Gangguan Keseimbangan Cairan Dan Elektrolit

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Gangguan Keseimbangan

Cairan dan Elektrolit

Bag/SMF Anestesiologi dan Terapi Intensif FK



Kekurangan :
1. Pemasukan kurang
2. Pengeluaran berlebih

1. Pemasukan lebih
2. Pengeluaran kurang
Disturbances of fluid homeostasis
• Disturbance of fluid balance (intake≠output)

– Dehydraton, Overhydration (hyperhydration)

• Disturbance of osmolarity (electrolyte intake≠water


– Isonatremic (isotonic)
– Hyponatremic (hypotonic)
– Hypernatremic (hypertonic)
• Signs: increased thirst (except: advanced age, hypotonic
dehydration), weakness, decreased skin turgor, dry mucous
membranes, empty neck veins, decreased urine output,
elevated Htk, fever, tachycardia, hypotension, decreased
CVP,lethargy, stupor, coma

• Mild (loss: 4% of body weight): decresed skin turgor, sunken

eyes, dry mucous membranes
• Moderate (loss: 5-8 % of body weight): + oliguria, orthostatic
hypotension, tachycardia
• Severe (loss: 8-10 % of body weight): + hypotension,
decreased level of consciusness, stupor
Isotonic Hypertonic Hypotonic

Se Na n + -
Se osmolarity n + -
Hb + + +
Htk + + +
Blood volume - - -
Thirst mod. increase increased no
Isotonic dehydration
• Intracellular fluid volume remains constant

• External loss: vomiting, diarrhoea, haemorrhage,


• Internal loss: ileus, ascites, pleural effusion

• Therapy: volume replacement wiht isotonic solution

Hypertonic dehydration
• Extracellular + intracellular fluid loss; elevated

• Causes: inadequate replacement of hypotonic fluid

loss, osmotic diuresis (diabetes), decreased ADH
secretion, high fever, heat stroke, massive diarrhoea

• Therapy: slow water replacement, hypotonic solutions

are contraindicated in the first phase of replacement
Hypotonic dehydration
• Decreased extracellular fluid volumen, elevated
intracellular fluid volume

• Causes: inadequate fluid replacement with hypotonic

solution, elevated ADH secretion + extracellular fluid
loss, diuretics, vomiting

• Usually no thirst

• Therapy: Isotonic fluid replacement, Na replacement in

case of severe hyponatraemia
Derajat dehidrasi:
Dewasa Bayi dan Anak
Dehidrasi ringan 4 % BB 5 % BB
Sedang 6 % BB 10 % BB
Berat 8 % BB 15 % BB

Tanda klinis:
Ringan Sedang Berat
Defisit 3-5 % 6-8 % ≥ 10 %
Hemodinamik takikardia takikardia takikardia
nadi lemah nadi sangat lemah nasi tak teraba
volume collapse akral dingin
hipotensi ortostatik sianosis
Jaringan lidah kering lidah keriput atonia
turgor turun turgor kurang turgor buruk
Urine pekat jumlah kurang oliguria
SSP mengantuk apatis coma
Stadium Syok (Kehilangan Cairan)
1. Stadium Kompensasi
fungsi organ vital bertahan dengan peningkatan
reflek simpatis

