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Evaluation of Instruction

Flip Chart
EDL 278
Cassie Smith
SSuuppp ur
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peerrst 3G Debriefing Model
Guide: the ‘what’; invitation to the conversation
Gauge: the ’what about the what’; emotional
Grow: the ‘now what’; identify ’next steps’

• Walkthroughs: Every Classroom, Every Week
• Reflective Questions: Facilitate instructional
• Expectations: Clear & Concise
• Data: Specific documentation to support improvement
• Timelines: Know them, Follow them
• Feedback: Honest, Growth minded, support teachers &
• Documentation: Careful & Thorough; No Bias
• Learning vs Teaching

Without feedback, we can’t improve Fair
o Even the best teachers what
constructive, meaningful
feedback (tie to ICDP) Specific
o Standard 8: Start informal and Timely
back up with policy

Objective Questions What? (They are easy to answer. They Reflective Questions What about “The What”? (They
get the facts and information. Their purpose is to relieve stress and elicit emotional response and personal reactions. They invite a
invite active participation.) deepened level of participation: think, feel, believe, gauge.)
What do you remember most vividly about…? How do you feel “it” went?
What were the key points you noted about…? What was the most/least successful thing you noted?
What did the . . . actually do during . . . ? What seemed to really work (or not work)?
What did you/they accomplish? What concerns you? Confuses you? Annoys you?
What did you observe during the . . . ? As you look at the artifacts, what concerns/pleases you?
Which individuals actively participated in the lesson? As you reflect on the evidence on standards and criteria,
What were the student behaviors you observed? what pleases/concerns you?
Where does this action/activity fit in the Iowa Teaching What’s one thing that you did made you feel most
Standards? Or Iowa Core? effective?
Which actions or activities were addressed? What was exciting, surprising, or frustrating about . . . ?
What body language did you notice in the participants? What part of the . . . was/will be hardest/easiest?
How many different resources did you use in… ? How did you feel as you were . . . ?
What are some innovation/trends that you noted? Where or when do you feel . . . had difficulty/will be
Are there artifacts that I should examine? difficult?
What facts do we know about this situation? Which activities/actions do you think fostered high
What was the target of the lesson? involvement / student engagement?
What was the expectation for students? What are you doing in this lesson that will affect student
Where does this lesson fit into the curriculum? learning?
How does this fit into your ICDP?

Interpretive Questions So What? (They invite sharing, and Decisional Questions Now What? (They develop
they build consciousness. They generate options and possibilities. opinions/options/solutions that lead to future actions. They clarify
Brainstorming and identification of possible solutions is the norm.) expectations for improvement or change.)
What did you learn about yourself through this What things will you do differently?
experience? What things will you do the same in future…?
What things could you have done/could you do to Which of your skills will you further develop?
increase (student engagement)…? And what will you do to develop them?
What things could you have done/could you do to What things will you do to increase (student
extinguish the undesirable (student behavior)…? engagement)…?
What are some examples of techniques or strategies that What things will you do to ensure future success and/or
worked/could work for you in this…? prevent future failure?
What are things that you might have done/ could do in What things will you do during future lessons to sustain
the beginning (or middle, or end) of this . . . that would or extinguish student behavior?
have enhanced/could enhance the outcome? What are your next steps?
What do these results mean to you in terms of future What actions/ideas has this triggered for you?
planning? What goals have you set for yourself that are related to
What other ways could you assess (student learning)…? our conversation?
What insights have you gained about how your teaching Why are you choosing to do…?
affects your student’s behavior and/or achievement? What skills will you be developing?
What other strategies could you use to: practice, assess, What supports will you need to continue to work on
ensure mastery, increase learning, etc? those areas of concern to you? (TLC, book, observe)
*Schedule something
**Follow up!

