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Earlier Period (1900-1930)


By: Francisco Benitez
BSED- English 2-2
Francisco Be
nitez (1887-1951)
• One of the country's fo
remost educators, was
born in Pagsanjan, Lagu
na on June 4, 1887.
• After his graduation fro
m the Philippine Norma
l School in 1904, he star
ted his educational care
Francisco Be
• On July 1, 1918, the U.P. Click icon to add
Board of Regents
passed a resolution picture
transforming the
School of Education
into the College of
Education Francisco
Benitez was appointed
its dean and thus
started his strong
influence on education.
By: Francisco Benitez
What is an educated Filipino and what
qualities should distinguish him today?

The conception of education and of what an educa

ted man is varies in response to fundamental chang
es in the details and aims of society.
I. Alterations in Our Social Life

• Great changes have taken place in the nature

of our social life during the last forty years.
• The means of communication have improved
• Religious freedom has developed religious tol
erance in our people.
• The growth of public schools and the establis
hment of democratic institutions have develo
II. Education Has Changed in Meaning

• We witness the corresponding rise of a new c

onception of education:
• The training of the individual for the duties an
d privileges of citizenship.
• In the old days, education was a matter of pri
vate concern; now it is a public function
• and the state not only has the duty but it has
the right as well
A. Practical Activity

An Educated Filipino should first be distinguish

ed by the power to do.
• The Oriental excels in reflective thinking; he is
a philosopher. The Occidental is the doer; he
manages things, men and affairs.
• The Filipino of today needs more of his power
to translate reflection into action.
A. Practical Activity

• He is prepared and ready to take an active an

d useful part in the work, life, and progress of
our country as well as in the progress of the
• Embraces the ability to produce enough to su
pport oneself and to contribute to the econo
mic development of the Philippines.
B. Acquaintance with Nature History an
d Culture
• An educated Filipino, should be distinguished
not only by his knowledge of the past and of c
urrent events in the world's progress,
• But also especially by his knowledge of his rac
e, his people, and his country, and his love of t
he truths and ideals that our people have lear
ned to cherish.
C. Refinement in Speech and Conduct

• An educated Filipino, must have ingrained in hi

s speech and conduct those elements that are
everywhere recognized as accompaniments of
culture and morality.
• Having capacity for self-entertainment and stu
dy, he may not be at the mercy of the pleasure
of the senses only or a burden to himself whe
n alone.
Thank you :>

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