Aplikasi Diet Untuk Pasien Lupus Dengan Komplikasi

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Oleh: NLPA Putri Sariningrat, SKM., M.Si.

Seminar Gizi Terkini, Fave Hotel Surabaya

30th June 2018
Laura Gibofsky, MS,RD,CSP,CDN.
(clinical nutritionist at Hospital for special surgery in New York)

“There are no foods that cause lupus and no

foods that cure it, but eating a well-balance diet
may help combat some of the side effect of
medications, as well as alleviate symptoms of
the deseases.”

Source: Rodriguez T., 2017. Lupus : Using Diet and Nutrition to Improve Symtoms and Outcome.
 Beberapa tahun yang lalu SLE dipandang sbg penyakit
terminal berujung pada kematian
 Sekarang berkat pengobatan SLE berkembang
hampir semua penderita SLE dpt hidup
normal/mendekati normal.
 Berkat dukungan keluarga, teman , staf medis.
 Diet khusus sesuai organ yang terkena

Sumber: Kemenkes RI, 2017. Situasi Lupus Indonesia. PUSDATIN.

In patients with SLE :
1. The risk of developing cardiovaskular desease:
folowing a heart-helathy diet that is rich in fruits,
vegetable, whole grains, lean protein, fatty fish,
limiting saturated and trans fats.
2. Osteoporosis: diet rich in calcium and vit D can help
counteract bone damaging effects. Avoid calsium
supplement: John Hopkins researchers have found to
potentially increase the risk of heart damage and
arterial plaque buildup.
Source: Rodriguez T., 2017. Lupus : Using Diet and Nutrition to Improve Symtoms and
3. Omega fatty acids beneficial in patient in lupus by
decreasing imflamation. Not to recommended
omega 3 supplementation.
4. Avoid: alfalfa sprout, garlic ( can stimulate an
already overactive immune system.

Source: Rodriguez T., 2017. Lupus : Using Diet and Nutrition to Improve Symtoms and
Lupus Foundation of Florida, 2014. Living Well with Lupus.
Tabel 1: Interventional studies with omega-3 Fatty Acid in Patient With SLE

Source: Borges MC., et al, 2014. Polyunsaturated omega-3 Fatty Acid and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: What we do
Tabel 1: Interventional studies with omega-3 Fatty Acid in Patient With SLE

Source: Borges MC., et al, 2014. Polyunsaturated omega-3 Fatty Acid and Systemic Lupus
Erythematosus: What we do know.
5. Vitamin tablets and supplements are not an alternative
to eating healthy. The may suggest if find a deficiency.
6. Weight problem
7. Lupus affect us in many different ways, so there is not
one diet which is guaranteed to work for everyone with
lupus but the mediterranean dieti s probably the simplest
one to folow and is suitable for all the family as it a pattern
of healthy eating
8. The best way to cook is either to grill, steam, bake it in
the oven, stir frying.

Source: LUPUS UK, 2015. Lupus and healthy Eating.

Source: LUPUS UK, 2015. Lupus and healthy Eating.
Omega 6 Omega 3 Omega 3

Source: Browns AC., 2004. Lupus erythematosus and nutrition : A review of literature.
Source: Karch M., Nutrition for Lupus.
Source: Karch M., Nutrition for Lupus.

“Diet gizi seimbang “

 kalori: 2425 kalori, protein: 82 gram, lemak: 84 gram,
Karbohidrat 332 gram,serat: 25 gr
 cholesterol 119 mg, SFA: 14 gram/ 5%, MUFA: 27 gr+PUFA:
39 gr=66/ 25% , AA: 0,3 gram,EPA: 0,4 gram, DHA: 0,1 gram
 vit A: 2093 µg, vit E: 9,5 mg, vit B6: 2,6 mg, vit C: 326 mg,
Vit D: 6 µg, Vit B12: 5 mg
 sodium: 290 mg, pottasium: 3973 mg, ca: 616 mg, fe: 17 mg
 bentuk makanan biasa
 frekwensi makan 3x3
 rute pemberian oral
Pemberian bahan makanan sehari

Waktu makan Bahan makanan Berat (gr)

Pagi 07.00 Nasi 150
Tenggiri 40
Tempe 25
Buncis 100
Minyak 12,5
Gula 5
Snack 10.00 Avokad 50
Kacang tanah 15
Susu 20
Gula 20
Waktu makan Bahan makanan Berat (gr)

Siang12.00 Nasi 150

Makarel 40

Ayam 20

Tahu 25

Wortel 50

Brokoli 50

Melon 180

Miyak 2,5

Gula 5
Waktu makan Bahan makanan Berat ( gram)
Snack 15.00 Maezena 5
Telur 15
Susu 20
Minyak 2,5
Gula 15
Jeruk 55
Petang 18.00 Nasi 150
Kakap 40
Ayam 20
Tempe 25
Bayam 100
Jeruk manis 100
Minyak 15
Gula 5
Malam 21.00 Pisang susu 100
Contoh menu makan siang: nasi , fish cake with pumkin sauce,
ayam panggang, tahu kukus , sup sayuran , pepaya , aqua
Contoh menu snack pagi: smoothies
Ikan Makarel dan minyak canola
Kebutuhan energi dan zat gizi dewasa usia 30-49 th
Energi dan zat gizi Kebutuhan Satuan
Energi 2150 kkal
Poterin 57 gr
Lemak 60 (omega 6: 12, omega3: 1,1 gr
Karbohidrat 323 gr
Serat 30 gr
Vit A 500 mcg
Vit D 15 mcg
Vit E 15 mg
Vit B6 1,2 mcg
Vit B 12 2,4 mcg
Kalsium 1000 mg
Magnesium 310 mg
Natrium 1500 mg
Kalium 4700 mg
Fe 26 mg

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