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Grammar Activity

Identify the correct verb in the following sentences.

1. Boiled eggs, rice, dried fish and milk (was/were) my breakfast
2. Bacon and cheese (is/are) the one that I bought for snack.
3. Men and women (has/have) signed up for the army.
4. Students and teachers (has/have) been informed of the fire drill.
5. Research and development (is/are) the busiest department at school.
6. Spaghetti and meatballs (tastes/taste) delicious.
7. Cookies and cream (seems/seem) more delicious than vanilla flavor.
8 Crab meat and sweet corn soup (costs/cost) 75 RMB.
9. Mango and frozen fried yoghourt (is/are) my favorite ice cream
flavor. Unit 1. Lesson 8. Reaching the End 1
Lesson Outline
1. Reading
2. Vocabulary Focus
3. Easy Challenge
4. Average Challenge
5. Summary

What should you
do when someone
in the office
makes you feel
because he keeps
touching you?
While Agatha was on her
way to work, Brenda
caught up with her and
they had a chitchat as they
walk towards their office
Brenda: Agatha! Wait up! You’re walking fast. Are you running late?
Agatha: Not really, but I’ll be meeting Mr. Newman in 10 minutes.
Brenda: Oh. Are you talking about Newmann the chauvinist who is
fond of insulting his female subordinates and secretly harassing
them? Be warned.
Agatha: Whoa! That’s a serious allegation. Are you sure this isn’t a
fabricated story? Where did you hear this? Has he done anything to
Brenda: I heard it through the grapevine. Something scandalous
happened in the office three days ago. You haven’t heard?
Agatha: You know I’ve been living under a rock. My project
deadline is approaching, So, tell me the story before we enter the
building. 6
Agatha: If it was that serious, he shouldn’t be in the office now.
Brenda: You’re right. I heard Jennifer has been traumatized and is
going to file a lawsuit against him as a consequence. The office is
currently investigating the issue.
Agatha: Oh my. I don’t know what to say. He seemed like a good
Brenda: It’s his façade. He easily entices women with his charm,
but not everyone is fooled. Besides, Jennifer is not the only one.
Agatha: Really? Brenda, you should have told me this before
meeting him. Now, I’ll be bothered all the time. Should I cancel the
Brenda: Just be professional and pretend that everything is going
well. Play ignorant. Now that we’re entering the building, we’d 7
Vocabulary Focus
Let us read the following expressions mostly on harrassment

 chauvinist  to pick on
 to harass  to traumatize
 allegation  to file a lawsuit
 to hear sth from  façade
the grapevine  to entice
 to live under a  professional
rock  to play ignorant
Brenda: Oh. Are you talking about Newmann the chauvinist who is fond
of insulting his female subordinates and secretly harassing them? Be
a. someone who has a low reputation in society
MEANING b. a person who tends to insult anyone
c. someone who loves their country so much
d. a man who believes women are lesser than men

Despite the high salary, the major drawback of working in that

MORE male-dominated company is that their values are mostly of a
EXAMPLES chauvinist.
If the guy is a chauvinist as his acquaintances say based on their
first impression, wouldn’t it be safer for you to leave him?
Although some Asian
societies are deeply
chauvinistic or male-
oriented, Western culture
abhors any sign of
chauvinism and men who
have this thinking are
I don’t understand why
he never entrusted his
female colleagues with
an important task, so I
thought he might be a

Your Sentence
I don’t understand why ______________________, so I
thought he might be a chauvinist. 11
What do you
do when you
encounter a

Brenda: Oh. Are you talking about Newmann the chauvinist who is fond
of insulting his female subordinates and secretly harassing them? Be
to harass
a. to always speak ill words to someone
MEANING b. to judge a person unjustly
c. to annoy or trouble someone repeatedly
d. to make fun of someone over a period of time

He has been harassing her in the office up until she can no longer
MORE put up with him, so she reported him.
EXAMPLES My mother-in-law has been harassing me with her demands that
it becomes wearisome to live with her.

