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Team Name: Modern Tech

Organization Name: CDK Global (India)Pvt Ltd

Category : Software
Problem statement Id: VM4
Problem Statement: India Vs Pollution
College code: C-18066
Team Leader Name: Hari Lakshmi Narayanaa
According to the World Health Organization (WHO)
global air pollution  database released in Geneva,
India has 14 out of the 15 most polluted cities in the
world in terms of PM 2.5 concentrations. Its overall
low ranking -- 177 among 180 countries was linked
to poor performance in the environment health
policy and deaths due to air pollution categories. Air
quality in India is so poor that that 1.2 million
deaths in the country last year can be attributed to
Idea Title : Pay for your Pollutants

The main source of air pollution in India is due to emission of
carbon particles from vehicles but government can’t track each and
every vehicle but people

So, We are going to develop a website where people can complain
about pollution in their locality.
But we are going to do this in a different way. Every user who want
to complain have to register with their e-wallets phone number
(eg : paytm ,Tez,phonepay etc..).
When a user place a complaint, other users can see it and they can
support it. If it is true government will fine those people whose
cause pollution and give 30% of collected money to user who
placed this compliant.
The website is just like a social networking website where people
Technology used:
 We are not going for any higher advancements.
 We will design a website where people can post their problem and upload a
photo about the problem and write some description about the problem.
 There are different platforms to create a website like word press and we get
domain name and hosting for a very less cost .
 we require a cloud storage to store this information and keep it secure .
 Every thing is readily available .
Benefited Users/Impact on society
The main advantage of this idea is too much campaign
is not required
 People will more show interest and also beneficial to
government and to our country.
Every one in India will be benefited because we are
trying to build a pollution free India.
People will go for pollution check up their vehicle
regularly. Because no one knows who and when going
to place a complaint on them.
We can also find people who are giving fake pollution
Improves air quality in our country.

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