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Grammar Activity

Identify the correct verb in the following sentences.

1. The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe (is/are) a book written by C.S.
2. Of Mice and Men (narrates/narrate) the life of two best friends.
3. It and Carrie (is/are) two famous books by Stephen King.
4. (Has/Have) Paper Towns been adapted for television?
5. The Grapes of Wrath by Steinbeck (was/were) enough to earn him a Nobel.
6. Neither the Philippines nor Indonesia (participates/participate) in the feud.
7. The United Arab Emirates (is/are) a very wealthy country due to oil.
8. Saint Kitts and Nevis (is/are) a small island nation.
9. Laos and Solomon Islands (does/do) not have diplomatic relations.
Unit 1. Lesson 8. Reaching the End 1
10. Netherlands (is/are) the place where Anne Frank used to live.
Making A
difficult decisio
Lesson Outline
1. Reading
2. Vocabulary Focus 1
3. Communicative
4. Vocabulary Focus 2
5. Challenges
6. Summary

What is the most

difficult decision that
you have ever made?
Why was it so
Setting The second quarter of the year ended, and Agatha’s
team has not made any progress, because some of her team
members have not been performing well. In consequence, she has
to make a decision. She spoke to her deputy for an opinion. 5
Agatha: (on the phone) Josef, I want to discuss with you these
ominous statistics from the accounting department. Are you available
Josef: I’ll be there in a jiffy. Give me a sec.
(After a minute, Josef knocked on the door and entered the office.)
Agatha: Please take a seat. I have been reflecting a lot lately. As my
deputy, you should not be kept in the dark about the possibilities I am
considering. As you know, results are not promising. With how
things are, the cards are stacked against us.
Josef: We have not reached our sales target, have we?
Agatha: (sighs and nods) We have reached an all-time low, and in my
next meeting with the higher-ups from the headquarters, one of the
possible solutions I might offer is to tighten our belt and, very 6
Josef: We did try to help them out, but our effort seems to have gone
in vain. So, if we have tried everything we could think of, is there
another way to avoid a layoff?
Agatha: I hope there is. I am at my wit’s end! Do you have any
suggestions? I can’t bear thinking that what happens to them lies in
my hands.
Josef: Indeed, I know what you mean. However, have you not
noticed that they seem complacent despite how the company is right
now? Agatha, I think you really have to decide and bite the bullet,
since part of the problem is their inefficiency.
Agatha: I am exasperated, because I thought after all the trainings
we had a few months ago and the meetings that we had almost every
week, everything would come up roses—but no. It matters that we
have weighed the pros and the cons before making this final 7
Vocabulary Focus
Let us read the following expressions.

 statistics  on the fence

 in a jiffy  to dismiss
 in the dark  in vain
 the cards are  layoff
stacked against sb  at one’s wit’s end
 all-time high/low  to lie in sb’s hands
 higher-ups  complacent
 to tighten one’s  to weigh the pros and
cons 8
Agatha: (on the phone) Josef, I want to discuss with you these ominous
statistics from the accounting department. Are you available now?

a. a mathematical study about numeral analysis
MEANING b. a collection of numerical data
c. a group of numbers found in charts
d. information about a performance

Statistics show that a large number of Chinese people pass away

MORE due to cancer.
EXAMPLES A study in 2019 revealed a surprising statistics showing that 90%
of harassment victims in the office do not file a complaint.

The statistics revealed
that in 2005, China has
lesser number of poor
people than India.

Your Sentence
The statistics revealed that _____________________.
Based on these
statistics, what
can you
about suicide
rates per
country and
based on age

Agatha: (on the phone)… Are you available now?
Josef: I’ll be there in a jiffy. Give me a sec.

in a jiffy
a. at the right time
MEANING b. as soon as one is done doing something
c. right away
d. in a while

Burying hatchets does not happen in a jiffy; it does take time.

MORE We can’t simply force it.
EXAMPLES Everyone, thanks for being patient. Our program will commence
as soon as the president arrives. He’ll be here in a jiffy.

When I want things to be
done in a jiffy, the result
is not always exemplary.

Your Sentence
When I _________ in a jiffy, the result is ____________.
What happens
when you don’t
get what you
need in a jiffy?