1. Articulate process to staff
2. Go over lesson plan / activities (1-3 days prior)
3. Clarify time and location
4. Talk about option of recording lesson
If issue arises and evaluator can’t be there when planned
5. Identify areas teacher wants feedback on
6. Clarify information needed to know:
Where to sit? Student groups? Demographics? Prior
lessons? Scope/sequence in unit? Align to PD?

Value the Process AND the Person

1. Consider going to the teacher’s room or
common space
2. Stick to data / evidence
3. Ask clarifying questions
4. Narrow focus for improvement / growth
1. Focus on student achievement
5. Use ORID questions to guide your
conversation (80/20)
6. Make a plan to follow up with the teacher

• Lead to individual, instructional conversations
• Lead to continuous improvement in instruction
• Observe students and build relationships
• Observe effectiveness of staff development
• Keep perspective about your work
• Share working strategies with other staff members
• Look for celebrations!

• Set clear intentions with staff
• Be intentional in ’look-fors’
• Intention is to help teachers improve
• Provide honest feedback
• Keep them short (5-8 minutes)
• Don’t appear evaluative – nothing in hands!!

• Visible objectives
• Student engagement
• Talk to students
• Teacher and student actions
• Evidence of student learning
• Assessments (formative & summative)
• Only 1-2 reflective questions (open ended)

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Best Practices:
▸Productive Pre-Conference
▸Provide lesson plan with objective
▸Confirm date, time, and location of observation
▸ Ask teacher for areas of feedback – tie to ICDP
▸ Clarify expectations and process of observation

Write up:
▸ Accurate notes / evidence align
▸ Cite comments from teachers / students
▸ Use 3rd person in sentences
• No: I like, good, nice,
▸ Tie to lesson plans, walk throughs, ICDP, building/district
▸ Clear evidence of + / - (specific)
▸ Have 3 areas to improve (even if proficient)
▸ Allow teachers to clarify evidence in post-conference
▸ Use: teacher profile, lesson plans, file information, walk-
through data
▸Officially complete after it is signed

▸ Use standard/benchmark with evidence
▸ Write enough detail to get job promotion
▸ Use standard/benchmark with evidence
▸ Is the lesson effective or not?
▸ ▸Phrases:
The expectation is…
The evidence suggests…
I need to see…
To meet the standard, you must…
▸ Align to Growth
▸ Supports available: TLC coach, book, 1-1, mentor
▸Describe what areas are distinguished & proficient
▸Align to ICDP, Building/District Goals

Best Practice:
• 1st & 2nd year teachers do NOT have Due Process
• Plan must be reviewed at 90 days
• Plan can last up to a full year; Notice sent by April 30
• Teacher does not have to complete
improvement plan to be terminated
• Teacher can suspend ICDP to focus on
improvement plan
• Identify specific concerns tied to unmet standards
• Provide evidence from walk-throughs, formal
evaluations, conference, co-teaching, etc.
• Focus on GROWTH!
• Legally, plan needs to be followed as written
• Set expectations
• Communicate with teacher, superintendent, union rep

If I don’t help this teacher improve,

who will?

• Specific Concerns related to the Iowa Teaching Standards
• Plan (Methods/Strategies)
• Proposed Timeline
• Indicators of Progress
• Resources / Support Needed
• Make sure all parties (evaluator) can live up to
the plan
• Follow up Meeting date
• Teacher AND Admin agree / sign

Assume: Teachers are doing the best they

know how; if you want them to do better, you
have to be willing to:
>>Teach – Train - Support<<

Would I want my child in that classroom?

