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Chapter 4

 In most families, every birthday means a
delightful celebration and every holiday
an opportunity for some festivity, a time
when friends and relatives gather.
 Entertainment is one of the fine
pleasures of life.
Hospitality is defined as the
reception and entertainment of
guests or strangers with liberality
and kindness.
The Hosts and Hostesses
 Hosts / Hostesses who entertain in the
spirit enjoy giving pleasure to their
friends and sharing their home with
them while doing everything they can to
make the experience as delightful as
 Good Hosts/ Hostesses are those who
have mastered the technique of giving
a successful party without
unreasonable expenditure of time,
effort, and money.
 They know that a little ingenuity in planning
food and entertainment will go a long way
to make a party successful than expensive
refreshments, party favors and elaborate
Food Planning
 A well- planned part will be
long remembered. Food helps
to make a party lively. Whether
it is a formal banquet with five
courses or a simple merienda
with plain sugar cookies, food
helps to create a festive
In Occasion…
 There must also be a congenial people,
interesting activities, and pleasant conversation.
However, food, no matter how simple, can do
much to promote the party spirit.
Good parties are fun, but they do not
happen by accident. Planning is
necessary to ensure the success of
any party except, of course, those
given on the spur of the moment.
Thank you and God Bless!!!

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