Many companies take sexual
harassment seriously that it
could lead to losing one’s job
and even getting imprisoned.
Examples of sexual
harassment are catcalling,
staring at someone, 14
Because his boss has
been harassing him with
false accusations, he
decided to report him. A
few days later, his boss
got suspended.

Your Sentence
Because he has been harassing her
with___________________, he _____________________.
When you see
your boss
what would
you do?
Agatha: Whoa! That’s a serious allegation. Are you sure this isn’t a
fabricated story? Where did you hear this? Has he done anything to you?

a. a claim of a wrongdoing but without proof
MEANING b. a claim of a wrongdoing and with proof
c. a rumor that is aimed at destroying someone
d. a rumor that turned out to be actually true

The allegation that Mr. Andrews was a womanizer proved to be

MORE merely a rumor spread by someone who secretly hates him.
EXAMPLES You have no evidence! So do not make such allegations because
you are only smearing someone’s reputation!

Allegation is often confused
with accusation. When
someone is accused, there is a
witness or a proof that would
lead to an investigation. No
investigation would ever be
conducted by a police because
I refuse to believe the
allegation that my wife
is unfaithful, but this
turned out to be a valid
accusation when a friend
showed me a picture of
her and a man together.
Your Sentence
I refuse to believe the allegation that______________, but
this turned out to be a valid accusation when
________________. 19
How do you
stop people
who make
about you?
Brenda: I heard it through the grapevine. Something scandalous
happened in the office three days ago. You haven’t heard?

to hear (something) through the grapevine

a. to predict an event in the nearest future
MEANING b. to gather news from a reliable source
c. to receive a top secret information
d. to know something by word of mouth

No announcement may have been made yet, but I heard through

MORE the grapevine that the boss is resigning.
EXAMPLES Based on what I heard through the grapevine, the company is
losing more than it is earning. So, expect a massive layoff.

Hearing information through the grapevine is not
necessarily just gossiping or listening to rumors. It is often
used by top management in trickling down information to
see how the employees react in case such scenario happens
or a way to prepare them psychologically before the bad
I heard through the
grapevine that there
would be no bonus this
holiday because the
company has to recover
from the recent financial

Your Sentence
I heard through the grapevine that______________,
because ________________. 23
What is the
most absurd
thing you have
heard through
the grapevine?

Agatha: You know I’ve been living under a rock. My project deadline is
approaching, So, tell me the story before we enter the building.

to live under a rock

a. to be not aware of things most people know
MEANING b. to be far from everybody else
c. to prefer being alone
d. to be aware of things that are very important

Oh my. I am so surprised about their divorce and it has been two

MORE months now? I have been living under a rock.
EXAMPLES Jess has been living under a rock that she was the last one to
know about her friend’s death.

She has been living
under a rock that when
everyone talks about a
certain topic, she always
seems surprised and

Your Sentence
She has been living under a rock
that_____________________. 26
Do you think it
is better to live
under a rock
than to face the

Brenda: Mr. Newmann had been picking on her, touching her
inappropriately, and three days ago, the touching worsened.

to pick on someone
a. to give someone special attention
MEANING b. to annoy someone repeatedly
c. to choose something with high regard
d. to hate someone secretly

Ever since I have been part of this team, the leader has never
MORE made me feel welcome because he keeps on picking on me.
EXAMPLES I don’t know what your problem with me is, so better tell me and
stop picking on me.

Those who enjoy picking on others are often called a bully. Why
do people pick on others? Others bully others as a form of coping
due to a terrible incident in their life like a death of someone or
due to difficult home life. Bullies tend to have low self-esteem
and show their superiority by picking on others, and often,
someone smaller or weaker than them. 29
When I get picked on by
my peers as a kid, I
would shout at them and
tell them to stop.

