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GS - 104

Elementary Petrology

Department of Geological Sciences

Jahangirnagar University
Lecture Outline

 Structure of Metamorphic Rocks

 Metamorphic Zones
 Metamorphic Grades
 Metamorphic Facies
Structure of
Metamorphic Rocks
Structure of Metamorphic Rocks
The metamorphic structure are determined by
definite mechanical conditions and also by
recrystallization. Relict (remnant of the original
structure) and crystalloblastic (metamorphic
crystalline structure) structures may exist side by
side. The relict structure may be used to trace back
the nature of the original rock and the magnitude of
alteration it has undergone.
Five major types of metamorphic structures have
been recognized:
1.Cataclastic structure
2.Maculose structure
3.Schistose structure
4.Granulose structure
5.Gneissose structure
Structure of Metamorphic Rocks
1. Cataclastic structure
It is produced under stress and in absence of high
temperature whereby rocks are subjected to
shearing and fragmentation. Only the durable
mineral are partly survive the crushing force and the
less durable ones are partly powdered. As these
structures are formed due to cataclasis, they are
known as calaclastic structure.
2. Maculose structure
It is produced by thermal metamorphism or
argillaceous rocks like shales. Here, larger crystals
of andalusite, cordierite and biotite are sometimes
well developed giving a spotted appearance to the
rocks. The well developed crystals are known as
porphyroblasts with increasing degree of
Structure of Metamorphic Rocks
3. Schistose structure
Here the platy or flaky minerals like the micas and other
inequidimensional minerals show a preferred orientation
along parallel planes, under the effect of the stress
dominating during metamorphism. The longer direction is
parallel to the direction of maximum strain. Schistosity is
the property or tendency of a foliated rock, whereby it can
be readily split along foliation plane.
4. Granulose structure
This is found in the rocks composed of equidimensional
minerals like quartz, feldspar and pyroxenes. They are
formed by the recrystallisation of pre-existing rocks,
under uniform pressure and great heat. The typical
texture is coarsely granoblastic. These structure is also
known as ‘sacchroidal’. Quartzite and marbles are typical
examples of this structure.
Structure of Metamorphic Rocks
5. Gneissose structure
It is banded structure due to alteration of schistose
(dark colored) and granulose (light colored) bands
and is produced by highest grade of metamorphism,
typically by regional metamorphism. The bands differ
from one another in color, texture and mineral
composition. Gneisses typically show this type of
structure, hence the name.
Metamorphic Zones
Metamorphic zone is defined as the area subjected to
metamorphism and characterized by metamorphic
A progressive metamorphic sequence is an area may
subdivided into area or zone of metamorphic grades.
These zone or area is called the zone of
Grubenmann (1904) has distinguished three zone of
metamorphism on the basis of the depth:
1. Epizone/Upppermost zone
2. Mesozone/Intermediate zone
3. Katazone/Lowermost zone
Metamorphic zone Grubenmann (1904)

