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Concrete Mix Design

Concrete Mix Design
• Mix Design for compressive strength by I.S. Method, Road
Note Method, British method, Mix Design for flexural
Concrete Mix Design
• Concrete mix design may be defines as the art of selecting
suitable ingredients of concrete and determining their
relative proportions with the object of producing concrete of
certain minimum strength & durability as economically as
Objectives of Mix Design
• The purpose of concrete mix design is to ensure the most optimum
proportions of the constituent materials to fulfill the requirement of
the structure being built. Mix design should ensure following
• To achieve the designed/ desired workability in the plastic stage
• To achieve the desired minimum strength in the hardened stage
• To achieve the desired durability in the given environment conditions
• To produce concrete as economically as possible.
Basic Considerations
• The following point must be considered while designing concrete
• Cost
• Specification
• Workability
• Strength and Durability
Basic Considerations
• The cost of concrete is made up of
• Material Cost
• Equipment Cost
• Labour Cost
• The variation in the cost of materials arises from the fact that cement is
several times costlier than aggregates. So it is natural in mix design to aim
at as lean a mix as possible. Therefore, all possible steps should be taken to
reduce the cement content of a concrete mixtures without sacrificing the
desirable properties of concrete such as strength and durability.
Basic Considerations
• The following point may be kept in mind while designing concrete
• Minimum Compressive Strength required
• Minimum water/ cement ratio
• Maximum cement content to avoid shrinkage cracks
• Maximum aggregate / cement ratio
• Maximum density of concrete in case of gravity dams
Basic Considerations
Basic Considerations
• The following points related to workability shall be kept in mind while
designing concrete mixes.
• The consistency of concrete should no more than that necessary for placing,
compacting and finishing.
• For concrete mixes required high consistency at the time of placing, the use
of water-reducing and set-retarding admixtures should be used rather than
the addition of more water
• Wherever possible, the cohesiveness and finishibility of concrete should be
improved by increasing sand/ aggregate ratio than by increasing the
proportion of the fine particles in the sand.
Strength and Durability

Strength and durability

• Strength and durability require lower w/c ratio. It is usually achieved
not by increasing the cement content, but by lowering the water at
given cement content. Water demand can by lowered by throughout
control of the aggregate grading and by using water reducing
Strength and Durability
Grade of Concrete
• The concrete shall be in grades designated
Group Grade designation Characteristics compressive strength
of 150 mm cube at 28 days, N/mm2
Ordinary Concrete M10 10
M15 15
M20 20
Standard Concrete M25 25
M30 30
M35 35
M40 40
M45 45
M50 50
M55 55
High Strength Concrete M60 60
M65 65
What is M 20 ?
• M refers to Mix
• 20 refers to characteristic compressive strength of 150 mm
cube at 28 days in N/mm2
• The minimum Grade of Plain Concrete (PCC) shall be 15
• The minimum grade of reinforced Concrete ( RCC) shall be
20 N/mm2
Nominal Concrete Mixes
Design mix concrete
Nominal Mix Concrete
• The wide use of concrete as construction materials has led to
the use of mixes of fixed proportion, which ensures
adequate strength. These mixes are called nominal mixes.
• They offer simplicity and Under normal circumstances, has
margin of strength above that specified.
• Nominal mix concrete may be used for concrete of grades
M5, M 7.5, M10, M15 and M20.
Nominal Concrete Mixes
Design mix concrete
Proportions of Ingredients in Nominal Mixes
• The proportions of materials for nominal mix shall be in accordance
Grade Proportions
M5 1: 5:10
M 7.5 1:4:8
M 10 1:3:6
M 15 1:2:4
M 20 1:1.5:3
Design Mix Concrete
• The concrete mix produced under quality control keeping in view
the strength, durability, and workability is called the design Mix.
• Others factors like compaction equipment's available, curing method
adopted, type of cement, quality of fine and coarse aggregate etc.
have to be kept in mind before arriving at the mix proportion.
• The design mix or controlled mix is being used more and more in
variety of important structures, because of better strength, reduced
variability, leaner mixed with consequent economy, as well as greater
assurance of the resultant quality.
Design Mix Concrete
Factors Influencing Choice of Mix Design
• According to IS 456:2000 and IS 1343:1980 the important influencing the
design of concrete mix are
• Grade of Concrete
• Type of Cement
• Maximum nominal Size of Aggregate
• Grading of Combined aggregate
• Maximum Water/ Cement Ratio
• Workability
• Durability
• Quality Control.
Factors Influencing Choice of Mix Design
Grade of Concrete
• The grade of concrete gives characteristic compressive
strength of concrete. It is one of the important factor
influencing the mix design
• The grade M 20 denotes characteristic compressive strength
fck of 20 N/mm2. Depending upon the degree of control
available at site, the concrete mix is to be designed for a
target mean compressive strength (fck) applying suitable
standard deviation.
Factors Influencing Choice of Mix Design
Factors Influencing Choice of Mix Design
Type of Cement
• The rate of development of strength of concrete is
influenced by the type of cement.
• The higher the strength of cement used in concrete, lesser
will be the cement content. The use of 43 grade and 53
grade of cement, gives saving in cement consumption as
much as 15 % and 25 % respectively, as compared to 33
grade of cement. For concrete of grade M25 it is advisable to
use 43 and 53 grade of cement.
Types of Cement
Factors Influencing Choice of Mix Design
Maximum Nominal Size of Aggregates
• The maximum size of C.A is determined by sieve analysis. It is designated by the
sieve size higher than larger size on which 15 % or more of the aggregate is
retained. The maximum nominal size of C.A. should not be more than one-forth
of minimum thickness of the member.
• For heavily reinforced concrete members as in the case of ribs of main beams,
the nominal maximum size of the aggregate should usually be restricted to sum
less than the minimum clear distance between the main bars or 5 mm less the
minimum cover to the reinforcement, whoever is smaller.
• The workability of concrete increases with an increase in the maximum size of
aggregate. But the smaller size of aggregates provide larger surface area for
bonding with the mortar matrix which gives higher strength.
Factors Influencing Choice of Mix Design
Grading of Combined Aggregates
• The relative proportions of the fine and coarse aggregate in
a concrete mix is one of the important factors affecting the
strength of concrete.
• For dense concrete, it is essential that the fine and coarse
aggregate be well graded. In the case when the aggregate
available from natural sources do not confirm to the
specified grading, the proportioning of two or more
aggregate become essential
Grading of Combined Aggregates
Factors Influencing Choice of Mix Design
Maximum Water/ Cement Ratio
• Abram’s water/Cement ratio states that for any given condition of
test, the strength of a workability concrete mix is dependent only on
water/cement ratio. The lower the water/Cement ratio, the greater is
the compressive strength
• Workability of fresh concrete determines the case with which a
concrete mixture can be mixed, transported, placed, compacted and
finished without harmful segregation and bleeding.
Factors Influencing Choice of Mix Design
• Durability require low water/Cement ratio. It is usually
achieved not by increasing the cement content, but by
lowering the water demand at a given cement content.
• Water demand can be lowered by through control of the
aggregate grading and by using water reducing admixtures
Method of Concrete Mix Design
• Some of the commonly used mix design methods are
• I.S. Method
• A.C.I method
• Road Note 4 method ( U.K. Method)
• IRC 44 method
• Arbitrary method
• Maximum Density method
• Fineness modulus method
• Surface area Method
• Nix design for high strength Concrete
• Mix design for pumpable Concrete
• DOE (British) Mix design method
IS Method of Mix Design
• The Bureau of Indian Standards, recommended a set of procedure for design of
concrete mix. The procedure is based on the research work carried out at national
• Data for mix design
• The following basic data are required to be specified for design a concrete mix
• Characteristic Compressive strength only a few specified proportions of test results
are expected to fall of concrete at 28 days (fck)
• Degree of workability desired
• Limitation on water/Cement Ratio with the minimum cement to ensure adequate
• Type and maximum size of aggregate to be used.
• Standard deviations of compressive strength of concrete.
IS Method of Mix Design
• Target Strength for Mix Design
• The target average compressive strength (fck) of concrete at 28 days is given by

