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“Tissue engineering is an emerging

interdisciplinary field that applies
the principles of biology and
engineering to the development of
viable substitutes that restore,
maintain, or improve the function of
human tissues.”
What are ‘viable substitutes’?

•On a large scale, certain surgical

interventions, like castration of a bull, have
led to alteration of tissue function.
•On a molecular level, gene therapy is has
been very successful with plants and animals
•On a cellular level, the research is currently
focused on stem cells.
Stem Cell History
1998 - Researchers first extract stem cells from human
1999 - First Successful human transplant of insulin-
making cells from cadavers
2001 - President Bush restricts federal funding for
embryonic stem-cell research
2002 - Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation
International creates $20 million fund-raising effort
to support stem-cell research
2002 - California ok stem cell research
2004 - Harvard researchers grow stem cells from embryos
using private funding
2004 - Ballot measure for $3 Billion bond for stem cells
Stem cells
According to the Merriam-Webster Online
Dictionary, a stem cell is,
“an unspecialized cell that gives rise to
differentiated cells“

•A cell that has the ability to continuously

divide and differentiate (develop) into
various other kind(s) of cells/tissues
Stem Cell Characteristics

 ‘Blank cells’ (unspecialized)

 Capable of dividing and renewing
themselves for long periods of time
(proliferation and renewal)
 Have the potential to give rise to
specialized cell types (differentiation)
Types of Stem Cell
• Embryonic – pluripotent: can form
almost any cell type in the human body

• Tissue-Specific (Adult) –
multipotent: can form only limited
types of cells (blood, brain, liver, etc.)

• Induced Pluripotent – engineered

by scientists to act like embryonic stem cells
This cell can form all of the
cells in the human body

This cell can form

almost every cell type
in the human body

Fully mature
 Disease
• Diabetes, Spinal
cord injury,
disease, heart
 Genetic based
• Cystic fibrosis,
07/20/20 Dr. Hariom Yadav
Challenges to Stem Cell/Cloning
• Stem cells need to be
differentiated to the
appropriate cell type(s) before
they can be used clinically.
• Recently, abnormalities in
chromosome number and
structure were found in three
human ESC lines.

07/20/20 Dr. Hariom Yadav

Challenges to Stem Cell/Cloning

• Stem cell development or proliferation must

be controlled once placed into patients.
• Possibility of rejection of stem cell transplants
as foreign tissues is very high.

07/20/20 Dr. Hariom Yadav

Challenges to Stem Cell/Cloning
• Contamination by viruses, bacteria, fungi, and
Mycoplasma possible.
• The use of mouse “feeder” cells to grow ESC
could result in problems due to
xenotransplantation (complicating FDA
requirements for clinical use).

07/20/20 Dr. Hariom Yadav

What progress has been made
to date?
• Autologous stem cells have been injected
into heart to regenerate damaged cardiac
• Corneal autologous stem cell grafts have
been used to treat eye disease & trauma
• Skin replacement has been grown with
stem cells for transplant in burn victims
• Autologous stem-cell cartilage grafts have
been used to treat joint disease
• Leukemia & other cancers have been
treated with stem cells from bone marrow
and umbilical cord blood
• A human mandible has been produced
using a titanium mesh and autologous
bone-marrow stem cells
The future?
According to the Stem Cell Research Center:
Half Of All Americans Could Benefit From Stem Cell Research
Experts are predicting that stem cell research has the potential
to help up to half of all Americans, who suffer from some form of
presently incurable disease, injury or birth defect. Some of
Those conditions include:

One million children with juvenile diabetes

8.2 million people with cancer
58 million with heart disease
Four million suffering from Alzheimer's disease
10 million with osteoporosis
43 million arthritis sufferers
250,000 people paralyzed by spinal cord injuries
30,000 victims of Lou Gehrig's disease
500,000 with Parkinson's disease
see separate presentation
Stem Cells and
Regenerative Medicine

Zach Scheiner, PhD

Science Officer

Hariom Yadav1, Shalini Jain1 and Mukesh Yadav2

nimal Biochemistry Division,
National Dairy Research Institute,
Karnal-132001, Haryana, INDIA
SOS in Chemistry, Jiwaji University,
Gwalior-474011, M.P., INDIA
Corresponding author: Email:
An Introduction to
Tissue Engineering

Cindy Handley, PhD, MT(ASCP)

SCCC Biology Instructor

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