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Expressing Regret

Expressing regret means having a feeling of sadness

about something that you did or did not do. To express
regret in English, you may use many different
structures. Here are some of them.
wish / if only

You can express regret by using wish or if only:

I wish / if only + Past perfect


I wish I had worked harder.

If only I hadn't eaten so much.
Conditional type 3
You can also express regret by using a conditional
sentence type 3.

If + past perfect + would + have + past participle


If I had worked hard, I would have passed the exam.

If I hadn't eaten so much, I wouldn't have been sick.
should have

Regret may also be expressed by using a modal should:

Should have + Past Participle


I should have sent him an invitation.

He should have done the work.
I regret...

You can express regret by using:

regret + Verb + ing OR regret + Noun


He doesn't regret leaving her.

I regret the things I didn't
Angry Adjectives:
Here are some adjectives that we use that mean
angry. They show strong anger. They can be used
in any situation - none of them are slang.
Angry Idioms
Here are some idioms that can be used in
angry situations:

To have a face like thunder (To look angry / to

have an angry appearance):

“Stay away from Mr.Thomas, he's got a face

like thunder. I don't know what happened to
make him so angry.“
To hit the roof (To get very angry and fly into a rage):

 "He hit the roof when I told him that someone had scratched
his car."

To drive someone crazy

Something that makes you angry drives you crazy:

 "It drives me crazy when people talk loudly in the cinema.”

Angry Slang

Here are some commonly used slang expressions that show someone is

 "She goes bananas if someone parks in her parking space.“

 "She went ballistic when I broke her mobile phone.“

 She will go mental when she finds out what you did.“

 She totally lost it. You should go and apologise. She's really angry with

 She went postal. I've never seen anyone get so angry."

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