EarthandLifeScience Lesson1

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Origin and

Systems of
How was Earth formed?
How have theories of the formation
and structure of the Universe
• The universe is at least 13.8 billion
years old and the Earth/ Solar
• system is at least 4.5 billion years
• old. But how large exactly is a
• billion? Ask the students how long
will it take to spend 1 billion peso
• if they spend 1 peso per second.
Big Bang Theory
The universe began about
14.4 billion years ago
The Big Bang Theory states
that, in the beginning, the
universe was all in one
All of its matter and energy
were squished into an
infinitely small point, a
Then it exploded
The tremendous amount of material
blown out by the explosion eventually
formed the stars and galaxies
After about 10 billion years, our solar
system began to form
Steady State Theory
-states that the universe is always expanding
in a constant average density.
It claims that the universe has no beginning
or end of time, eventhough its is expanding
its appearance remain the same.
James jeans in 1920 , revised by Fred Hoyle.
Hermann Bondi and Thomas Gold (1948)
As alternative in Big Bang Theory.
Cosmic Inflation Theory
-Alan Guth and Andrei Linde (1980’s)
-early universe was rapidly expandingbubble
of pure vacuum energy.
Became accepted hypothesis because it
answered may “puzzling” observations that
arose in the big bang theory.
1st puzzling observation
- Homogeneity of objects in space.
2nd puzzling observation
-universe in its appearance of flatness or
3rd puzzling observation
-formation of the stars and star systems in
later years.
The theory asserts that during expansion,
small density fluctuations happen. Causes
gravity to attract gas into masses, giving
birth to stars and eventually galaxies.
Formation of star
Nebular Hypothesis
-Immanuel Kant & Pierre-Simon in 18th
-a model used to explain the formation
and evolution of the solar system.
Presupposes that around 4.6 billion
years ago, a star system was formed
from a rotating gas cloud and nebula of
extremely hot gas.
The Planetesimal and Tidal Theories
-Thomas Chamberlin & Forest Moulton
in 20th century
-A star supposedly passed close to the
sun. the gravitational pull of the passing
star raised tides found on the surface of
the sun.
--smaller masses quickly cooled to become solid bodies.
They grow in size because of collision
with passing objects in space, forming
larger clumps and gathering more and
more matter.
4 outer planets are called gas planets
(helium and Hydrogen)
-Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.
4 Inner planets are called terrestrial
or telluric planets
-solid surfaces, mostly has a silicate
rocks, and metals.
- Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars.
Smaller planets
Advancements and Discoveries on the Sola
-Pluto considered as the outermost planet
the solar system.
-Was observed in different region, The
Kuiper belt, which is found at the outer
region of the solar system and is compose
mostly of frozen volatiles, comets, and
-Pluto was reclassified by IAU as dwarf pla
If the universe is expanding,
does that mean Earth is also
increasing its distance from the
Will this possibility of life on Earth?
Shape of the Earth
-Oblate Spheroid
Because of its gravity and rotation
-Issac Newton
Predict ed an almost similar shape to
describe Earth during his time.

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