contingencies, stability limit search with an
optimal order of 10 contingencies: 5 mins

NOTE: Both TSAT and VSAT have distributed

processing capability, allowing each contingency or
each transfer limit search to be processed in parallel
on separate CPUs

COMP - 59 1539pk

 On-line DSA is a complex problem

 It is a challenge to provide comprehensive
analysis with the required
 accuracy, speed, and robustness
 A practical tool for use with large complex
systems has been built by
 drawing on techniques developed over many
 enhancement and integration of these
 use of specialized software designs and
distributed hardware architectures
 May be used for real time application, or
previous day to post ATC

COMP - 60 1539pk
New and Emerging Technologies

 Real-Time Monitoring and Control

 Risk-Based Security Assessment

 Intelligent Control

COMP - 61 1539pk
Real-Time Monitoring and

COMP - 62
Real-Time Wide Area Monitoring

 Advances in communications technology have made it possible to:

 monitor power system over a wide area
 remotely control many functions
 Wide Area Monitoring:
 phasor measurement units (PMUs) provide time synchronized measurements with an accuracy of 1
microsecond, utilizing Global Position System (GPS)
 PMUs send measured voltage and current phasors to a Centralized Monitoring System, typically at 100
millisecond intervals
 Data stored and processed for various applications
 Results displayed on a Graphical User Interface
 Examples of Wide Area Monitoring Systems:
 North American Western Interconnected System's Wide Area Measurement System (WAMS) project; BPA,
EPRI, DOE as participants
 ETRANS Wide Area Monitoring (WAM) project for the Swiss Power Grid; developed by ABB

COMP - 63 1539pk
Wide Area Monitoring Current

 On-line monitoring of transmission corridors for


 Fast detection on critical situations

 voltage stability

 power system oscillations

 transmission overloading

 Additional input values of system variables for

state estimator

 Disturbance recording
 for calibration of power system model

 validation of stability analysis software

COMP - 64 1539pk
WAM Potential Future Applications:
Wide Area Emergency Control

 Prevention of partial or total blackout of power

 trigger emergency controls based on system
response and measurements

 Research into the application of "Multisensor

Data Fusion" technology
 process data from different monitors and
integrate information

 determine nature of impending emergency

 make intelligent control decisions in real time

 A fast and effective way to predict onset of

emergency conditions and take remedial control

COMP - 65 1539pk
Dynamic System Assessment

COMP - 66
Dynamic Security Assessment
Current Practice

 The utility practice has been to use deterministic

 build strong systems and operate with large
security margins
 overly conservative, but cost could be passed on
to captive customers
 The deterministic approach has served the
industry well
 high security levels
 study effort minimized
 In the new environment, with a diversity of new
participants, the deterministic approach not
readily acceptable
 need to account for the probabilistic nature of
conditions and events
 need to quantify and manage risk

COMP - 67 1539pk
Risk-Based Dynamic Security

 Examines the probability of power system

becoming unstable and its consequence
 Computes indices that measure security level or
degree of exposure to failure
 capture all cost consequences

 Notion of security posed in a language and form

understood by marketers and financial analysts
 Possible with today’s computing and analysis

COMP - 68 1539pk
Intelligent Control

COMP - 69
Power System Control

 Overall control functions highly distributed

 several levels of control
 involve complex array of devices
 Human operators provide important links at
various levels
 acquire and organize information
 make decisions requiring a combination of
deductive, inductive, and intuitive reasoning
 “Intuitive reasoning” allows quick analysis of
unforeseen and difficult situations and make
corrective decisions
 most important skill of an operator

COMP - 70 1539pk
OPERATIONS Energy Providers
PLANNING Power Marketers
System Models
Load Forecast Off-Line
Contingency Lists Security Limits
Security Criteria Transaction Requests

QUANTITIES State Estimator Look-up tables of
Build Model for Security Limits
Current System State Controls


Automatic CONTROL
Local Generation
Controls ACTIONS

Other Control
Human Controls

Local Transmission and Distribution


Human Controls Power Systems

Local Customers

Human Controls

COMP - 71 1539pk
Intelligent Control of Power

 Future power systems more complex to operate

 less structured environment
 Current controls do not have
 “human-like” intelligence
 Add intelligent components to conventional controls
 learn to make decisions quickly
 process imprecise information
 provide high level of adaptation
 Overall control of power systems
 utilize both conventional methods and decision making symbolic methods
 intelligent components form higher level of control

COMP - 72 1539pk
Distributed Generation

COMP - 73 1539pk
Distributed Generation (DG)

 Offer significant economic, environmental and

security benefits
 Microturbines
 small, high speed power plants
 operation on natural gas or gas from landfills
 Fuel Cells
 combines hydrogen with oxygen from air to
generate electricity with water
 hydrogen may be supplied from an external
source or generated inside fuel cell by reforming
a hydrocarbon fuel
 Not vulnerable to power grid failure due to
system instability or natural calamities !
 Protection and controls for DG should be
designed so that units continue to operate when
isolated from the power grid

COMP - 74 1539pk

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