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Euthenics 2


“No man is an Island”
“No man is an Island” 

This statement undeniably and undoubtedly

speaks of a fact that no man can exist and
live by himself alone. He needs others and
conversely others need him. He has to
depend on his fellowmen and they have to
depend on him too, that he is basically a
social being and that is a plain reality.
Even the so-called hermits cannot live in
complete isolation from other people. At
one time or another, they may decide to be
alone by themselves but such condition is
only temporary for they find time and
opportunity to associate themselves with
others although such association may not be
as long or as frequent as experienced by
ordinary people.
As a social being, man has certain needs to
meet, aptly called Social needs,

Such needs are only realized if he lives in

harmony with other people. The moment he
disassociates himself from others, these
needs will not be frequently met.
Basic Social needs of Man
There are at least Five basic Social needs of
Man, namely: Recognition, Appreciation,
Esteem, Acceptance and Love, such social
needs although overlapping are pretty well
distinctive from one another.
Man needs to be recognized, esteemed,
appreciated, accepted and to be loved.
These can be nothing worse than when one
feels that nobody cares for him. To be
unwanted and to be unloved could be one
of the most frustrating as well as
tremendously devastating human
experiences ever.
Moreover, our daily papers every now and
then carry news items about people’s
committing suicide presumably because of
one reason, that is they find themselves living
in a desert amidst the sea of humanity or
simply because they feel nobody loves or
cares about them.
Recognition- may be defined as the art of
paying accord to something positive in a
person. It is giving due respect and
acknowledgment to one’s accomplishment,
potentials, talents, assets, and other
endearing human qualities.
It is therefore a nice feeling if others could
easily recognize you for what good things you
have done, for what commendable traits you
possess, and for what exemplary deeds you
have shown.
People, in general, exert their best efforts
just to please others and to win their
recognition. If for instance, an employer does
not recognize the hard work and dedication to
the job of his employees, he will naturally
frustrates them and may eventually observe a
modification on their working behavior.
Appreciation- may involve the act of
recognition but it is more than that; for aside
from acknowledging the existence of
something good in a person it is coupled with
a feeling of gratitude.
Esteem is all about respect and admiration.
If you have high self-esteem, it means you
like yourself. When you say, "My esteemed
colleagues," you are saying you have nothing
but the highest respect for them.
Acceptance in human psychology is a person's
assent to the reality of a situation,
recognizing a process or condition (often a
negative or uncomfortable situation) without
attempting to change it or protest it. The
concept is close in meaning to acquiescence,
derived from the Latin acquiēscere (to find
rest in).
Love- may be defined as a strong feeling of
affection. It may come in different forms like the
ardent feeling felt for God, the country, parents,
relatives, friends, neighbors, and the most personal
of them all. It also includes love for the sweetheart
or a lifetime partner or even love for one’s
children. Such need is consuming for it takes one’s
whole being including his soul and spirit. It ceases
to be so if one does it half-heartedly.
Man’s realization of himself, therefore cannot take
place in a “vacuum”.
He can only attain it by co-existing well with
“We are each of us angels with only one wing,
and we can only fly by embracing one another.”

Luciano De Cresenzo
The Pervasive Social Nature of Man
To be able to experience recognition, appreciation,
esteem, acceptance and love, man must form his
own group, that is, he must be in the company with
his fellowmen. He needs others so he can be fully
recognized, appreciated, esteemed, accepted, and
In reality, The Social Dimension of Man is so
encompassing that it even touch and affect his
non-social nature like his being.
1. Biological
2. Intellectual or Rational
3. Economic
4. Psychological and
5. Moral entity
As a Biological being
Man needs food, water, shelter and social intimacy.
Due to the complexity of life, these life’s
requirements are better satisfied if and when these
life requirements are a product of social living.
Similarly, as an Intellectual Being or Rational
Being, man’s intellect is further sharpened in the
company of others. That is, he learns from others
and others in turn learn from him. Thus, even
modern-day psychologists believe that intelligence
is not just a function of heredity but also that of
environment more specifically involving its human
As an Economic Being
(bound to the concern of livelihood), he has the
obligation to help achieve ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY 
for the community.

The relationship between economic growth, human

well-being, and the achievement of a sustainable
future has a long and complex intellectual history.
As a Psychological Being, man should live with
others so he may achieve some amount of security,
self-identity, achievement, and self-fulfillment.
Finally, as a Moral Being, man’s concept of
righteousness and unrighteousness are put into an
acid test only when he realized himself being with
others. His sense of morality cannot exist in
emptiness; it must find its realization within the
human interaction.

A value is a belief upon which one acts by preference.

