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Continuous Writing – Story / Narrative


Raising Action Falling Action

Exposition Resolution

It was a scorching hot day. My daughter just had netball

practice and felt very exhausted. She headed to the bus stop
to wait for Bus 101 which would take her home. She was
beginning to drift off to sleep when she saw the bus arriving.
The sun was shining ablaze and that was probably the reason
why she took the wrong bus, Bus 110.


Raising Action
She was totally unaware of it. She was glad to
get a seat. Within minutes, she was slumped
against the window, fast asleep. When she
opened her eyes more than an hour later, she
found herself in the middle of
They travelled for about fifteen minutes and the road seemed
peculiar to her. The rider made a few turns and she knew she
was brought to different unknown destination. Out of the
blue, alarm bells started to ring in her head. She tapped his
back and told him to stop. He leaned forward and went at
high speed instead before slowing down to turn into a dark
and narrow road that led into an oil palm plantation.

My daughter had had enough. She leaped off

and rolled herself onto the ground. Angrily,
the man turned around and rode towards her. Falling Action
She swung her school bag at him and he lost
his balance before falling off his motorcycle.
Without looking back, she ran for her life.

When I came towards her, she hugged me tightly.

After I learnt what had happened, I was horrified.
I told her that she should have just looked for a
public phone and called home when she was lost.

- Dialogue
- normal dialoge
- monologue
- interior monologue
- Flashback
- Foreshadowing
- Dialogue
- normal dialogue

“ Hey, where are you heading to ?” I asked the man

“ Please sir, please stop the motorcycle ” I begged the man to

stop his motorcycle

“ This is not the route to my home sir, are you sure this is the
correct way to my home sir ? I asked the man politely
- Dialogue
- monologue @ interior monologue

“ This is not the correct route, where are you heading to young
man?” I murmured to myself

“ Please sir, please stop the motorcycle ” I begged to myself

while my heart was pounding

“ This is not the route to my home. I’m pretty sure about the
correct way to my home”. I thought to my self while the man
keep on speeding his machine.
- Flashback
Netball is my passion. I love to play netball very much. I
started to indulge in netball since I was 6 years old but I
started to give up netball when I was 18 years old.

The ill-fated incident appeared vividly in my mind whenever

I saw or listened to the roaming of the motorcycle’s engine.
The incident took place few years back when I was 18 years
- Monologue & Flashback
“This is not the route to my home. I’m pretty sure about the
correct way to my home”. I thought to my self while the man
keep on speeding his machine.

The ill-fated incident appeared vividly in my mind whenever

I saw or listened to the roaming of the motorcycle’s engine.
The incident took place few years back when I was 18 years

It was a scorching hot day. My daughter just had netball

practice and felt very exhausted. She headed to the bus stop
to wait for Bus 101 which would take her home. She was
beginning to drift off to sleep when she saw the bus arriving.
The sun was shining ablaze and that was probably the reason
why she took the wrong bus, Bus 110.


“ Don’t forget to finish you water my dear, the

weather is boiling out there !”
“ No worries mom, I will. Thanks “
I took my bag and headed to the bus stop. It was like
another usual day for me. Completing my bored routine
life. Another hectic life of a student.
It was a scorching hot day. Me just had netball practice and
felt very exhausted. I headed to the bus stop to wait for Bus
101 which would take me home ………………………….
“ Coach can we take a minutes break ? The heat is
piercing through my skin”
The coach stared at me before letting us to take our 5-
minute break. It was an usual netball practice for us but the
weather was unusual for us, the heat was unbearable.

It was a scorching hot day. Me just had netball practice and

felt very exhausted. I headed to the bus stop to wait for Bus
101 which would take me home ………………………….
“ Hey, where are you taking me to ?”
“ This is not route to my home !”
I shouted to the man. The man just ignored my questions and
kept on speeding his machine toward somewhere unknown.
The unforgettable incident took place few months back.

It was a scorching hot day. Me just had netball practice and

felt very exhausted. I headed to the bus stop to wait for Bus
101 which would take me home ………………………….
“ Please sir, please stop your machine !”

My daughter shouted while the man keep on speeding his

motorcycle to no where.
The incident took place 3 years back, it all happened one day
during …………..
…….a scorching hot day. Me just had netball practice and
felt very exhausted. I headed to the bus stop to wait for Bus
101 which would take me home ………………………….
“ Help, somebody please help me !”
I prayed in my heart, hoping that someone will help me when I
knew that the man tried to fool me by taking me to the unknown
palm oil estate instead of my home.
It was 2 years back, it all happened one day during
…….a scorching hot day. Me just had netball practice and
felt very exhausted. I headed to the bus stop to wait for Bus
101 which would take me home ………………………….
“ I have to do something !”
I murmured to myself when I knew that the man tried to fool me
by taking me to the unknown palm oil estate instead of my home.

It was last year, when it all happened one day during

…….a scorching hot day. Me just had netball practice and
felt very exhausted. I headed to the bus stop to wait for Bus
101 which would take me home ………………………….

Raising Action Falling Action

- Dialogue
- normal dialogue
- monologue
- interior monologue
- Flashback
Exposition Resolution
They travelled for about fifteen minutes and the road seemed
peculiar to her. The rider made a few turns and she knew she
was brought to different unknown destination. Out of the
blue, alarm bells started to ring in her head. She tapped his
back and told him to stop. He leaned forward and went at
high speed instead before slowing down to turn into a dark
and narrow road that led into an oil palm plantation.
“ I have to stop him now !”
Out of the blue, alarm bells started to ring in my head. I
tapped his back and told him to stop
“ Stop now or I will jump from the bike” I warned him
PLOT Climax
They travelled for about fifteen minutes and the road seemed
peculiar to her. The rider made a few turns and she knew she
was brought to different unknown destination.
“ Ialarm
Out of the blue, have tobells
him nowto !”
ring in her head. She
tapped his back and told him to stop.

He now forward
leaned or I will jump from the
and went bike”speed
at high I warned him before
slowing down to turn into a dark……………
“ I have to stop him now !”
Out of the blue, alarm bells started to ring in my head. I
tapped his back and told him to stop
“ Stop now or I will jump from the bike” I warned him

He leaned forward and went at high speed instead before

slowing down to turn into a dark and narrow road that led
into an oil palm plantation………

When I came towards her, she hugged me tightly.

After I learnt what had happened, I was horrified.
I told her that she should have just looked for a
public phone and called home when she was lost.

“I love you so much mom !”

When I came towards her, she hugged me tightly.
After I learnt what had happened, I was horrified. I told her
that she should have just looked for a public phone and called
home when she was lost.
“Thanks God, thanks for everything !”
TRY THIS………………………….

Raising Action Falling Action

• “What you give, you will get it

back “.
• Write a story about Mr Lim, a
retiree who learnt a good
lesson from his life.
Exposition Resolution

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