Zone Temperature Uniform Directed Pressure Kind of Mineral formed Rocks

depth in °C Pressure Metamorphism

Epizoe Low to moderate Small Often strong, Cataclastic to (Stress minerals) 1. Phyllites
4-6 mile 300°C Occasionally absent Dynamothermal a.Cerrusite 2. Sericite-talc,
b. Epidote epidote,
c. Chlorite chlorite,
d. Mica group glaucophane,
3. Quartz-schist
4. Schistose-
grit, etc
Mesozone Considerable Considerabl Mostly strong Dynamo-thermal- (Stress minerals 1. Mica-xhist,
4-10 mile 300-500°C e Load predominant) 2. Garnet-mica-
metamorphism a.Biotite schist
b.Muscovite 3. Staurolite-
c.Epidote schist
d.Hornblende 4. Hornblende-
5. Mica-and
Katazone High Very great Feeble to Absent Load or static (Ant-Stress 1. Coarse
>10 mile 500-700°C metamorphism, minerals biotite-
plutonic predominant) pyroxene-
metamorphism a.Garnet sillimanite
b.Augite and cordierite
2. Granulites
3. Eclogite
Metamorphic Facies
P. Escola (1920) Facies(1904) theory
modified Grubenmann
of metamorphic facies. According to him
metamorphic facies is a group of rocks varying in
chemical composition characterized by a definite set
of minerals which have arrived approximately an
equilibrium under a given condition of temperature
and pressure, such as -
• Greenschist
• Amphibolite
• Hornfels
• Sanidinite
• Eclogite
General characteristics Faciesfacies:
of metamorphic
Defines a given set of metamorphic conditions
Each facies is characteristics of particular tectonic
environments (and source rocks) and will have
certain minerals that are indicative of those
The minerals in a rock can therefore be clues to the
(pressure and temperature) history of the rock.
These facies are usually low grade facies, non-schistose
and preserve original parent features. Zeolites are groups
of white to colorless hydrous alumina silicates,
analogous in composition to feldspars.
A blue amphibole-bearing metamorphosed mafic igneous
rock or mafic graywacke. This term is so commonly
applied to such rocks that it is even applied to non-
schistose rocks.
A low-grade metamorphic rock that typically contains
chlorite, actinolite, epidote, and albite. Note that the first
three minerals are green, which imparts the color to the
rock. Such a rock is called greenschist if foliated, and
greenstone if not. The protolith is either a mafic igneous
rock or graywacke.
A metamorphic rock dominated by hornblende +
plagioclase. Amphibolites may be foliated or non-
foliated. The protolith is either a mafic igneous rock
or graywacke.
A high grade rock of pelitic, mafic, or quartzo-
feldspathic parentage that is predominantly
composed of OH-free minerals. Muscovite is absent
and plagioclase and orthopyroxene are common.
A green and red metamorphic rock that contains
clinopyroxene and garnet (omphacite + pyrope). The
protolith is typically basaltic.
Hornfels is a type of granofels that is typically very
fine-grained and compact, and occurs in contact
aureoles (near a magma body). Hornfelses are
tough, and tend to splinter when broken.
A composite silicate rock that is heterogeneous on
the 1-10 cm scale, commonly having a dark
gneissic matrix (melanosome) and lighter felsic
portions (leucosome). Migmatites may appear
layered, or the leucosomes may occur as pods or
form a network of cross-cutting veins.
Metamorphic Facies in Subduction Zones
Metamorphic grade or
Facies: A group of minerals
that form in a particular P-T
environment. Can be used to
deduce T-P conditions of

We can look at minerals in Metamorphic Rocks and determine where they formed.

Subducted Water, water from hydrated minerals, facilitates metamorphic reactions

by allowing movement of atoms and ions
Metamorphic Grade
Metamorphic grade is a general term for describing
the relative temperature and pressure conditions
under which metamorphic rocks form. As the degree
of metamorphism increases, new minerals become
stable and crystallize. The minerals present in
metamorphic rocks are thus indicators of the P/T
conditions at the time of the last recrystallization.
Metamorphic grade is a scale of metamorphic
intensity which uses indicator minerals as
geothermometers and geobarometers.
1. Low – grade metamorphism:
Low – grade metmaorphism takes place at
temperature between about 200 to 320°C, and
relatively low pressure. Low grade metamorphic
rocks are characterized by an abundance of
hydrous minerals (minerals that contain water,
H2O, in their crystal structure).

Examples of hydrous minerals that occur in low grade

metamorphic rocks: Clay Minerals, Serpentinite,
Chlorite etc.

2. Intermediate – grade metamorphism:

Intermediate – grade metamorphism lies in between
low and high grade metamorphism. It contains
minerals such as garnet and staurolite.
3. High – grade metamorphism:
High – grade metamorphism takes place at
temperature greater than 550°C and relatively high
pressure. As grade of metamorphism increases,
hydrous minerals become less hydrous, by losing H 2O
and non-hydrous minerals become more common.

Examples of less hydrous minerals and non-hydrous

minerals that characterize high grade metamorphic
rocks such as sillimanite:
--Muscovite –hydrous mineral that eventually disappears
at the highest grade of metamorphism.
--Biotite –hydrous mineral that is stable to very high
grades of metamorphism.
--Pyroxene –a non hydrous mineral.
--Garnet –a non hydrous mineral.
Low Inc
Grade r eas
m et
Slate r ph
ic g
Intermediate rad
Phyllite Grade
Pressure (kilobars)


Depth (km)

Blueschist Gneiss

Temperature (°C)
Foliated rocks are classified by the degree
of cleavage, schistosity, and banding.

Low grade Intermediate grade

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