• Fck= f ck + t.s
• Fck= target average compressive strength at 28 days
• F ck= characteristics compressive strength at 28 days
• s= Standard deviation
• t= a stastical value, depending upon the accepted proportion of low results and
the number of tests.
IS Method of Mix Design
• According to Is 456: 2000 and IS 1343:1980 te
characteristic strength is defined as the value below which
not more than 5 percent of results are expected to fall. In
such cases the above equation reduced to
• Fck= fck + 1.65 s
• The value of standard deviation is obtained from the table
IS Method of Mix Design
IS Method of Mix Design
Selection of Water –Cement Ratio
• Since different cements and aggregates of different maximum sizes,
grading, surface texture shape and other characteristics may produce
concrete of different compressive strength for the same free water
cement ratio, the relationship between strength and free water
cement ratio should preferable be established for the material
actually to be used. In the absence of such data, the preliminary free
water-cement ratio corresponding to the target strength at 28 days
may be selected from the relationship shown below
IS Method of Mix Design
IS Method of Mix Design
• Alternatively, the preliminary free water cement ratio by
mass corresponding to the average strength may be selected
from the relationship shown below using the curve
corresponding to the 28 days cement strength to be used for
the purpose. However, this will need 28 days for testing of
IS Method of Mix Design
IS Method of Mix Design
• The free water-cement ratio thus selected should be checked
against limiting water-cement ratio for the requirements of
durability as per table 5.4 and the lower of the two values
should be adopted.
IS Method of Mix Design
IS Method of Mix Design
Step 3 Estimation of Air Content
• Approximate amount of entrapped air to be expected in normal
concrete is given in table 9.6

Nominal Maximum Size of Aggregates Entrapped Air, as percentage of volume

of concrete
10 3%
20 2%
40 1%
IS Method of Mix Design
Selection of Water Content and fine to total aggregate ratio
• For the desired workability the quantity of mixing water per unit
volume of concrete and the ratio of fine aggregate (sand) to total
aggregate by absolute volume are to be estimated from table below as
applicable. Depending upon the nominal maximum size and type of
IS Method of Mix Design
• Approximate Sand and water Content per Cubic Metre of Concrete
for Grades up to M 35 W/C = 0.6 Workability= 0.8 C.F

Nominal Maximum size Water Content per Sand as percentage of

of aggregate (mm) cubic metre of concrete total aggregate by
(kg) absolute volume
10 208 40
20 186 35
40 165 30
IS Method of Mix Design
• Approximate Sand and Water Content per cubic metre of concrete
for grades above M 35 W/C = 0.35 Workability= 0.8 C.F.

