Intonation in Alternative Sentences

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Intonation in Alternative Sentences

In alternative sentences, the voice goes

up to pitch level 3 on the first choice
and goes down to pitch level 1 on the
second choice
1. Are you going out / or staying here?
2. Would you like to have ice cream / or
3. Is your teacher strict /or lax?
4. Is your friend serious/ or not?
5. Will you carry this one / or that one?
When enumerating words in a series, the voice
remains in pitch level 3 except on the last item
when it goes down to pitch level 1.
1. The recipe calls for a cup of flour / a teaspoon
of salt / a pinch of pepper / and three eggs.
2. Pia, / Pamela / and Prudence are all sisters
3. The secretary requested for a ream of bond
paper / a bottle of glue / a box of paper clips /
and a set of pens.
4. The old lady rushed to the room/ banged the
door / and shouted at us.
Pitch level 3 is used on ideas being
compared or contrasted
1. His car is Toyota / mine is a Mercedes.
2. Susan’s parents are accountants / mine are
3. Leo loves Japanese food / but I go for
Chinese dishes.
4. Mrs. Solis cooks better than Mrs. Perez.
5. He is taller than I am.
When a person is called by his name or by
a title, the voice goes down to level 2.
1. Cecile / do you really mean what you say?
2. Children / we’re leaving right after lunch.
3. Mom / are you in a good mood?
4. Dr. Gilbert / are you free this afternoon?
5. Grace / make sure you lock the door.
When a person is called by his name or by a
title from a distance, the rising intonation is
1. Cecile / do you really mean what you say?
2. Children / we’re leaving right after lunch.
3. Mom / are you in a good mood?
4. Dr. Gilbert / are you free this afternoon?
5. Grace / make sure you lock the door.
When the name comes in the middle or at the
end of the sentence, the voice follows the pitch
level of the word preceding it.
1. Hurry up / Pia / or you will be late.
2. Learn how to share / Sam.
3. Thank you / Lorna / you’re such a nice girl.
4. Call me up / if you have time / Rey./
5. Excuse me / Mrs. Cruz / may I pass?
Read the dialog and apply the correct intonation:

Mother: Raymond, is that you inside the room?

Raymond: Yes Mother. I’m looking for a red t-shirt. I need it in


Mother: But that is your brother’s cabinet.

Raymond: I know mother. My red t-shirt is soiled. Mario has a new


Mother: Have you asked permission to search in his cabinet?

Raymond: Do I have to? He would not mind!

Mother: I’m sorry Raymond. You have to wait for your brother.
Read the dialog and apply the correct intonation:

Aileen: Angela, are you busy?

Angela: I’m not.

Aileen: Could you accompany me?

Angela: Sure. Where are we going?

Aileen: I need spools of thread for my project.

Angela: You mean you aren’t through yet?

Aileen: You’re right. I could hardly work on it. Come, let’s go.
Public Speaking
Excellent Public Speaking
 Itcomes from a combination of correct
preparation in content and delivery.

 The message must be well-thought of,

substantive and organized.

 Itsfull success depends on how well the

speaker uses his voice, body and visual aids
Steps for Successful Speech
A. Before the speech
1. Choose a suitable topic
2. Limit the topic to a single focus.
3. Gather information from books, or primary sources.
4. Gather the necessary visual aids.
5. Prepare a speech plan.
6. Know what to say for starters and be sure to
summarize at the end.
7. Make your speech interesting to your audience.
8. Practice before a mirror.
9. Choose neat and suitable clothes for your final speech.
Steps for Successful Speech
B. During the Speech

1. Speak confidently and look at the audience.

2. Speak aloud for all to hear.
3. Provide variety of voice depending on what is being
4. Talk about the topic with visual aids and gestures to
further clarify it.
5. Pause occasionally to allow audience to process the
message of the speech.
Steps for Successful Speech
C. After the speech

1. Gather materials and visual aids

2. Evaluate own performance so mistakes will not
happen in the future.

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