2. Stadium Dekompensasi
gangguan perfusi jaringan

3. Stadium Irreversibel
kerusakan & kematian sel.
Stadium Kompensasi
A. Resistensi sistemik meningkat
Distribusi selektif aliran darah ke organ primer.
Resistensi arteriol meningkat  diastolik
B. Denyut jantung meningkat  COP naik.
C. Sekresi vasopresin, RAA meningkat ginjal
menahan air dan Na dalam sirkulasi.
Stadium Dekompensasi
a. Perfusi jaringan buruk  O2 sangat turun 
metabolisme anaerob  laktat naik  laktat
asidosis, CO2 menumpuk  asidemia 
kontraktilitas miokard terhambat.
b. Gangguan pompa Na/K tingkat sel  gangguan
membran sel, lisosom & mitokondria  sel
c. Aliran darah lambat, rusaknya rantai kinin dan
sistem koagulasi  agregasi trombosit 
tendensi perdarahan.
Stadium Dekompensasi
d. Pelepasan mediator vaskuler : histamin,
serotonin, sotokin (TNFα dan IL1), xanthin
oksidase  O2 radikal & faktor agregasi
Vasodilatasi arteriol, permeabilitas kapiler
meningkat  venous return turun  preload
turun  COP turun.
Manisfestasi klinis :
Takikardi, TD sangat turun, perfusi perifer
buruk, asidosis, oliguria, kesadaran turun.
Stadium Irreversible
Syok berlanjut  sel rusak dan mati  MOF.
Cadangan ATP akan habis, terutama di jantung dan
hepar  tubuh kehabisan energi.

Manisfestasi klinis :
Nadi tak teraba, TD tak terukur, anuria,
tanda-tanda kegagalan organ.
A. Berdasar Derajat Dehidrasi :
- BB 50 kg ---> DH. Berat (10%) = 10% x 50 L=5 L
Vol Pemberian Cairan = seluruh Defisit atau 2/3 bagian.

- Kecepatan infus tergantung :

Klinis / tingkat Dehidrasi & Kondisi Jantung.

- DH. Ringan / sedang : dibagi rata / 24 Jam

- DH. Berat & Syok : Rehidrasi cepat
- 20 - 40 ml/kg BB dalam 1-2 Jam
- 50% dari sisa devisit dalam 8 Jam
- Sisanya defisit dalam 16 Jam
Tahap berikutnya
- Ditambah kebutuhan dasar
(2 ml / kg BB/Jam)
Penggantian bila dipakai :
Kristaloid : 3 kali volume darah yang hilang.
Koloid : Sesuai jumlah darah yang hilang.
( Gelatin, Hestastarch)
Darah : Sesuai jumlah darah yang
• Signs: oedema, increased skin turgor, elevated
CVP, distended neck veins, pulmonary oedema
Isotonic Hypertonic Hypotonic
SeNa n + -
Se osmolarity n + -
Hb - - -
Htk - -- (-)
Blood volume + + +
Isotonic hyperhydration
• Intracellular fluid volume remains constant

• Causes: renal failure, heart failure; decreased

oncotic pressure, increased isotonic fluid

• Therapy: decrease intake, diuretics

Hypertonic hyperhydration
• Infrequent

• Causes: renal failure, excessive hypertonic fluid


• Increased thirst, fever, convulsion, coma

• Therapy: diuretics, dialysis + slow replacement with

hypotonic solutions
Hypotonic hyperhydration
• Intracellular fluid volume is also increased
• Water poisoning
• Causes: heart failure, near drowning (fresh-water),
increased input of hypotonic solutions (TUR syndrome)

• Symptomes: weakness, nausea, vomiting,altered mental


• Therapy: diuretics + fluid replacement with isotonic

solution (+ Natrium)
Electrolyte Imbalances
Normal range – 135 to 145 mEq/L
- Primary regulator of ECF volume (a loss or gain
of sodium is usually accompanied by a loss or
gain of water)
• Serum Na < 135 mmol/l
• Causes:
– Water problem (excess of water relative to sodium)
– Water excretion by the kidney is impaired
– Pseudohyponatraemia (hyperlipidaemia, hyperproteinaemia)

• Symptoms:
– Cerebral oedema
– Nausea, vomiting, lethargy, confusion, seizures, coma