Agatha: Please take a seat. I have been reflecting a lot lately. As my
deputy, you should not be kept in the dark about the possibilities I am
in the dark
a. to gain wisdom after knowing something
MEANING b. become ignorant of matters of importance
c. not explained about things one should know
d. unaware of things others know about

Almost every member of the administration is aware of an

MORE employee filing a lawsuit against the company. The vice president
EXAMPLES was kept in the dark about it for some reason.
We wanted to keep mom in the dark about our dad’s condition; we
can’t be forthright with her or else, she might get anxiety attack.
I refused to be kept in the
dark about matters
related to my business, so
I fired the manager

Your Sentence
I refused to be kept in the dark about _________ ,
so I ____________. 16
What instance
would you
keep your
children in the

Agatha: As you know, results are not promising. With how things are,
the cards are stacked against us.

the cards are stacked against us

a. to work hard over something to get a desired result
MEANING b. not in a good situation for a long duration of time
c. be very unlucky because of a curse
d. not likely to succeed despite best efforts

The cards are stacked against new hires who are not very
MORE observant and have not learned the ropes of office politics.
EXAMPLES She has been licking her wounds after she didn’t win the contest.
Obviously, she was not judged by her answer but by her beauty, so
the cards were stacked against her from the very beginning.
In applying for a job, the
cards will be stacked
against you if you
haven’t learned
something about the
company culture.

Your Sentence
In _________ , the cards will be stacked against you if you
____________. 19
How do you
cope when the
cards are
stacked against

Josef: We have not reached our sales target, have we?
Agatha: (sighs and nods) We have reached an all-time low…

all-time high/low
a. the best or worst that has ever been
MEANING b. something that everyone aimed to achieve
c. a result that was never expected
d. the best or worst that will happen

Despite the ceaseless advertisements to entice consumers, the

MORE product reached an all-time low in sales. Apparently, social media
spread stories of a dangerous ingredient used in the production.
EXAMPLES Because everyone was a team player during the match, the team
acquired an all-time high in their score—their first 5 points in a
national football competition!
Based on the graph,
China’s GDP reached an
all-time low in 1990.

Your Sentence
Based on this graph, _________ all-time high
____________. 22
Based on this
graph, when did
Chinese people
deem divorce as
acceptable? Why
is this?

Agatha: (sighs and nods) We have reached an all-time low, and in my
next meeting with the higher-ups from the headquarters…

a. the most experienced members
MEANING b. supervisors
c. administrators
d. colleagues

The higher-ups were infuriated by the disappointing results of

MORE their investment and have been meeting to discuss resolutions.
EXAMPLES Some higher-ups fired all the managers who made up the statistics
of their yearly customer evaluation so that they get bigger bonus.

It is beneficial to one’s
career to have a close
relationship with the
higher-ups, because one
can gain favors.

Your Sentence
It is _________ with the higher-ups, because
____________. 25
Describe the best
relationship one
can have with the
higher ups.

Agatha: …in my next meeting with the higher-ups from the
headquarters, one of the possible solutions I might offer is to tighten our
belt …
to tighten one’s belt
a. to spend money only when needed
MEANING b. to spend less money
c. to spend savings money
d. to not spend money at all

Despite amassing a large profit last week, the employees were

MORE surprised that the boss continued to tighten their belt; so they
became defiant towards him.
EXAMPLES Recently, my wife bought a necklace that cost an arm and a leg
even though it was not part of our budget. As a result, we had to
tighten our belt for the next two weeks.
Because he lost his job,
the family needed to
tighten their belt until he
finds a new job.

Your Sentence
Because _________ , he needs to tighten his belt
____________. 28
When was the
last time you had
to tighten your
belt? What

Agatha: … one of the possible solutions I might offer is to tighten our
belt, very unfortunately, and I’m on the fence about this idea…

to be on the fence
a. to wonder of what could happen
MEANING b. to not clearly see things
c. to have no idea of something
d. to not make a decision

I am on the fence about punishing my child by spanking because it

MORE might traumatize her, but they say, spare the rod and spoil the
child. I really don’t know what to do.
EXAMPLES Should I join this social circle? Yes, they serve as excellent
connections, but at the expense of pretending to be like them?
Clearly, I don’t act like them. I can’t think of what to do.
He’s on the fence about
leaving his family for a
well-paying job abroad,
because he can’t bear the
idea of being away for a
long time.

Your Sentence
He is on the fence about _________ , because
____________. 31
How do you
resolve difficult
especially when
they leave you on
the fence?

Agatha: one of the possible solutions I might offer is to tighten our belt
and, unfortunately, I’m on the fence about this idea, I might have to
dismiss some of them.
to dismiss
a. to send away
MEANING b. to be discharged from office
c. to be treated as unworthy of consideration
d. to not take seriously

He managed to move up the ranks only because the best employee

MORE to do the job was dismissed after breaching an important part of
the contract.
EXAMPLES Because he was not productive for the past six months, the
manager decided to dismiss him after two warnings.

No matter how hard she
tried, she couldn’t learn
everything easily and was
eventually dismissed
from the job.