Nominal Maximum size Water Content per cubic Sand as percentage total
of Aggregates metre of concrete (kg) aggregate by absolute
volume of (%)
10 200 28
20 180 25
IS Method of Mix Design
• Adjustment of values in water content and sand percentage for other
Change in Condition Adjustment Required
Water Content Percentage sand in total aggregate
For sand confirming to 0 + 1.5 percent for zone I
grading Zones I , III -1.5 percent for zone III
and IV -3.0 for zone IV
Increase or decrease in ± 3 % 0
values of compacting
factor by 0.1
Each 0.05 increase or 0 ± 1%
decrease in free water -15 kg/m 3 -7 %
cement ratio
Calculation of Cement Content
• The cement content per unit volume of concrete may be
calculated from the free water-cement ratio obtained in
step- 2, and the quantity of water per unit volume of
concrete obtained in step-4
• The cement content so obtained should be checked against
the minimum cement content for the requirement of
durability as per table 5 IS 456:2000 and the greater of the
two value is adopted.
Step -6 Calculation of Aggregate Content
• With the quantities of water and cement per unit volume of concrete and
the ratio of fine to total aggregate already determined, the total aggregate
content per unit volume of concrete may be calculated from the
following equations
• V= [ W + C + 1 x fa ] x 1 for fine aggregate …………………………
Sc p Sfa 1000
V=[W+ C+ 1 x Ca ] x 1 for coarse aggregate …………..2
Sc (1-p) Sca 1000
Step -6 Calculation of Aggregate Content
• V= Absolute volume of fresh concrete (m3)
• W= Mass of Water (kg) per m3 of concrete
• C= Mass of Cement (Kg) per m3 of concrete
• Sc= Specific gravity of cement say 3.15
• P= ratio of fine aggregate to total aggregate by absolute volume
• Fa and Ca = Total masses of fine aggregate and coarse aggregate (kg) / m 3 of concrete
mass respectively
• Sfa, Sca= Specific gravities of saturated surface dry fine aggregate and coarse
aggregate respectively
• Normally Sfa= 2.6 and Sca= 2.7
Trial Mixes
• The Calculated mix proportions shall be checked by means
of trial batches. The quantity of material should be sufficient
for at least three 150 mm size cube concrete specimens
• Using I.S Method design a concrete mix for reinforced concrete
structure for the following requirement.
• Design data
• Characteristic compressive strength= 20 N/mm 2
• Maximum size of aggregates= 20 mm (angular)
• Degree of workability= 0.9 CF
• Degree of quality Control= Good
• Type of exposure= Mild
• Test data for Material
• Cement used= Ordinary Portland cement of grade 43 with 28 days strength 51
• SG= 3.15
• Bulk Density = 1450 kg/m3
• Aggregate Fine Aggregate Coarse Aggregate
• SG 2.66 2.75
• Bulk Density 1700 1800
• Water absorption 1 0.5
• Free Moisture 2 Nil
Step-I Target Mean Strength
• Fck= fck + ts
• fck= 20 N/mm2
• T= 1.65
• S= 4 from table 9.5 for M 20
• Therefore
• Fck= 20 + 1.65 x 4
• = 26.6 N/mm2 (Mpa)
• Selection of Water Cement Ratio
• From the fig the free water cement ratio required for the target mean
strength of 26.6 N/ mm2 is 0.5
• From fig, for 28 days strength of cement 51 N/mm2, for curve D the free
water cement ratio is 0.52
• From table the maximum free water cement ratio for mild exposure is
• Hence the free water cement ratio is taken as the minimum of above
three values i.e. w/c = 0.5
Step –III
• Estimation of Air Content
• For maximum Size of aggregate of 20 mm, the air content is taken as
Step-4 Selection of water and Sand Content
• From table 9.7 for 20 mm nominal maximum size aggregate and
sand confirming to grading zone –II water content per cubic metre of
concrete = 186 kg and sand content as percentage of total aggregate
by absolute volume= 35 %
• Water= 186 kg/m3 of concrete
• Sand= 35 % of total aggregate by absolute volume
• For change in values in water cement ratio, compaction factor and
sand belonging to zone III the following adjustments required.
Change in Condition Water Content Percentage Sand in
total aggregate
For Decrease in water cement ratio 0 -2.0
(0.6-0.5) that is 0.1
0.1 x 1 = 2.0
For increase in compacting factor (0.9 + 3 0
-0.8) = 0.1
0.1 x 3 = 3
• Required Water Content = 186 + ( 186 x 3 / 100)
• = 186 + 5.58
• = 191.6 lit /m3
required sand content as percentage of total aggregate by absolute
volume= 35 – 3.5
31.5 %
Determination of Cement Content
• Water Cement ratio= 0.5
• Water = 191.6 lit= 191.6 kg
• Therefore W/c = 0.5
• 191.6 = 0.5
• C=383.4 kg/m3
• = 383kg/m3 > 300 kg / m3 therefore O.K.
Determination of fine and coarse Aggregates
• Consider volume of Concrete= 1 m3
• But entrapped air in wet concrete = 2 %
• Therefore volume of fresh concrete= 1 – 2
1- 0.02
V= 0.98 m3
• With the quantities of water and cement per unit volume of concrete and
the ratio of fine to total aggregate already determined, the total aggregate
content per unit volume of concrete may be calculated from the following
• V= [ W + C + 1 x fa ] x 1 for fine aggregate ………………1
Sc p Sfa 1000
0.98 = [ 191.6 + 383 + 1 + fa ] x 1
3.15 0.315 2.66 1000
980 = 313.187 + 1.19 fa
fa= 558.75 kg mass of F.A
V=[W+C+ 1 x Ca ] x 1 for coarse aggregate …………..2
Sc (1-p) Sca 1000
0.98 = [ 191.6 + 383 x 1 x Ca ] x 1
3.15 (1-0.315) 2.75 1000
980 = 313.187 + 0.5308 Ca
Ca= 1256.24 kg mass of C.A
Water Cement F.A C.A
191.6 li 383 kg 558.75 kg 1256.24 kg
0.5 1 1.46 3.28

Water Cement F.A C.A

383 = 0.264 m 3 558.75 = 0.328 m 3 1256.24 = 0.698 m 3
1450 1700 1800
0.5 1.0 1.242 2.644
Water Cement F.A C.A
25 li 50 kg 73 kg 164 kg
• Design a Concrete mix for M 25 grade as per IS 10262 for the
following data:
• Characteristic Compressive Strength in the field at 28 days 25
• Maximum Size of Aggregate= 20 mm
• Degree of Workability 0.9 CF
• Degree of Quality Control= Good
• Type of Exposure = Moderate
Test data for Material
• Cement Used : Ordinary Portland Cement of Grade 33 satisfying the requirement of IS: 269-1989
• Specific Gravity of Cement: 3.15
• Specific Gravity;
• Coarse Aggregate=2.65
• Fine Aggregate= 2.6
• Water absorption
• Coarse Aggregate 0.6 %
• Fine aggregate= 1.2 %
• Free moisture
• Coarse aggregate Nil
• Fine aggregate 2 %
• CA conform to table 2 of IS 383-1970 FA is natural river Sand Confirming to Zone I of Table 383-1970
• Target mean Strength of Concrete
• Fck= fck + ts
• fck= 25 N/mm2
• T= 1.65 from table 9.4
• S= 4.0 from table 9.5 for M 25 grade of concrete
• Fck= 25 + 1.65 x 4
• = 31.6 N/mm2
• Selection of Water-Cement Ratio
• From fig 9.1 the free water cement ratio required for the target mean strength of
31.6 N/mm 2 is 0.44
• Now, from table 5.4 the maximum free water cement ratio for moderate exposure
is 0.5
• Hence, the free water cement ratio is taken as the minimum of above two value i.e