• Therapy:
– Hypertonic saline (Se Na < 125 mmol/l)
– Isotonic saline (se na > 125 mmol/l)
– Increase rate of se Na level should be less than 2 mmol/h (cave:
Central pontin myelinolysis)
• Se Na > 145 mmol/l
• Causes: inadequate water intake and increased free
water loss; intake of hypertonic sodium solution
• Symptoms:
– Increased thirst
– Central nervous system abnormalities (confusion,
weakness, lethargy, seizures, coma)
• Therapy: water repletion, correction rate of Na level
should be no greater than 2 mmol/h (cave: cerebral
All About Potassium
• Major Intracellular electrolyte
• 98% of the body’s potassium is inside the cells
• Most abundant cation of ICF, helps maintain ICF
• Influences both skeletal and cardiac muscle activity
• Key role in the resting membrane potential and
action potential of neurons and muscle fibers
• Normal serum potassium concentration – 3.5 to
5.5 mEq/L.
• Serum Potassium greater than 5.5 mEq/L
- More dangerous than hypokalemia because
cardiac arrest is frequently associated with
high serum K+ levels
• Se K > 5 mmmol/l

• Causes
– Impaired excretion
• Renal failure, mineralocorticoid deficiency,
pseudohypoaldosteronism, drugs (potassium sparing
diuretics, ACE-inhibitors NSAID, cyclosporin)
– Shifts of K out of cells
• Tissue breakdown, acidosis, insulin deficiency
• Symptoms:
• Cardiac (peaked T waves, loss of P waves, heart
blocks, ventricular arrhytmias, widening of QRS
complexes, asystole)
• Paresthesias, weakness, paralysis
• Acidosis
• Therapy
– Direct antagonism of hyperkalemic effect on cell membrane
• Calcium gluconate
– Movement of extracellular K into intracellular compartment
• Insulin (+glucose)
• Sodium bicarbonate
• β2-adrenergic agonists
– Removal K from the body
• Loop diuretics
• Sodium polystyrene sulfonate
• Dialysis
• Se K < 3,5 mmmol/l
• Causes:
– Increased excretion: diarrhoea, renal losses, mineralocorticoid excess,
magnesium depletion
– Shifts of K into cells: drugs (insulin, β2-adrenergic agonists,
theophylline, caffeine), alkalosis, hyperthyreoidism
• Symptoms:
– Cardiac: flat t waves, ST depression, U wave, QT interval prolongation,
– Muscle paralysis, rhabdomyolysis
– Coma
– Metabolic alkalosis
• Therapy
– Supplementation of K
– (Knormal-Kmeasured) * ttkg * 0.2 + daily need
– Infusion rate: no more, than 20 (30) mmol/h
– Oral supplementation
– 1 gr potassium-chloride containes 13,4 potassium,
1 gr potassium-citrate containes 9,2 mmol/l
• More than 99% of the body’s calcium is
located in the skeletal system
• Normal serum calcium level is 8.5 to 10mg/dL
• Needed for transmission of
nerve impulses
• Intracellular calcium is needed
for contraction of muscles
Calcium 2
• Extracellular needed for blood clotting
• Needed for tooth and bone formation
• Needed for maintaining a normal heart
• Serum Calcium level less than 8.5 mEq/L
Hypocalcemia 2
• Causes
- Vitamin D/Calcium deficiency
- Primary/surgical hyperparathyroidism
- Pancreatitis
- Renal failure
Hypocalcemia 3
• Clinical Manifestations
- Tetany and cramps in muscles of extremities
Definition – A nervous affection characterized by
intermitten tonic spasms that are usually
paroxysmal and involve the extremities
Hypocalcemia 4
• Trousseau’s sign – carpal spasms
Hypocalcemia 5
• Chvostek’s sign – cheek twitching
Hypocalcemia 6
• Seizures, mental changes
Hypocalcemia 7
- EKG shows prolonged QT intervals
Hypocalcemia 8
• Medical management
- IV/PO Calcium Carbonate or Calcium
- Encourage increased dietary intake of Calcium
- Monitor neurlogical status
- Establish seizure precautions
• Serum Calcium level greater than 10.5 mEq/L
Hypercalcemia 2
• Causes:
- Hyperparathyroidism
- Prolonged immobilization
- Thiazide diuretics
- Large doses of Vitamin A and D
Hypercalcemia 3
• Clinical manifestations:
- Muscle weakness, nausea and vomiting
- Lethargy and confusion
- Constipation
- Cardiac Arrest (in
hypercalcemic crisis,
level 17mg/dL or
Hypercalcemia 4
• Management
- Eliminate Calcium from diet
- Monitor neurological status
- Increase fluids (IV or PO)
- Calcitonin
- used to lower serum calcium level
- useful for pts with heart disease or renal
- reduces bone resorption
- increases deposit of calcium and phosphorus
in the bones
- increases urinary excretion of calcium and
• Parathyroid pulls, calcitonin keeps

