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Child Psychology

Presenter -Tr.Wut Hmon

What is Schizophrenia?
Schizo ( Schizophrenia)

is a serious mental disorder

May result in some combination of hallucination,delusions, and extremely disordered thinking and behavior
different to others ( behavior/manner and emotion)

Worries and doubts in everyday life

Clumsy,depression and can’t control the body

Delay of speech,use repetitive words

Worries about dealth ,unhealthy and strangers

Worries about family dealth and insects

Worries about fire broken

Main Cause





Improper speech( Tourette Syndrome)

Can’t participate in social life and school events

No relation with friends/like living alone

Can’t follow the school lessons

Lack of self-confidence

No idea of getting married (adult stage)

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Medicine (SRIs),(SSRIs)

Take a rest + take a nap

Attend the Child Psychology seminar and read more books

Discuss with Psychologist/help their school home and assignment

Hyperactive (ADHD)( Attention Deficit Hyperkinetic

is a mental illness that affects the way you act and focus

Someone , especially a child, who is hyperactive is too active, and is not able to keep still
or be quiet for very long
Main Causes

Lack of care

Financial problem


Divorce/Separated-family/conflict between father and mother

Not sufficient training for the children

Lack interest of the children

Lack of love and affection

Hurt the baby or hurt herself/himself

Can’t attend the end of the school year

The early treatment for ADHD childrens’ age (1 -3 years)

Eat fresh vegetables and food

Wait and see when they are playing

Give the task to the children/ offer the chance to play

Be fair/ encourage them to be brave

Hallucinations-in coherent speech and thought

Delucisions- a belief which is mistaken

Disorder-a state of confusion

Bipolar disorder-a disorder of effect which involves swings between two extremes of mania
and depression.

Mania-mental illness marked by great excitement and overactivity

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