• W= 0.44
Step III Estimation of air Content
• For maximum Size of Aggregate of 20 mm, the air content is taken as
2.0 %
• Selection of Water and Sand Content
• From table 9.7 for 20 mm nominal maximum size aggregates and
sand confirming to grading Zone-II, water content per cubic metre
of concrete = 186 kg and sand content as percentage of total
aggregate by absolute volume = 35 % i.e.
• Water = 186 kg/m3
• Sand = 35 % of total aggregate by absolute Volume.
• For Change in values in water-Cement ratio, compaction factor and
sand belonging to zone I the following adjustments are required.
Change in Condition Adjustment Required
Water Content Percentage Sand in total
(i) For Decrease in Water-Cement ratio (0.6 0 -3.2
– 0.44) that is 0.16
Therefore 0.16 x 1 = 3.2
(ii) For Increase in Compacting factor (0.9 +3 0
-0.8)= 0.1
Therefore 0.1 x 3 = 3.0
(iii) For Sand Conforming to Zone-I of table 4 0 +1.5
of IS 383-1970
• Required water Content = 186 + ( 186 x 3 )
= 191.6 lit / m3
Required Sand Content as Percentage of Total aggregate by absoluter
p= 35 – 1.7
33.3 %
Step- V Determination of Cement Content
• Water Cement Ratio = 0.44
• Water = 191.6 lit = 191.6 kg
• Therefore,
• W= 0.44
191.6 = 0.44
C= 435.45 kg/m3 > 300 kg /m3
This cement content is adequate for ‘Moderate Exposure’ condition, according to table 5
IS 456-2000)
Determination of fine and Coarse content:
• Consider volume of concrete = 1 m3
But, entrapped air in wet concrete= 2 %
Therefore, absolute volume of fresh concrete= 1 – 2
= 1 – 0.02
V= 0.98 m3
• V= [ W + C + 1 x fa ] x 1 for fine aggregate…1
Sc p Sfa 1000
0.98= [ 191.6 + 436 + 1 + fa ] x 1
3.15 0.33 2.6 1000
980 = 191.6 + 138.41 + 1.15 fa
fa= 562.76 kg
= 563 kg mass of F.A.
V=[W+C+ 1 x Ca ] x 1 for coarse aggregate……..2
Sc (1-p) Sca 1000
• 0.98 = [ 191.6 + 436 x 1 x Ca ] x 1
3.15 (1-0.333) 2.65 1000
980 = 191.6 + 138.41 + 0.5657 Ca
Ca= 1149 kg/m3 mass of C.A.
• Mix Proportions (By Mass)

Water Cement F.A. C.A

191.6 li 436 kg 563 kg 1149 kg
0.44 1 1.29 2.64
Water Cement F.A. C.A
22 li 50 kg 64.5 kg 132 kg
Step 8 Adjustment for water absorption and free surface moisture in F.A. and C.A
• For water Cement ratio of 0.44 quantity of water required = 22 lit
• C.A absorbs 0.6 % of water by mass
• Therefore extra quantity of water to be added
• 0.6 x 132 = 0.792 lit (+)
F.A contains 2 % free moisture by mass
Quantity of water to be deducted
= 2 x 64.5 = 1.29 (-)
Actual quantity of water to be added
= 22 + 0.792 – 1.29
= 21.5 lit
• Actual quantity of sand (FA) required after allowing for mass of free
• = 64.5 + 1.29 = 65.79 kg
• Actual quantity of C.A required
• = 132 - 0.792
• = 131.21 kg

Water Cement F.A. C.A

21.50 li 50 kg 65.79 kg 131.21 kg
• Design a concrete mix from the following data by I.S. method
• Target mean Strength= 35 N/mm2
• Maximum Size of Aggregate = 20 mm
• W/C ratio = 0.43
• Water required per m3 of concrete= 190 kg
• Sand as percentage of total aggregate by absolute Volume = 35 %
• Entrapped air in concrete= 2 %
• Sp gravity of Cement= 3.15
• Sp gravity of fine aggregate= 2.6
• Sp gravity of Coarse aggregate.= 2.7
Step-I Target mean Strength
• Fck=35 N/mm2
Step-II Selection of Water-Cement Ratio:
• W/C ratio = 0.43
Step-III Estimation of air Content
• Entrapped air = 2 %
• Selection of water and sand Content
• Quantity of water per m3 of concrete = 190 kg
• Sand Content = 35 % of total aggregate by absolute Volume
• Cement Content
• Water-Cement Ratio = 0.43
• Water = 190 kg
• W = 0.43
190 = 0.43
C= 441 .86 kg/m3
Determination of F.A and C.A Content
• Consider Volume of Concrete = 1 m 3
• But, entrapped air = 2 %
• Therefore Absolute Volume of press Concrete
• V= 1 – 2
V= 0.98 m3
• V= [ W + C + 1 x fa ] x 1 for fine aggregate ………………1
Sc p Sfa 1000
0.98 = [ 190 + 442 + 1 + fa ] x 1
3.15 0.35 2.6 1000
0.98 = [ 190 + 140.32 + 1.098 fa] x 1
fa= 591.69 kg/m3
fa= 592 kg/m3 Mass of FA
V=[W+C+ 1 x Ca ] x 1 for coarse aggregate……..2
Sc (1-p) Sca 1000
• 0.98 = [ 190 + 442 x 1 x Ca ] x 1
• 3.14 (1-0.35) 2.7 1000
• 980 = 190 + 140.32 + 0.569 Ca
• Ca= 1142 kg/m3 Mass of CA
• Mix Proportion (by mass)
Water Cement F.A C.A
190 442 592 1142
0.43 1 1.34 2.58

