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Upon noticing the sudden increase in absenteeism in an office, the concerned HR manager hired a

consultant to analyse the employees attendance data. The data was regarding four employees of the
company and the number of days on which they were physically present in the company in a month
consisting of 30 days. The HR manager did not provide the consultant with direct information about the
number of days on which these four employees were present. Instead, he chose two of the four employees
at a time, added the number of days on which they had been present and collated the six numbers so
obtained in a table in descending order from left to right on a sheet of paper. Just before going through the
data, the consultant spilled his coffee on the sheet as a result of which the column figures numbered 3, 4 and
5 became illegible. The table, after the spilling of coffee, is shown below.
For each of the employee the number of days on which he/she was absent in the given month was a distinct
integer. There was no such day in the month on which all the four employees were absent

COLUMN 1 2 3 4 5 6
Sum of the number of days on which 51 49 40
employees were present, taken two at a
Q1.Column figure numbered 5 should be: a 41 b 42 c 44 d 45
Q2. If one of the illegible column figures reads 45, then which of the following is true? a One of
the other illegible column figures reads 46. b One of the four employees was present on exactly
25 days in the month. C One of the four employees was present on exactly 23 days in the month.
d One of the four employees was present on exactly 21 days in the month.
Q3. Eksa was the second employee, if the 4 employees are arranged in ascending order of the
days on which they were present in the month. What could have been the maximum possible
number of days on which Eksa was present? a 25 b 24 c 23 d 22
Q4. When the consultant called up the HR manager and told him about the missing numbers, all
that the HR manager could remember was that the column figure numbered 3 was the addition
of the number of days for the two employees who were present on the maximum and the
minimum possible number of days. Which of the following is column figure numbered 3? a 44 b
45 46 d 47

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