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The Great

Pronounced (lou’dzu’)
Is the name given to the

father of Taoism and the

author of the book called
“Tao Te Ching” or the Way
and Its Power.
The Tao Te Ching contains

Lao Tzu’s words of wisdom.

Taoism ( dou’izm) ia a
religion developed from
Taoist philosophy.
It stresses freedom from

desires, simplicity of
lifestyle, and
understanding the way of
the universe.
Taoism is derived
from Tao, which
means “Path” or “Way.”
For the early Chinese,
the Tao referred to the
force that controlled
the universe.
Confucius- Westernized
form of his name
Kung Fu Tze
Kung- his proper name
Fu- signifying revered
Tze- teacher
He teach:

Moral conduct
True gentlemen
Spiritually superior

Analects of Confucius
A collection of Confucian
sayings, contain truth
about social relations
between and among
family members or
Selection from the Analects of
1. The superior man understands what is
right; the inferior man understands what
will sell.
2. The superior man loves his soul the
inferior man loves his property 
3. Meaning of the superior man blames
himself : the inferior man blames the
4. To know what you know and know what
you do not know is the characteristic of
one who knows.
5. do not worry about people not
knowing you but strive to be worth
6. a man who has committed mistake
and doesn't correct it is committing
another mistake
7. Reading without thinking gives one a
disorderly mind; thinking without
reading makes one flighty.
8. When a country is in order it is shame
to be poor and common man, when a
country is in chaos it is shame to be
rich and an official
 9. to repay evil in kindness is
a sign of a generous character
to repay kindness with evil is
the sign of a criminal
 10. A man who has a beautiful

soul always has some

beautiful things to say, but a
man who says beautiful things
does not necessarily have a
beautiful soul

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