• Quantity for 1 bag of Cement

Water Cement F.A C.A
21.5 50 67 129
The ACI Method of Mix Design
• In the USA the method suggested by ACI is widely used. It
has the advantages of simplicity in that it applies equally
well, and with more or less identical procedure to rounded
or angular aggregate, to normal or lightweight aggregate
and to air-entrained or non-air-entrained concretes.
• The ACI method is based on the fact that for a given size of
well graded aggregates water content is largely independent
of mix proportions, i.e. Water content regardless of
variation in water/cement ratio and cement content.
The ACI Method of Mix Design
• This method assumes that the optimum ratio of the bulk
volume of coarse aggregates and on the grading of fineness
aggregates regardless of shape of particles. This method also
assumes that even after complete compaction is done, a
definite percentage of air remains which is inversely
proportional to the maximum size of aggregate.
The ACI Method of Mix Design
• The steps by steps operation in the ACI method are
Step-1 Data to be collected
• Fineness modulus of FA
• Unit weight of dry CA
• Specific gravity of FA and CA saturated surface dry condition.
• Specific gravity of Cement
• Absorptions characteristics of both CA and FA
The ACI Method of Mix Design
• Calculation mean design Strength, from the minimum strength
specified, using standard deviation:
• fm= fmin + K.S
• Where,
• F m= Specified minimum strength (Characteristic Strength)
• K= Constant dependency upon the probability of certain no of results
likely to fall fck= taken from table 9.4
• S= Standard Deviation from table 9.5
IS Method of Mix Design
The ACI Method of Mix Design
Step-3 Estimation of Water-Cement Ratio
• Water Cement ratio is estimated from table 9.10 for the mean design
The ACI Method of Mix Design
Average Compressive Strength at Effective Water-Cement Ratio (By Mass)
28 days Non-Air Entrained Concrete Air-entrained Concrete

45 0.38 -
40 0.43 -
35 0.48 0.4
30 0.55 0.46
25 0.62 0.53
20 0.7 0.61
15 0.8 0.71
The ACI Method of Mix Design
• The water Cement ratio obtained from Strength point of
view is to be checked against maximum W/C Ratio given for
special exposure condition given in table 9.11 and minimum
of the two is to be adopted.
The ACI Method of Mix Design
• Requirement of ACI for W/C Ratio and Strength for Special Exposure
Exposure Condition Maximum W/C ratio, normal density Minimum Design Strength, low
aggregate concrete Density aggregate Concrete, MPA
Concrete Intended to be Watertight
(a) Exposed to fresh Water 0.5 25
(b) Exposed to brackish or sea Water 0.45 30
Concrete Exposed to freezing and Thawing in a moist Condition:

(a) Kerbs, gutters, guard rails or thin 0.45 30

Other elements 0.5 25
In presence of de-icing chemicals 0.45 30
For corrosion protection of 0.4 30
reinforced concrete exposed to de-
icing salts, brackish water, sea water
or spray from the sources.
The ACI Method of Mix Design
• Decide maximum size of aggregate to be Used. Generally RCC work
20 mm and Pre-stressed Concrete 10 mm Size are Used
• Decide Workability in terms of slump for the type of job in hand.
General guidance can be taken from table 9.12.
The ACI Method of Mix Design
Type of Construction Range of slump mm
Reinforced foundation walls and footings 20-80
Plain footing, cassions and substructure wall 20-80
Beams and Reinforced Wall 20-100
Building Column 20-100
Pavement and Slabs 20-80
Mass Concrete 20-80
The ACI Method of Mix Design
Step-4 Minimum Water Content and entrapped air content:
• Decide maximum size of aggregate to be used. Generally for RCC
work 20 mm and for pre-stressed concrete 10 mm size are used.
• Decide workability in terms of slump for the type of job in hand.
Recommended value of slump for various types of construction as
given in table 9.12
The ACI Method of Mix Design
Step-5 Cement Content
• Cement Content is computed by dividing the water content by the
water/ Cement Ratio
• Bulk Volume of Dry Rodded Coarse Aggregate per Unit Volume of
• Table 9.13 for a decided value of slump and maximum size of
aggregate, decide the mixing water content and entrapped air
Table 9.13
Workability Water Content, kg/m 3 of Concrete for indicated maximum aggregate Size
Non- air entrained Concrete
Workability 10 12.5 mm 20mm 25 mm 40 mm 50 m 70 mm 150 mm
Slump 30-50 205 200 185 180 160 155 145 125
80-100 mm 225 215 200 195 175 170 160 140
150-180 mm 240 230 210 205 185 180 170 -
Approx 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0.3 0,2
entrapped air
Table 9.13
Workability Water Content, kg/m 3 of Concrete for indicated maximum aggregate Size
Air entrained Concrete
Workability 10 12.5 mm 20mm 25 mm 40 mm 50 m 70 mm 150 mm
Slump 30-50 180 175 165 160 145 140 135 120
80-100 mm 200 190 180 175 160 155 150 135
150-180 mm 215 205 190 185 170 165 160 -
Table 9.13
Workability Water
Workabili Water
of Concrete
of Concrete
for indicated
for indicated
Size Size
ty Air entrained
Air entrained
10 mm 12.5 mm 20mm 25 mm 40 mm 50 m 70 mm 150 mm
Recomme 4.5 4 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0
Slump 180 175 165 160 145 140 135 120
nded air
Exposure 200 190 180 175 160 155 150 135
Moderate 6.0 5.5 5.0 4.5 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0
Exposure 215 205 190 185 170 165 160 -
Extreme 7.5 7.0 6.0 6.0 5.5 5.0 4.5 4.0
The ACI Method of Mix Design
• Knowing the values of maximum size of coarse aggregates and
fineness modulus (FM) of fine aggregate, bulk volume of dry rodded
aggregate per unit volume of concrete is selected from table 9.14
• Dry Bulk of Coarse Aggregate per unit Volume of Concrete as Given
by ACI
Maximum Size of Bulk Volume of Dry Rodded Coarse Aggregate per unit volume of concrete for fineness
Aggregate modulus of sand