Your Sentence
No matter how hard he _________ , he was dismissed
from ____________. 34
How would you
comfort a friend
who was

Josef: We did try to help them out, but our effort seems to have gone in
vain. So, if we have tried everything we could think of, is there another
way to avoid a layoff?
in vain
a. with expectations
MEANING b. with utmost care
c. without success
d. with anger

Her boyfriend rang her up many times and waited for her in vain.
MORE She really doesn’t want to see him.
EXAMPLES They have been working on a project for two weeks now. It has
been an exhausting week, but all their efforts were in vain after
their product was rejected.

He tried in vain to catch
the woman’s attention,
but he is just not her type.

Your Sentence
He tried in vain to _________ , but ____________.
Have you ever
thought of seeing
a fortune teller to
know if your
hard work will be
in vain?

Josef: We did try to help them out, but our effort seems to have gone in
vain. So, if we have tried everything we could think of, is there another
way to avoid a layoff?
a. an important annual event in the company
MEANING b. an event when company stops employing
c. an event of suspending workers temporarily
d. an occasion when employees gather to meet

Many employees hit the ceiling after having been informed of the
MORE imminent, massive layoff—all because of low revenue, a result of
the company’s mismanagement.
EXAMPLES News has been circulating about the impending layoff although no
official announcement has been made. Walls have ears.

In order to avoid a layoff,
the company needs to
conduct quarterly

Your Sentence
In order to avoid a layoff, __________________.
In an event of a
layoff, what
would be your
backup plan?

Agatha: I hope there is. I am at my wit’s end! Do you have any
suggestions? I can’t bear thinking that what happens to them lies in my
be at one’s wit’s end
a. be troubled by something consistently
MEANING b. be weak from doing one’s obligation
c. be optimistic to find a solution
d. be unable to think of what to do

I have explored all avenues to help him, but nothing worked! I am

MORE at my wit’s end!
EXAMPLES I’m scared! She has been throwing up since this morning and none
of the medicine worked. What should I do now? I’m at my wit’s

I am at my wit’s end with
my husband! He won’t
listen to me and all he
does all day is watch TV!

Your Sentence
I am at my wit’s end with __________________ all he/she
does is __________________. 43
Who is your go-
to person when
you are at your
wit’s end? Why?

Agatha: I hope there is. I am at my wit’s end! Do you have any
suggestions? I can’t bear thinking that what happens to them lies in my
to lie in one’s hands
a. to depend on someone
MEANING b. to seek advice from
c. to have the power
d. to change something

Everyone’s future lies in their boss’s hands, so they have to show

MORE him that they deserve to stay and that they can weather any storm.
EXAMPLES He should carefully choose the people he listens to, because how
everything goes in the company lies in his hands. He should
altogether fire those people who backbite him.

It seems most Chinese
agree that the future of
their children lies in the
hands of their kids’ hard
work in getting a high
Gaokao score.

Your Sentence
It seems that most _______________ lies in the hands of
____________. 46
If your life lies in
someone’s hands,
who are you
going to choose:
someone kind
but weak or
aggressive but
Josef: Indeed, I know what you mean. However, have you not noticed
that they seem complacent despite how the company is right now?

a. having contentment and happiness in one’s goals
MEANING b. self-satisfaction resulting to not trying harder
c. not having prepared enough for important matters
d. being ok with whatever happens, having no care

They had always stood out in the competition for the past three
MORE years, but this year, they appeared complacent and eventually lost
in their first match.
EXAMPLES As the best student in class, he thought that he could perfect the
test without studying a lot. His complacent attitude proved him
wrong and he got the lowest score. He needs to be grounded.
I cannot afford to be
complacent at work
because I do not want
others to be ahead of me
in the race towards the
coveted promotion.

Your Sentence
I cannot afford to be complacent at _______________
because ____________. 49
Was there a time
that you became
What did you do
to overcome it?

Agatha: It matters that we have weighed the pros and the cons before
making this final decision, or else, such mistake will eat away at my
to weigh the pros and the cons
a. to enumerate the defects of an option
MEANING b. to choose the advantageous option
c. to consider the advantages and disadvantages
d. to think critically to reach a sound judgment

She was in a hurry but she wished to see her aunt while she’s in the
MORE city. Weighing the pros and cons, she decided to see her aunt even if
this would hold her up for a short while. Family always comes first.
EXAMPLES She always experiences difficulty in deciding between economical and
branded clothes, but she learned to weigh the pros and cons and was
able to come up with the right decision all the time.
You have to weigh the pros
and cons every time you
consider purchasing the
right car—between the
sedan or the SUV, the
economical but fuel-
consuming or the expensive
but fuel-efficient.