A value is the object of a positive attitude.

A value is a person's principles or standards of behavior;

one's judgment of what is important in life.
In ethics, value denotes the degree of importance of some
thing or action, with the aim of determining what actions
are best to do or what way is best to live.

It deals with right conduct and living a good life, in the

sense that a highly, or at least relatively highly, valuable
action may be regarded as ethically "good“.
6 sets of values inherent to a person
1. Individualistic values
2. Family values
3. Professional values
4. National values
5. Moral and
6. Spiritual values
Individualistic values refer to the inborn value of self-
preservation. This means that a person’s well-being is of
utmost importance.
Family values refer to values that stems forth from a
person’s relationship with his or her family. The family,
which is the basic unit of the society, pervades the value
system of a person with reference to closeness and
solidarity, politeness, hospitality, and gratitude.
Professional values refer to the values acquired from the
different organizations and workplaces in the society. Man
develops a set of values from the practice of his or her
National values are commonly codified in the national
laws of a particular country. These laws seek to grant
equality and justice to all its citizens.
Moral and Spiritual values are ethical values which are
naturally developed in each individual because we are
created with dignity and respect for life. Every person
desires to be loved and be respected by other people in the
Filipino Values
Filipino Values is the way of people lives their life
as an influence of one’s culture. Philippines, having
been an archipelago, have not become a hindrance
towards having a single values system throughout
the country. In whatever part of the country you
may be, one will find the same hospitality that the
Filipinos are known for as well as many other values
that have originated from our forefathers.

The Filipinos are very hospitable when it comes to

their fellowmen. They will invite their visitors to
come into their homes and offer them treats such
as snacks and drinks after a long journey. There are
also instances when the Filipinos will serve only the
best to their visitors even if at times they may not
be able to afford it.

Trust in God or the concept of ‘’’Bahala na’’’ has

been over-used time and again. This ideal is used
when a person does not know what to do or is to
lazy to do anything at all. This belief to put fate in
God’s hands may be a sign of how religious Filipinos
may be at the same time, it may show that the
Filipinos are free-spirited and that they put their
life in fate’s hands.

The Philippines is known to be a family centered

nation. The Filipinos recognize their family as an
important social structure that one must take care
of. They give importance to the safety and unity of
one’s family. The Filipino family is so intact that it
is common for members of the same family work
for the same company.

Filipinos are taught to become respectful

individuals. This is mainly due to the influence of
Christianity that tells us to honor both our parents
and our elders. The use of ‘’po’’ and ‘’’opo’’’ when
in conversation with an elder or someone who is
older is a manifestation of how Filipinos respect
their elders.

Gratitude or ‘’’utang na loob’’’ is a very popular

Filipino characteristic. One does not forget the
good deeds that others may have done to him or
her especially at times of great need. This debt of
gratitude are sometimes abused by those who have
done well to others as they may ask favors or things
that may either be unreasonable or beyond the
means of the one in debt.

Shame or ‘’’Hiya’’’ is a very common Filipino value.

It is said that Filipinos would go to great lengths in
order for one not to be ashamed. Hiya has a great
influence on one’s behavior for one will do
everything, even if it is beyond his means just to
save his reputation as well as the family’s. Filipinos
feel pressured to meet the status quo of the society
when it comes to economic standing.
Flexibility, Adaptability, and Creativity

Filipino's sense of joy and humor is evident in their

optimistic approach to life and its travails. The
ability to laugh at themselves and their
predicament is an important coping mechanism that
contributes to emotional balance and a capacity to
survive. These are manifested in the ability to
adjust to often difficult circumstances and
prevailing physical and social environments.
Flexibility, Adaptability, and Creativity

Filipinos have a high tolerance for ambiguity that

enables them to respond calmly to uncertainty or
lack of information. Filipinos often improvise and
make productive and innovative use of whatever is
available. These qualities have been repeatedly
demonstrated in their capacity to adapt to living in
any part of the world and in their ability to accept

Loyalty or ‘’’Pakikisama’’’ is another Filipino value.

Filipinos are said to be loyal to their friends and
fellowmen in order to ensure the peace in the
group. This is manifested in their basic sense of
justice and fairness and concern for other's well
being. Filipinos recognize the essential humanity of
all people and regard others with respect and
Hard work and Industry

The related capacity for hard work and industry

among Filipinos is widely recognized. Filipinos are
universally regarded as excellent workers who
perform well whether the job involves physical
labor and tasks or highly sophisticated technical
functions. This propensity for hard work, which
often includes a highly competitive spirit, is driven
by the desire for economic security and
advancement for oneself and one's family.

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