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Tom and Mary

‘Via the Internet we
can find any book,
download it to
computer, and then
read it. We like the
possibility to read
newspapers and
magazines online, like
“Times”, “Guardian”,
“Mirror” and other. We
want to know what is
going on in the world’.
‘Well, the Internet can
give you lots of facts
about different
subjects. It`s very
useful if we have to
write about something
we don`t know a lot
about – and much
better than going to
the library’.
‘You can also use the
Internet to contact
other people around
the world in seconds
by using the e-mail
facility. This means
that you don`t need to
spend time writing
letters to companies or
organizations if you
need information’.
‘I like using the self-
test programmes. They
make revising much
easier – and my marks
have got better!’
‘Um, I`ve just thought
of something else. I
use the Internet to find
out new words – it`s
quicker than using a
‘Sometimes there are
things in algebra or
biology that teachers
only go over once, and
I don`t understand
them. But I can use a
program I`ve got at
home which explains
it again and again until
I do understand it!’
Ann and Jane
‘Internet is great for
language learners too. If
you have problems learning
grammar in class, you can
use a grammar program to
study on your own. Or, if
you feel embarrassed
practicing your
pronunciation in class, you
can use the Internet to help
you. In addition to this, you
can even use Internet to
learn new vocabulary. You
can use it to revise for tests
or exams’.
‘There is so much that
students can do with the
Internet. Not only can they
communicate with
international students, they
can gain from others`
knowledge and
experiences, participate in
chatrooms, share ideas and
solutions and learn about
many diverse cultures out
I use the Internet to talk to
people in other countries. I
like doing that’.
Fill in the gaps with the correct word derived from the
words in brackets.
The Internet has 1) …………. (communicate) as we know
it. From education to 2) …………….. (advertise) this new
3) …………………. (technology) advance has affected 4)
………….. (practical) every aspect of our lives.
Magazines, newspapers and even books are “on-line”
and can be read on the computer. You can find 5)
……………. (inform) on any topic – the 6) …………..
(possible) are 7) ……………. (end). The Internet can 8)
………….. (instant) connect you to other computers,
allowing you to “chat” with people all over the world.
It`s actually very easy to learn how to use the system,
and once you`re on-line, you`ll never want to turn the
computer off! The 9) …………….. (develop) of such
technology has come a long way. These 10) ………………
(amaze) electronic devices have changed many
people`s lives forever.
Listen to the information and answer the questions in short.
1. Is information technology more or less important in education
than before?
2. Where does the word “blog” come from?
3. What is a “blog”?
4. What are blogs used for at universities?
5. What does “WIKI” mean?
6. Who puts the information on this kind of website?
7. What is Wikipedia? _______________________________
8. Why do students need to be careful if they use “Wikis” when
they study?

Advantages & Disadvantages
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2… 2…
3… 3…

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