Your Sentence
When I get picked on by my peers as a kid, I would
____________. 30
Would you
defend an
elderly stranger
who is being
picked on by
stronger than
Brenda: You’re right. I heard Jennifer has been traumatized and is going
to file a lawsuit against him as a consequence. The office is currently
investigating the issue.
to traumatize
a. to experience something bad
MEANING b. to shock someone greatly due to a horrible incident
c. to become stronger after a terrible event
d. to become mentally ill due to an awful situation

She went through a fate worse than death that traumatized her
MORE for the rest of her life.
EXAMPLES The boy was traumatized after seeing his family die in a terrible
accident that he became speechless for three years.

Examples of events that traumatize are death of a dear person,
divorce, physical pain or injury like severe car accident, serious
illness, war, natural disasters, terrorism, rape, domestic abuse,
parental abandonment and witnessing death. Some fail to cope with
these traumatic events that they are never the same after them. Others
managed to cope with the help of friends. 33
She grew up in a broken
home where her parents
always argue, and the
domestic violence she
witnessed traumatized
her a lot.

Your Sentence
____________ and the ____________ she had gone
through traumatized her a lot . 34
How would
you help
someone who

Brenda: You’re right. I heard Jennifer has been traumatized and is going
to file a lawsuit against him as a consequence. The office is currently
investigating the issue.
to file a lawsuit (against)
a. to bring the problem to the court
MEANING b. to get advice from an expert
c. to seek advice from a lawyer
d. to bring someone to prison

We explored all avenues of solving this problem without going

MORE through the tiring task of filing a lawsuit.
EXAMPLES We need ample proof before filing a lawsuit against him! Who
knows, you might be mistaken!

She filed a lawsuit
against the newspaper
company for spreading
fake news that destroyed
her reputation.

Your Sentence
She filed a lawsuit against ____________ for
____________ . 37
Would you ever
file a lawsuit
against someone
who borrowed a
large money
from you and
makes excuse not
to pay?
Brenda: It’s his façade. He easily entices women with his charm, but not
everyone is fooled. Besides, Jennifer is not the only one.

a. a habit of pleasing others in order to gain favor
MEANING b. a behavior that others would like
c. an outward appearance to hide something ugly
d. a manner of pretending to be in fantasy

As a mother, you need to keep a façade of strength so that your

MORE children will also be strong even though deep inside, you’re miserable.
EXAMPLESModels keep a façade of living the best possible life anyone could ask
for, but in reality, they often think biting the dust would be better.

Façade comes in many forms: (1) facial façade involves using
the face to hide real emotions, (2) gesture façade involves using
kiss, handshake, and a hug to hide what one truly feels, (3) verbal
façade is saying “I’m happy and well” when in fact, one isn’t, and
(4) material façade is buying expensive or fake products in order
to appear rich. 40
He always smiles and
seems appreciative that
when news of his
suicide came out, I was
in shock! His happiness
was just a façade,

Your Sentence
She always _______________________ was just a facade.
Would you put
up a façade of
being okay
when in fact
you’re not?
Brenda: It’s his façade. He easily entices women with his charm, but not
everyone is fooled. Besides, Jennifer is not the only one.

to entice
a. to attract by offering something
MEANING b. to gain someone’s attention
c. to enjoy something tremendously
d. to appreciate something a lot

She was enticed by the salary of the new position that she will
MORE explore all avenues in order to achieve it.
EXAMPLES She refuses to be stuck up in a town where his dreams might
never come true; so it was not a surprise to find that the city
enticed her a lot.
We are easily enticed by
power because of its
benefit, but power
corrupts and it has to be
handled with care.

Your Sentence
We are easily enticed _____________, but_____________.
money and
love, which
between the
two entices you
more? Why?
Brenda: Just be professional and pretend that everything is going well.
Play ignorant. Now that we’re entering the building, we’d better shut up
because walls have ears.
a. friendly and loving towards others
MEANING b. remaining responsible and focused
c. acting in a manner befitting an educated person
d. having a warm personality

She didn’t get infuriated when handling her subordinate’s

MORE oversight. She is so professional.
EXAMPLES Despite the enormous amount of pressure given to her at work,
she managed to remain professional and calm in dealing with
Acting like a professional really means doing what it takes to
make others think of you as reliable, respectful, and competent.
Here are a few traits of being a professional: competent, reliable,
honest, respectful, positive, supportive, focused. He must have
integrity and excellent listening skills. He never stops learning.
Whenever I encounter a
difficult situation at
work, I remain
professional unlike
some colleagues who
would turn moody and

