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Fairfield School of Business

Citylink West 2 Addiscombe Road, Croydon CR95TT

Unit: Business and the Business
Environment (Level 4)
3 Today’s Agenda

 Classroom rules
 Introduction to Module.
 Familiarising with Aims, Objectives of
Unit & Learning outcomes.
 Plagiarism & Referencing
 Students’ Responsibilities: what do we
expect from you.
 Referencing

Fairfiled School of Business

4 Classroom Rules

Take awareness of the following RULES:

1. Attendance – take note of the new
policy that the college has adopted.
2. Punctuality is essential.
3. No eating or drinking in classrooms,
particularly the IT Rooms.
4. Students are not allowed to receive or
make telephone calls in class.

Fairfiled School of Business

5 Unit Aims & Objectives

The aim of this module is to

provide you with
background knowledge and
understanding of business,
the functions of an
organisation and the wider
business environments in
which organisations
Fairfiled School of Business
6 Learning Outcomes
1. Explain the different types, size and scope of organisations.

2. Demonstrate the interrelationship of the various functions

within an organisation and how they link to organisational

3. Use contemporary examples to demonstrate both the positive

and negative influence/impact the macro environment has
on business operations.

4. Determine the internal strengths and weaknesses of specific

businesses and explain their interrelationship with external
macro factors.
Fairfiled School of Business
7 Assessment Method

 2 Formative Assessments. (Week 5 & Week 8)

 Submission of Final Assignment

DEADLINE: xx December 2018

Fairfiled School of Business
8 Assessment Criteria

 P1. Explain different types and purposes

of organisations; public, private and
voluntary sectors and legal structures.
 P2. Explain the size and scope of a range
of different types of organisations.
 P3. Explain the relationship between
different organisational functions and how
they link to organisational objectives and

Fairfiled School of Business

9 Assessment Criteria
 P4. Identify and discuss the various macro
environmental factors that impact on the business
operations, highlighting the positive and negative
impacts by taking examples using PESTLE
 P5. Applying the SWOT tool, conduct internal
and external analysis of your chosen organisation
and a similar organisation in order to identify their
strengths and weaknesses.
 P6. Explain how strengths and weaknesses
interrelate with external macro factors discussed
above .

Fairfiled School of Business

10 Merit and distinctions

 M1 In addition to your response of P2, Analyse how the

structure, size and scope of your organisations link to its
business objectives and product and services.
  M2 In addition to the response of question P3, Analyse
the advantages and disadvantages of interrelationships
between organisational functions and the impact that can
have upon organisational structure of selected
 D1  In the context of above questions, provide a critical
analysis of the complexities of different types of business
structures and the interrelationships of the different
organisational functions in selected organisation.

Fairfiled School of Business

11 Merit and distinctions

 M3 Apply appropriately the PESTLE model to

support a detailed analysis of the macro
environment within your organisation
 M4 In addition to your answer to P5, apply the
internal and external analysis of key findings
and justify how they influence the decision-
making process in selected organisatoin.
 D2 Critically evaluate the impacts that both
macro and micro factors have upon business
objectives and decision-making in your

Fairfiled School of Business

12 Plagiarism & Referencing

Plagiarism & Referencing

Fairfiled School of Business

13 What is Plagiarism?

 A practice that involves someone knowingly

taking and using another person’s work and
claiming it as their own.
 However, this definition covers a range of levels of
intent and seriousness.
 A student might be motivated by laziness as well
as by a direct intent to obtain a qualification
 Importantly, it can also be difficult to distinguish
between deliberate copying of a piece of work and
the inadequate referencing of a quotation.

Fairfiled School of Business

14 Forms of Plagiarism

 Word-for-word copying of someone else’s


 Changing words in a piece of work.

 Paraphrasing an argument.

 Some forms of plagiarism may result from

failing to reference properly.

Fairfiled School of Business

15 Students’ Responsibilities

It is the responsibility of students:

 To ensure that work submitted for purposes of assessment is
their own.
 To ensure that the words and ideas of others are appropriately
cited and referenced using the standard referencing system

 Students must not copy materials from other students (past or

present) from written sources, from the Internet, or from any
other source whether this is by cutting and pasting, rewriting
or any other means.
 Changing a few words within a copied piece of material does
not make this an original piece of work and it still counts as

Fairfiled School of Business

16 Referencing

 When you use other people’s writing, ideas & theories in

your assignment work, you need to make reference to it
within your work
 Making reference to other people’s work is called CITING.
At Fairfield School of Business we use the Harvard
 This has two parts and you must use both.
In text citation:
If you found some information in the book “Advanced
Business Studies” by Paul Mayes published in 2010, then
as a first part of the Harvard System you would put
(Mayes 2010, p. 12) in your work just after you mention
that you used the Mayes book.

Fairfiled School of Business

17 References list

 For the second part of the Harvard

System you list references to you
sources (and their details) at the end of
your piece of work in what is called a
 In this end list the details of the book
by Mayes would be given as Mayes, P.
(2010). Advanced Business Studies.
London: Hickox Publishing.

Fairfiled School of Business

18 Recommended Resources

BARON, P. (2012) Business and its Environment. 7th Ed. London:
Prentice Hall.
 PALMER, A. and HARTLEY, B. (2011) The Business
Environment. 7th Ed. Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill.
 WEATHERLEY, P. (Editor) and OTTER, D. (Editor) (2014) The
Business Environment: Themes and Issues in a Globalised World.
3rd Ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
 WORTHINGTON, I. and BRITTON. C. (2014) The Business
Environment. 7th Ed. Harlow Pearson.
 The Economist
 Financial Times

Fairfiled School of Business

19 Thank You


Fairfiled School of Business

20 Next class P1

P1. Explain different types and

purposes of organisations; public,
private and voluntary sectors and
legal structures.

Fairfiled School of Business

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