FM 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0

10 0.5 0.48 0.46 0.44
12.5 0.59 0.57 0.55 0.53
20 0.66 0.64 0.62 0.6
25 0.71 0.69 0.67 0.65
40 0.75 0.73 0.71 0.69
50 0.78 0.76 0.74 0.72
70 0.82 0.8 0.78 0.76
150 0.87 0.85 0.83 0.81
(a) The value given will produce a mix that is suitable for reinforced concrete construction. For less workable
concrete the value may be increased by 10 percent for workable concrete such as pumpable concrete the
The ACI Method of Mix Design
• The weight of CA per cubic metre of Concrete is Calculated by
multiplying the bulk Volume with bulk density of CA
Step-8 Estimate of Density of fresh Concrete
• Knowing the maximum Size of Coarse Aggregates, the density of
fresh Concrete is estimated as
The ACI Method of Mix Design
• First Estimate of Density of Fresh Concrete as Given by ACI
Maximum Size of Non air-entrained air Airentrained kg/m3
Aggregates kg/m3
10 2285 2190
12.5 2315 2235
20 2355 2280
25 2375 2315
40 2420 2355
50 2445 2375
70 2465 2400
The ACI Method of Mix Design
• Absolute volumes of ingredients per cubic metre of concrete are obtained by
knowing the specific gravity of cement, water CA and FA
Step- 10
• Trial mix proportions are calculated and adjustments for field conditions like
free moisture and water absorption by aggregates are made.
• A trial mix is then made to study the properties of concrete in respect of
workability, cohesiveness, finishing quality and 28 days compressive strength.
The proportion of CA and FA may be changed to get desired properties.
Design a Concrete mix Using ACI method for a multi-Storied building for the following data
• 28 days characteristic Compressive Strength= 30 Mpa
• Type of Cement Available= Ordinary Portland Cement
• Desired Slump= 80-100 mm
• Maximum Size of aggregate = 20 mm
• Standard Deviation from past Records = 4.5 Mpa
• Specific Gravities for FA= 2.65
• Specific Gravity for CA= 2.7
• For Cement= 3.15
• Bulk density of CA= 1600 kg/m3
• Fineness modulus of FA= 2.8
• CA absorbed 1 % moisture and sand
• Contains 1.5 % free surface moisture
• Assume any other data
• Mean Design Strength
• fm= fmin + K.S
• = 30 + 1.65 x 4.5
• = 37.425 Mpa
• From table 9.4
• Assume 5 % of test results are expected fall
• K= 1.65
• Estimation of Water-Cement Ratio
• From table 9.1 for mean design strength of 37.425 Mpa, the
estimated W/C ratio is 0.45
• From table 9.11, for exposure condition “concrete intended to be
watertight and exposed to fresh water”, the maximum
• w/C ratio is 0.5
• Hence adopt a water cement ratio of 0.45
The ACI Method of Mix Design
Average Compressive Strength at Effective Water-Cement Ratio (By Mass)
28 days Non-Air Entrained Concrete Air-entrained Concrete

45 0.38 -
40 0.43 -
35 0.48 0.4
30 0.55 0.46
25 0.62 0.53
20 0.7 0.61
15 0.8 0.71
Exposure Condition Maximum W/C ratio, normal density Minimum Design Strength, low
aggregate concrete Density aggregate Concrete, MPA
Concrete Intended to be Watertight
(a) Exposed to fresh Water 0.5 25
(b) Exposed to brackish or sea Water 0.45 30
Concrete Exposed to freezing and Thawing in a moist Condition:

(a) Kerbs, gutters, guard rails or thin 0.45 30

Other elements 0.5 25
In presence of de-icing chemicals 0.45 30
For corrosion protection of 0.4 30
reinforced concrete exposed to de-
icing salts, brackish water, sea water
or spray from the sources.
• Mixing water content and entrapped air content
• Maximum size of aggregates = 20 mm
• Desired Slump= 80-100
• Therefore from table 9.13
• Mixing water Content = 200 kg/m3 of Concrete
• Entrapped air Content = 2 %
Table 9.13
Workability Water Content, kg/m 3 of Concrete for indicated maximum aggregate Size
Non- air entrained Concrete
Workability 10 12.5 mm 20mm 25 mm 40 mm 50 m 70 mm 150 mm
Slump 30-50 205 200 185 180 160 155 145 125
80-100 mm 225 215 200 195 175 170 160 140
150-180 mm 240 230 210 205 185 180 170 -
Approx 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0.3 0,2
entrapped air
Table 9.13
Workability Water Content, kg/m 3 of Concrete for indicated maximum aggregate Size
Air entrained Concrete
Workability 10 12.5 mm 20mm 25 mm 40 mm 50 m 70 mm 150 mm
Slump 30-50 180 175 165 160 145 140 135 120
80-100 mm 200 190 180 175 160 155 150 135
150-180 mm 215 205 190 185 170 165 160 -
Table 9.13
Recomme 4.5 4 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0
nded air
Moderate 6.0 5.5 5.0 4.5 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0
Extreme 7.5 7.0 6.0 6.0 5.5 5.0 4.5 4.0
• Cement Content
• W/C ratio = 0.45
• 200 = 0.45
C= 445 kg/m3
Water = 200 kg/m3 of concrete
• Bulk Volume of Dry Rodded CA:
• Maximum Size of CA= 20 mm
• Fineness modulus of FA= 2.8
• Therefore table 9.14
• The bulk volume of dry rodded CA is 0.62 per unit volume of
Maximum Size of Bulk Volume of Dry Rodded Coarse Aggregate per unit volume of concrete for fineness
Aggregate modulus of sand

FM 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0

10 0.5 0.48 0.46 0.44
12.5 0.59 0.57 0.55 0.53
20 0.66 0.64 0.62 0.6
25 0.71 0.69 0.67 0.65
40 0.75 0.73 0.71 0.69
50 0.78 0.76 0.74 0.72
70 0.82 0.8 0.78 0.76
150 0.87 0.85 0.83 0.81
(a) The value given will produce a mix that is suitable for reinforced concrete construction. For less workable
concrete the value may be increased by 10 percent for workable concrete such as pumpable concrete the
• Weight of CA = 0.62 x 1600
• = 992 kg/m3
• Therefore density of CA is 1600 kg/m3
• Dry density of fresh Concrete
• For maximum Size of CA = 200 mm and non air entrained Concrete,
• From table 9.15 dry density of fresh Concrete
= 2355 kg/m3
• Mass of all the known Ingredient of Concrete
• Mass of water= 200 kg/m3
• Mass of Cement= 445 kg/m3
• Mass of CA= 992 kg/m3
• Mass of FA = 2355-[ 200 + 445 + 992]
= 718 kg/m3
Example-I Ingredient Mass, kg/m3 Absolute Volume m3
1 Cement 445 445 = 0.141 m3
3.15 x 1000
2 Water 200 200= 0.2 m3
1 x 1000
3 CA 992 992 = 0.367 m3
2.7 x 1000
4 Entrapped Air 2% 2 x 1 = 0.02 %