Your Sentence
You have to weigh the pros and cons every time you
consider _______________ --between ____________. 52
If your parents tell
you to marry the
rich person and not
the person you
love, what are the
pros and cons for
following their
Let us do role-play.
 Higher-ups
You received an order from the CEO
 be (kept) in the dark
to determine two people from your  at my wit’s end
team whom you could include in the  to lie in my hands
list for layoff. You and your friend,
another boss from a different
 to dismiss
department who received the same  to weigh the pros
order, decided to talk about this. and cons
 to be (not) in vain
 to tighten one’s belt
Let us do role-play.
Did you see this layoff coming? EXPRESSIONS TO
 Higher-ups
[Express that you have no idea as well
and the admin didn’t inform everyone.]  be (kept) in the
YOU dark
Everyone in my team is like a family  at my wit’s end
to me. This is so hard.
TEACHER  to lie is my hands
[Express that you do not know what to do as Use the
well. It saddens you that the responsibility to expressions
choose whom to fire is yours.] that are
YOU ticked.
Let us do role-play.
It would be strange to fire an old member—
wouldn’t it? The new ones are doing better actually. USE
TEACHER  to dismiss
[Explain that in choosing someone to fire, one  to weigh the pros
should consider the advantages and
disadvantages. ] and cons
You are right. Thanks for your advice. I just hope  to be (not) in vain
that this period is going to be over soon. I think
we shouldn’t blame ourselves for this.  to tighten one’s
[Say that working hard and smart will definitely Use the
produce good results in the end, but for now, the expressions
company needs to spend less. that are
YOU ticked.
Any questions?

Setting The second quarter of the year ended, and Agatha’s
team has not made any progress, because some of her team
members have not been performing well. In consequence, she has
to make a decision. She spoke to her deputy for an opinion. 58
Agatha: (on the phone) Josef, I want to discuss with you these
ominous statistics from the accounting department. Are you available
Josef: I’ll be there in a jiffy. Give me a sec.
(After a minute, Josef knocked on the door and entered the office.)
Agatha: Please take a seat. I have been reflecting a lot lately. As my
deputy, you should not be kept in the dark about the possibilities I am
considering. As you know, results are not promising. With how
things are, the cards are stacked against us.
Josef: We have not reached our sales target, have we?
Agatha: (sighs and nods) We have reached an all-time low, and in my
next meeting with the higher-ups from the headquarters, one of the
possible solutions I might offer is to tighten our belt and, very 59
Josef: We did try to help them out, but our effort seems to have gone
in vain. So, if we have tried everything we could think of, is there
another way to avoid a layoff?
Agatha: I hope there is. I am at my wit’s end! Do you have any
suggestions? I can’t bear thinking that what happens to them lies in
my hands.
Josef: Indeed, I know what you mean. However, have you not
noticed that they seem complacent despite how the company is right
now? Agatha, I think you really have to decide and bite the bullet,
since part of the problem is their inefficiency.
Agatha: I am exasperated, because I thought after all the trainings
we had a few months ago and the meetings that we had almost every
week, everything would come up roses—but no. It matters that we
have weighed the pros and the cons before making this final 60
Use all the expressions enclosed in braces in answering the questions.

1. What problem is Agatha facing? [dismiss, on the fence, all-time

low, tighten one’s belt]
2. How did Agatha inform Josef of the situation she’s in?
[statistics, in the dark, the cards are stacked against them]
3. Why is the company facing this problem according to Josef? [in
vain, complacent, layoff]
4. How does taking the responsibility make Agatha feel? [lie in
her hands, weigh the pros and cons]
5. What is finally the decision of Agatha?
Fill in the blanks with the right idiom that has been discussed in this lesson.
1. After losing her father to cancer and her husband to another woman,
Emily was in an ________ that she decided to take a long leave at work.
2. If one is unmotivated, uneducated and ill-mannered, definitely I could
say that _________.
3. When my mom called me in the middle of the night because of a
serious emergency, I immediately went to see her ________.
4. For young employees, the ________ was okay, but for old employees
who will be retiring a year later, this was devastating.
5. They say that the prime minister has been manipulating the ________
of her approval rate! How terrible she is!
6. He is ________ between going abroad and leaving his girlfriend behind.
7. After receiving the Best Employee title for three months straight, he
became ________ that the boss called him off eventually. 62
Do you have any questions?

About the
He finished three degrees in three prominent
universities—St. Vincent Ferrer Seminary for his AB
Philosophy; Central Philippine University for his
Bachelor of Secondary Education major in English
(magna cum laude); and University of the Philippines
for his Master of Education major in English as a
second language.

He taught English in Iloilo English Academy, Alphacrest

Academy and St. Paul University Iloilo.

During his free time, he writes short stories, travels,

and reads. He respects adults who are humble enough
to choose to learn.

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girl.jpg content/uploads/2018/09/businessman-working-
rtune_teller_taiwan.jpg content/uploads/2017/03/Multi-tasker.jpg
5b870f6b46e0fb00253a4eae.jpg rsrc/1468873158120/jokes-1/jokes/dirty-jokes/rich-

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