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Market Research

Seven basic questions for any

major market research:
1. WHY-Purpose and
objectives for conducting
market research.
2. WHAT-Determine the
scope and the limitations
of the market research
to be conducted.
3. WHICH-Determine
which segment of the
market must be studied.
4. WHO-Identifies who
among the members of
the selected market
segment will participate
in the market research.
5. WHEN-Determine
the time and timing of
the research.
6. WHERE-Pinpoints the
relevant location of the
market research.
7. HOW-Determine the
methodology to be used
for the market research.
(e.g. survey, focus group
discussion, observation.)
Three commonly used graphs
in market research:
• Histogram/bar graph
• Frequency polygon
• Pie chart
Sales Data Mining
-means the data can
logically arranged
chronologically; known
as Data Array.
Focus Group Discussions
• one of the most common
qualitative research tools.
• Used for generating initial
insights and substantive
Substantive issues:
• Understanding consumers’ perceptions,
preferences, behavior
• Obtaining impressions on anew product
• Generating new ideas
• Developing creative concepts and copy
materials for advertisements
• Securing price impressions
• It is effective in extracting
consumer and non-consumer
experiences regarding
products, places, or programs.
• An interview by a facilitator of a
small group of people that
normally lasts for an hour and a
half hour up to three hours.
• Four Key decisions to be made to
ensure the objective set are met:
1. Respondents selections
2. Data Gathering
3. Data Analysis
4. Go to the nine steps of
conducting FGD
Observation Technique
• one of the best way of
gathering data about
customers in their natural
setting without having interact
or talk to them.
Important conditions of the
researcher prior to doing
• The needed information must
be observable on inferable
from the behavior that can be
• The subject matter contains
some sensitivity that needs
detached observation.
• The behavior on interest must
be repetitive, frequent, or
predictable in some manner.
• The behavior must be of a
relatively short duration.
Survey Research
• Is the most preferred
instrument for in-depth
quantitative research.
Three important concerns in
planning survey:
• Sampling technique
• Getting the sample size
• Designing the questionnaire
Sampling technique are
classified into probability and
non-probability sampling;
probability sampling- is where
the respondents are randomly
selected from a population.
Probability sampling- is where the
respondents are randomly
selected from a population.
Non-probability sampling- refers
to the technique that is resorted
Sample Size- has three basic
determinants; 1) Data variability
of a proportion 2) confident level
in the estimation process 3) Error
in the result of the estimation
Answer the ff:
1. Why is the research being
done? What does the
researcher want to find out?
Explain the concept of market
research methodologies?
1. Sales Data Mining
2. Focus Group Discussion
3. Observation Technique

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