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In case (of)
We use it as a way of being safe from something that might happen or might
be true.
Take an umbrella, in case it rains.  

He had his camera ready, just in case he saw

something that would make a good picture

She has to get out from home early in case of traffic

• Use the simple present tense with in case to
talk about a possible future event.

Don’t use ‘will’.

You say: Write it down in case you forget.

✗Don’t say: in case you will forget
• Use the simple past tense with in case when
talking about the past.

Don’t use ‘would’.

You say: I took my umbrella in case it rained.

✗Don’t say: in case it would rain
We can also use “just in case” with these sentences, but
the structure will change a little. For example:

It might rain today, so I brought an umbrella just in case.

I thought you might be hungry, so I brought you a sandwich

just in case.

My first pen might run out of ink, so I brought a second one

just in case.

You might spend all your cash on your trip, so you should
take your credit card just in case

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