Total Absolute Volume 0.728 m3

• Hence, Volume of FA required = 1-0.728
• = 0.272 m 3
• Mass of FA = 0.272 x 2.65 x 1000
• = 720.8 kg/m 3
• Adopt mass of FA = 720.8 kg/m 3
• = 721 kg/m 3
• Estimated quantities of material per cubic metre of concrete are
• Cement= 445 kg
• FA= 721 kg
• CA= 992 kg
• Water= 200 kg
• Total 2358 kg/m3 of Concrete
• Density of fresh Concrete is 2358 kg/m3 as against 2355
Water Cement F.A C.A
200 445 kg 721 kg 992 kg
0.45 1 1.62 2.23

Water Cement F.A C.A

22.5 kg 50 kg 81 kg 111.5
• Adjustment for water absorption and free surface moisture
• F.A Contains 1.5 % free surface moisture
• Total surface moisture of FA = 1.5 x 721
= 10.82 kg (-)
Mass of FA in field condition = 721 + 10.82
= 731.83 kg/m3
Say 732 kg/m3
CA absorbs 1 % of moisture,
Quantity of water absorbed by CA = 1 x 992
= 9.92 kg (+)
Therefore mass of CA in field Condition = 992 – 9.92
= 982 kg/m3
• Net Quantity of Mix Water = 200 -10.82+ 9.92
= 199.10 kg
• Final mix proportions (for 1 m3 of concrete)

Water Cement F.A. C.A.

199.10 kg 445 kg 732 kg 982 kg
The British Method
• The traditional British method has been replaced by the department of the environment for
normal mixes, known as DOE(British) mix design method.
• The following steps are Involved in DOE Method
• Find the target mean strength from the specified Characteristic Strength
• ft= fck + k.S
• Where,
• ft= target mean strength
• fck= characteristic Strength
• S= Standard Deviation
• K= risk factor or probability factor


Determination of free water cement ratio
• From the given type of cement and aggregate, obtain the compressive
strength of concrete corresponding to free w/c ratio of 0.5
Type of Type of Coarse 3 7 28 91
Cement Aggregate
Ordinary or Uncrushed 22 30 42 49
Sulphate Crushed 27 36 49 56
Rapid Uncrushed 29 37 48 54
Hardening Crushed 34 43 55 61


• Now adopt the pair of data i.e. compressive strength read from table
9.16 and w/c ratio mark point ‘P’. Through this point draw a dotted
curve parallel to neighbouring curve. Using this new curve we read
the w/c ratio as against target strength ft calculated in step 1

• Check this w/c ratio for durability considerations and adopt the
lower value
Minimum 30 35 40 45 50
Maximu 0.65 0.6 0.55 0.5 0.45
m w/c
Maximu 275 300 325 350 400
m cement
Fig.1 Relation between
compressive strength and
free water cement ratio
 mark a point corresponding to
strength f1, at water cement ratio 0.5.
 draw a curve parallel to the nearest
curve, through this point
Using the new curve,
Read off ( abscissa) the water cement
corresponding to the target mean
strength (ordinate)

Free water-cement ratio


Determination of water Content
• Depending upon the type and maximum nominal size of aggregate and
workability the water content is estimated as
• W= 2 W fa + 1 W ca
3 3
• Where,
• W fa= free water content appropriate to the type of fine aggregate
• W ca= free water content appropriate to the type of coarse aggregate


Level of Very Low Low Medium High
Description Slump 0-10 10-30 30-60 60-180
Vee-bee >12 12-6 6-3 3-0
Compaction 0.75- 0.85 0.85-0.9 0.9- 0.93 >0.93
Maximum Type of Water Content
Size of Agg aggregate
10 mm Uncrushed 150 180 205 225
Crushed 180 205 230 250
20 Uncrushed 135 160 180 195
Crushed 170 190 210 225
40 Uncrushed 115 140 160 175
Crushed 155 175 190 205


• Reduction in water content when fly ash is Used

% of fly ash Reduction in Water content Kg/m3

10 5 5 5 10
20 10 10 10 15
30 15 15 20 20
40 20 20 25 25
50 25 25 30 30


Step 4 - Determination of Cement Content
• The Cement Content if the mix is calculated from the selected w/c
• Cement Content = water content
W/C ratio


Determination of aggregate Cement Ratio
• Absolute volume occupied by the aggregate
• = 1- Cement Content (kg) – Water Content (kg)
1000 x Sc 1000 x Sw
Where, Sc= Specific gravity of cement particles
Therefore Total aggregate content (kg/m3)
= absolute volume occupied by the aggregate x 1000x Sa
Where Sa= Specific gravity of aggregate
Step-6 Determination of FA and CA
• Depending on the free water cement ratio, the nominal maximum size of
coarse aggregate, the workability and grading zone of fine aggregate is
determined from fig 9.5 (a), 9.5 (b) and 9.5 (c)
• Once the proportion of FA is obtained, multiplying by the weight of total
aggregate gives the weight of fine aggregate. Then coarse aggregate is
calculated as
• Fine aggregate content = total aggregate content x proportion of fine
• Coarse aggregate content = Total aggregate content – fine aggregate content


Determination of FA and CA
Determination of FA and CA
FIG 3- Recommended proportion of fine aggregate as a
function of free water –cement ratio
Proportion of Different sizes of CA
Aggregate 4.75- 10 mm 10-20 mm 20-40 mm
Type-I 33 67 -
Type-II 18 27 55


Determination of final Proportion
• The proportion so worked out should be tried for their specified
strength and suitable adjustment are made to obtain the proportion.