Parathyroid hormone pulls calcium out of the

Calcitonin keeps it there.
- Normal serum magnesium level is 1.5 to 2.5 mg/dL
- Helps maintain normal muscle and nerve activity
- Exerts effects on the cardiovascular system, acting
peripherally to produce vasodilation
- Thought to have a direct effect
on peripheral arteries and
• Serum Magnesium level less than 1.5 mEq/L
• Causes
- Chronic Alcoholism

- Diarrhea, or any disruption in small bowel

Hypomagnesemia 2

- Diabetic ketoacidosis
Hypomagnesemia 4
• Clinical manifestations
- Neuromuscular irritability
- Positive Chvostek’s and Trousseau’s sign
- EKG changes with prolonged QRS, depressed
ST segment, and cardiac dysrhythmias
- May occur with hypocalcemia and
• Starved – possible cause of hypomagnesemia

• Seizures
• Tetany
• Anorexia and arrhythmias
• Rapid heart rate
• Vomiting
• Emotional lability
• Deep tendon reflexes increased
Hypomagnesemia 5
• Management
- IV/PO Magnesium replacement, including
Magnesium Sulfate
- Give Calcium Gluconate if accompanied by
- Monitor for dysphagia, give soft foods
- Measure vital signs closely
Hypomagnesemia 6
• Foods high in Magnesium:
- Green leafy vegetables
Hypomagnesemia 7
- Nuts

- Legumes
Hypomagnesemia 8
• Seafood

• Chocolate
• Serum Magnesium level greater than 2.5
Hypermagnesemia 2
• Causes
- Renal failure
- Untreated diabetic ketoacidosis
- Excessive use of antacids and laxatives
Hypermagnesemia 3
• Clinical manifestations
- Flushed face and skin warmth

- Mild hypotension
Hypermagnesemia 4
- Heart block and cardiac arrest
- Muscle weakness and even paralysis
• Reflexes decreased (plus weakness and
• ECG changes (bradycardia and hypotension)
• Nausea and vomiting
• Appearance flushed
• Lethargy (plus drowsiness and
Hypermagnesemia 5
• Management
- Monitor Mg levels
- Monitor respiratory rate
- Monitor cardiac rhythm
- Increase fluids
- IV calcium for
- Normal serum phosphorus level is 2.5 to 4.5
- Essential to the function of muscle and red
blood cells, maintanence of acid-base balance,
and nervous system
- Phosphate levels vary inversely to calcium
- High Calcium = Low Phosphate
• Serum Phosphorus level less than 2.5 mEq/L
Hypophosphatemia 2
• Causes
- Most likely to occue with overzealous intake
or administration of simple carbohydates
- Severe protein-calorie
malnutrition (anorexia or
Hypophosphatemia 3
• Clinical manifestations
- Muscle weakness
- Seizures and coma
- Irritability
- Fatigue
- Confusion
- Numbness
Hypophosphatemia 4
• Management
- Prevention is the goal
- IV Phosphorus for severe
- Prevention of infection
- Monitor phosphorus levels
- Increase oral intake of phosphorus rich foods
Hypophosphatemia 5

Foods rich in Phosphorus:

- Milk and milk products

- Organ meats
- Nuts
- Fish
Hypophosphatemia 6
- Poultry

- Whole grains
• Serum Phosphorus level greater than 4.5
• Causes
- Renal failure
- Chemotherapy
- Hypoparathyroidism
- High phosphate intake
Hyperphosphatemia 2
• Clinical manifestations
- Tetany
- Muscle weakness
- Similar to Hypocalcemia because of reciprocal
Hyperphosphatemia 3
• Management
- Treat underlying cause
- Avoid phosphorus rich foods

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