Your Sentence
_____________ I remain professional unlike
_____________. 48
Have you ever
been in a
situation that
tested your
m? What
Brenda: Just be professional and pretend that everything is going well.
Play ignorant. Now that we’re entering the building, we’d better shut up
because walls have ears.
play ignorant
a. to have no knowledge of something
MEANING b. to show what one knows is not enough
c. to have a façade of being all right
d. to pretend that one has no knowledge about sth

Everyone knows that James sabotaged the party in purpose, but

MORE he continuously plays ignorant!
EXAMPLES I heard Eli backstab me, so I confronted him about this issue and
he played ignorant.

After he found out that
he accidentally sent
inappropriate pictures to
his boss, he played
ignorant and acted
shocked when his boss
asked him about it.

Your Sentence
After he _____________, he played ignorant and acted
shocked when asked by his mom. 51
Can you retell
a time when
you played

While Agatha was on her
way to work, Brenda
caught up with her and
they had a chitchat as they
walked towards their office
Brenda: Agatha! Wait up! You’re walking fast. Are you running late?
Agatha: Not really, but I’ll be meeting Mr. Newman in 10 minutes.
Brenda: Oh. Are you talking about Newmann the chauvinist who is
fond of insulting his female subordinates and secretly harassing
them? Be warned.
Agatha: Whoa! That’s a serious allegation. Are you sure this isn’t a
fabricated story? Where did you hear this? Has he done anything to
Brenda: I heard it through the grapevine. Something scandalous
happened in the office three days ago. You haven’t heard?
Agatha: You know I’ve been living under a rock. My project
deadline is approaching, So, tell me the story before we enter the
building. 54
Agatha: If it was that serious, he shouldn’t be in the office now.
Brenda: You’re right. I heard Jennifer has been traumatized and is
going to file a lawsuit against him as a consequence. The office is
currently investigating the issue.
Agatha: Oh my. I don’t know what to say. He seemed like a good
Brenda: It’s his façade. He easily entices women with his charm,
but not everyone is fooled. Besides, Jennifer is not the only one.
Agatha: Really? Brenda, you should have told me this before
meeting him. Now, I’ll be bothered all the time. Should I cancel the
Brenda: Just be professional and pretend that everything is going
well. Play ignorant. Now that we’re entering the building, we’d 55
Use all the expressions enclosed in braces in answering the questions.

1. What did Brenda think of Mr. Newmann? {chauvinist, allegation}

2. What did Mr. Newman do? {harass, pick on, hear through the
3. What will Jennifer do now? {traumatize, to file a lawsuit}
4. Why was Agatha surprised by the news? {façade; entice}
5. How does Agatha feel after hearing this news? {living under a rock;
professional; play ignorant}

Fill in the blanks with the right idiom that has been discussed in this lesson.
1. She seems okay after her divorce, but everyone knows it's just a
2. Everyone knows about the recent affair of Ms. Jane except for me
because I have been ________ .
3. She almost died in a car accident which ________ her; so she never
drove a car again .
4. The offer of a large salary in the new company does not ________ me
because working there means being far from family.
5. She ________ that the boss is going to resign by next month.
6. I decided to ________ against my company because they didn't give my
salary for half a year.
7. She made serious ________ that I stole her money eve though she
doesn't have evidence. 57
Do you have any questions?

About the
He finished three degrees in three prominent
universities—St. Vincent Ferrer Seminary for his AB
Philosophy; Central Philippine University for his
Bachelor of Secondary Education major in English
(magna cum laude); and University of the Philippines
for his Master of Education major in English as a
second language.

He taught English in Iloilo English Academy, Alphacrest

Academy and St. Paul University Iloilo.

During his free time, he writes short stories, travels,

and reads. He respects adults who are humble enough
to choose to learn.

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