• Design a Concrete mix Using, DOE Method for a reinforced Concrete Work for the following
• Required Characteristic Compressive Strength= 35 Mpa at 28 days
• Type of Cement Used= Sulphate Resisting Portland Cement
• Desired Slump= 50 mm
• Maximum Size of Aggregate= 20 mm
• Type of Aggregate= Uncrushed
• Specific Gravity = 2.65
• Fine aggregate conforms to grade Zone III with percent passing 600 micron sieve being 70 %
• Exposure Condition = Moderate
• Standard Deviation= 5.0 Defective Rate= 5 %


• Mix Design Without fly ash:
• Target Mean Strength:
• Ft= fck+ kS
• fck= 35 N/mm 2
• Standard Deviation= 5.0
• K= 1.65
• ft= 35 + 1.65 x 5
• = 43.25 N/mm 2


Determination of free Water-Cement Ratio
• For type of Cement Sulphate resisting Portland cement and uncrushed
aggregate 28 days compressive strength from table 9.16 is 42 MPA
• For Compressive Strength equal to 42 MPA and w/c ratio 0.5, mark ‘P’ in
fig and draw a dotted curve parallel to the neighbouring curve Using this
new curve again ft= 43.25 N/mm2 the W/C ratio is read as 0.48
• From table 9.17 from durability point of view the maximum w/c ratio is
• Hence Adopt the minimum w/c ratio as 0.48


• Determination of Water Content:
• For Desired slump = 50 mm
• Maximum size of CA= 20 mm
• From table 9.18 water content is 180 kg/m3


Step-4 Determination of Cement Content:
• W/C ratio obtained from step 2 is 0.48 and water is 180 kg/m3
• W/C = 0.48
• 180 = 0.48
Therefore C= 375 kg/m3 of Concrete
This is satisfactory as it is greater than minimum Cement Content of
300 kg/m3


Step: 5
• Aggregate Cement Ratio
• Specific gravity of aggregate is 2.65
• Therefore fig 9.4 wet density of concrete is 2400 kg/m3
• Therefore mass of total aggregate
• = 2400 – 180- 375
• = 1845 kg/m3
• Alternatively Volume occupied by aggregate
• = 1- 375 – 180 = 0.7009 m3
100x 3.15 1000 x 1
Therefore total Aggregate Content
= 0.7009 x 1000 x 2.65
= 1875 kg/m3


Step-6 Determination of FA and CA Content
• For, Maximum size of aggregate = 20 mm
• Slump= 50 mm
• Free W/C ratio = 0.48
• Percent aggregate Passing
• 600 micron sieve = 70 %
• From fig 9.5 (b) the proportion of fine aggregate i.s 30 %
• Mass of FA = 30 x 1875 = 557 kg/m3
• 100
• Mass of CA = 1875 – 557.1
• = 1299.9 kg/m3
• = 1300 kg/m3


Step 7
• The estimated Quantity are:

Water Cement F.A C.A

180 kg 375 kg 557 kg 1300 kg
0.48 1 1.485 3.46


Road Note No. 4
Method Of Mix Design



Proposed by the Road Research Laboratory, UK (1950)

In this method, the aggregate to cement ratios are worked out on the basis of type of
aggregate, max size of aggregate and different levels of workability.
The relative proportion of aggregates is worked on basis of combined grading curves. This
method facilitates use of different types of fine and coarse aggregates in the same mix.
The relative proportion of these can be easily calculated from combined grading curves.
The values of aggregate to cement ratio are available for angular rounded or irregular coarse


1. The average compressive strength of the mix to be designed is obtained by applying control factors to the
minimum compressive strength.

2. w/c ratio is read from compressive strength v/s w/c ratio graph.

3. Proportion of combined aggregates to cement is determined from tables, for maximum size 40 mm and 20

4. If the aggregate available differs from the standard grading, combine FA and CA so as to produce one of
the standard grading.

5. The proportion of cement, water, FA and CA is determined from knowing the water/cement ratio and the
aggregate/cement ratio.

6. Calculate the quantities of ingredients required to produce 1 m 3 of concrete, by the absolute volume
method, using the specific gravities of cement and aggregates.


Method In Detail
Find The Target Mean Strength
Concrete is designed for strength higher than characteristic strength
as a margin for statistical variation in results and variation in degree of
control exercised at site. This higher strength is defined as the target mean

Target mean strength = Characteristic strength + K * s


Determine water/cement ratio
The relation between Target Mean Strength and water cement ratio
for different cement curves is given in IS 10262


 Finding cement content


 The Relative Proportion Are Worked Out

A trial proportion is taken and combined gradation is worked out for

35% fine aggregate 20% 10mm down aggregate, 45% 20mm down


Combined gradation is plotted and pushed towards Ideal curve
by increasing or decreasing the sand content


 Calculation Of Cement Content
Cement Content (Kg/m3) = Plastic density /(1+a/c ratio + w/c ratio)

If weight of cement is “C” the total weight per m3 will be

C +1.45C + 0.75C +1.6C + 0.46C=5.26C

 Plastic Density

Sc= Specific gravity of cement

Sfa =Specific gravity of fine aggregate
Sca10=Specific gravity of 10mm coarse aggregate
Sca20=Specific gravity of 20mm coarse aggregate
W/c = water to cement ratio
Ea = Entrapped air %


Drawbacks Of Road Note No. 4 Method

This method
 method leads
leads to
to very
very high
high cement
cement contents
contents and
and thus
thus is
is becoming

In many
 many cases
cases use
use of
of gap
gap graded
graded aggregate
aggregate becomes
becomes unavoidable.
unavoidable. In In many
parts of
parts of the
the country
country the
the practice
practice is
is to
to use
use 20mm
20mm coarse
coarse aggregates
aggregates without
10mm aggregates.
10mm aggregates. This
This is
is because
because ofof quality
quality of
of 10mm
10mm aggregates
aggregates produced
from jaw
from jaw crusher
crusher is
is very
very poor
poor .Gap
.Gap grading
grading does
does not
not fit
fit in
in to
to the
the standard
combined grading
combined grading curves
curves of
of RRL
RRL method.

Sand available
 available in
in some
some parts
parts of
of country
country is
is graded
graded that
that itit is
is high
high on
on coarse
fraction (1.18mm
fraction (1.18mm andand above)
above) and
and low
low on
on fines
fines (600micron
(600micron and and below).
below). ItIt
is difficult
is difficult to
to adjust
adjust the
the sand
sand content
content toto match
match anyany of of the
the standard
combined grading
combined grading curves
curves .The
.The combined
combined grading
grading curve
curve often
often cuts
cuts across
more than
more than one
one standard
standard curves
curves inin such
such cases


Different aggregate to cement ratios are given for
different levels of workability ranging from low to
high. But these levels of workability are not defined
in terms of slump, compaction factor or Vee Bee time
as in case of other methods.

The fine aggregate content cannot be adjusted for

different cement contents. Hence the richer mixes
and leaner mixes may have same sand proportion, for
a given set of materials.


• Concrete Technology by: R.P. Rethaliya
• Concrete Technology by . M.S. Shetty

• Internet websites


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