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Advantages and Limitation

Sources, and Value
Audio Information
 Media communication
that uses audio or
recordings to deliver and
transfer information
through the means of
Advantages and
 Inexpensive
 Readily available and
simple to use
 Reproducible
 Repeatable
 Portable
Ease of lesson preparation
- instruction can record their
own audio taped lessons
easily and economically.
Selection are easily to
Resistance to damage
 Fixed sequenced
- it is difficult to scan audio
materials as you would do
on printed text materials.
 Doesn’t monitor attention
Difficulty in pacing
 Difficulty in locating segment
 Potential for accidental
 In terms of teaching, it caters
students who are audio learners. It is
one of the basic types of media but
is very effective.
 Using sound equipment improves
communication by heightening the
awareness of the audiences hearing.
 Audiences who use more of their
senses to engage at events remember
those events for a longer period of
 Audiences that has a disability in
terms of sight can be informed by the
use of audio information.

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