• How does this lesson connect to our power standards, the missions,
vision and goals of our school building / district? If not, why?
• How will you know/how will the students know when the goal of the
lesson is met?
• Are your objectives posted where students can see them?
• How do you arrange the physical space to support student learning
and/or collaboration?
• How do you choose groupings?
• What are your classroom management procedures and how do you
share those with students? How long do you take to establish the
routines? How often do you review routines?
• How do you differentiate throughout the activity to meet the needs
of all learners? Especially those with sensory or physical needs?
• How do you allow students voice and choice in the differentiation of
your assignments?
• What do you do to assess individual students? How do you help
those who are ‘not getting it’ or advance those who ‘are getting it’?
• Are there opportunities for formative assessments? What are some
of the strategies you use?
• How do you tell the difference between compliance and
engagement throughout your lesson?
• If you use exit tickets, how do you address questions/concerns
about the current lesson in future lessons?
• How do you ensure all students are actively engaged in a lesson?
How do you know?
• How are you incorporating academic vocabulary into your lessons?
• What phrases can you use that would provide a ‘Growth Mindset’ in
student learning?
• How could you guide/scaffold students to answer their own
• What activities can you incorporate that would allow authentic
learning and/or an authentic audience?
• How will you assess student learning from today’s lesson? How will
you move forward in instruction based on student learning?
• How are you utilizing the paraprofessional in your room? Is there a
more effective way they can be utilized?
• What higher order thinking strategies have you tried?
• What strategies do you have in place for transitions? RR? Drink?
Between activities?
• How do you determine the pace of the lesson? How do you know if
it is too fast or too slow?
• How do you know student’s background knowledge on a given
topic? What do you do with that information?
• What are the next steps for students after this lesson?
• Where does this lesson fit into the scope and sequence of your unit?
• How are you using technology /media to benefit / enhance student
• What are student’s strengths and needs based on data and student
work? What are your plans moving forward based on this info?

• What will the students be doing during the lesson?
• What is the main focus / target of the lesson?
• Are there prerequisite knowledge and skills that students must have
attained before they can be successful in this unit or lesson? If so, what are
• What will your students be able to do as a result of this lesson?
• How do you monitor and adjust the level of rigor in your lessons?
• How does this lesson reflect your understanding of the structure of the
discipline you are teaching? For example, if this lesson or unit represents
one or more strands in the subject, what are the others? Or does it address
more than one strand? (1A)
• Given that many techniques are possible, why have you chosen the
pedagogical approach that you have?
• What are some typical student misconceptions (if any) about the content
you are teaching? How will you address those?
• What are the typical developmental characteristics (primarily cognitive, but
also social and emotional) of students of the age you teach? (1B)
• Describe how students most effectively learn the content you are teaching?
• Describe the knowledge and skills of the students for whom you are
planning this unit or lesson. Has this required that you differentiate within
the plan?
• What do you know of the interests and cultural backgrounds of the students
you teach? How do you use this information in your planning of this lesson
or unit?
• How have you accommodated (if it is necessary) students with special
• What materials or resources will you use to teach this unit or lesson? Are
these provided by your school or district? (1D)
• Are you aware of any additional resources, either beyond your school or in
the community, that could enrich your teaching of this content?
• What resources are you aware of that can help you extend your own
knowledge of either this content, or in how you teach it?
• How will student discussion (substantive conv.) be built into the lesson?
• How will feedback be provided to students?
• How will technology be used during the lesson?

• If you were the instructional coach observing this classroom, what 2-3
strengths in this lesson would you identify?
• What evidence of critical thinking and problem solving did the students
• What constructive feedback could you give this teacher?
• I noticed that you … could you talk to me about how that fits with this
• Here’s what I saw students … what were thinking was happening at that
• At one point in the lesson, it seemed like… what was your take?
• Tell me about when you…what was your perspective?
• I noticed the students… how did that compare with what you had expected
to happen when you planned the lesson?
• I noticed that…could you tell me what led up to that, perhaps in an earlier
• I saw that…what did you think of that, and what do you plan to do
• I noticed that…how did you feel about how that went?
• I noticed that…what links do you see to our instructional frame work (PD)?
• What effect did you think it had when you…?
• What worked? What can be tweaked? Where do we go from here?
• What did you notice about student learning? Instructional practices?
• How does this inform our next steps? Follow up?


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