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Surface Modeling

Title of the chapter: Surface Modeling UNIT-2

Duration: 120

Outcomes of this chapter:

At the end of the chapter ,the students will be able to

S.No. Outcomes

1 Know about at analytical surface and Syntetic surface.

2 Ruled surface, surface of revolution of spherical surface

3 Hermite bicubic surface, Bezier surface, Bspline surface

4 Solid modelling Techniques can be achieved cell composition, sweep representation

5 constructive solid geometry, boundary representation

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Types of Surfaces surfaces and Surface Modeling

 Analytical Surface
 Primitive surface Analytic geometry: The geometry which
 Plane surface are defined by analytic equations are said
 Offset surface to be analytic geometry. Examples: Lines,
 Tabulated cylinder Circles, Ellipses, Parabolas and
 Surface of revolution Hyperbolas. This geometry can not be
 Swept surface modified.
 Ruled surface

 Synthetic Surfaces
 Synthetic geometry is needed when a
 Bicubic surface
geometry is represented by a collection of
 Bezier surface data points.
 B-Spline surface

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Surfaces and Surface Modeling
Surface Patch

A surface patch ⎯ a curved bounded collection of points whose coordinates are

given by continuous, two-parameter, single-valued mathematical expression.

Parametric representation:
p = p(u,v)


p(u,v) = [x(u,v) y(u,v) z(u,v)]T

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Surfaces and Surface Modeling
Surface Patch


- ,v )
n(u i j
-p(u ,vj )
i j


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Analytical Surfaces Surfaces and Surface Modeling

 Primitive surfaces
 Plane surface
 Offset surface
 Tabulated cylinder
 Surface of revolution
 Swept surface
 Ruled surface

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Surfaces and Surface Modeling
Primitive Surfaces
Plane: P(u, v) = u i + v j + 0 k

Cylinder: P(u, v) = R cos u i + R sin u j + v k

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Surfaces and Surface Modeling
Primitive Surfaces

• Plane
P(u, v) = u i + v j + 0 k

• Cylinder
P(u, v) = R cos u i + R sin u j + v k

• Sphere
P(u, v) = R cos u cos v i + R sin u cos v j + R sin v k

• Cone
P(u, v) = m v cos u i + m v sin u j + v k

• Torus
P(u, v) = (R + r cos v) cos u i + (R + r cos v) sin u j + r sin v k
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Surfaces and Surface Modeling
Planar Surface

Defined by 3 points and 3 vectors

p(u , v)  p0  u ( p1  p0 )  v( p2  p0 ) 0  u  1;0  v  1

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Surfaces and Surface Modeling
Planar Surface

p(u, v)  p0  u ( p1  p0 )  v( p2  p0 ) 0  u  1;0  v  1

p(u , v)  p0  u p1  p0 rˆ)  v( p2  p0 sˆ) 0  u  1;0  v  1

nˆ  rˆ  sˆ; surface normal

p1  p0 p 2  p0
rˆ  ; sˆ  ; Normalized Direction Vectors
p1  p0 p 2  p0

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Tabulated Cylinder Surfaces and Surface Modeling

• Curve is projected along a vector

• In most CAD software it is called as “extrusion”


Surface generation

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Surface of Revolution Surfaces and Surface Modeling

• Revolve curve about an axis


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Surface of Revolution
8. Surfaces and Surface Modeling

When a planar curve is revoled around the axis with an angle v a circle is
constructed (if v=360 ). Center is on the revolving axis and rz(u) is variable.
Swept Surface Surfaces and Surface Modeling

• Defining curve swept along an arbitrary spine curve


Defining curve

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Ruled Surface Surfaces and Surface Modeling

• Linear interpolation between two edge curves

• Created by lofting through cross sections
• Lines are used to connect edge curves
• There is no restriction for edge curves
• It is a linear surface Edge curve 2

Edge curve 1 Linear


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Ruled Surface Surfaces and Surface Modeling

Edge curves: G(u) and Q(u)


Ruled surce only permits slope in the direction of curves in u direction. Surface has zero slope in v
direction. Ruled surface cannot be used to model surfaces that have slopes in 2 directions.

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Synthetic Surfaces Surfaces and Surface Modeling

 Bicubic surface
 Bezier surface
 B-Spline surface

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Bicubic Patch Surfaces and Surface Modeling

• A cubic parametric patch can be expressed in terms of basis function and control
• Extension of cubic curve
• 16 unknown coefficients - 16 boundary conditions
• Tangents and “twists” at corners of patch can be used

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Bicubic Patch Surfaces and Surface Modeling

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Bicubic Patch
To find 16 coefficients in C matrix 16 boundary conditions are necessary.
These are:
 4 corner points
 8 tangent vectors at corner points (in u and v directions at each point )
 4 twist vectors at corner points

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Bicubic Patch Surfaces and Surface Modeling

The twist vector at a point on a surface measures the twist in the

surface at the point. It is the rate of change of the tangent vector Pu
with respect to v or Pv with respect to u or it is the cross (mixed)
derivative vector at the point.

The normal to a surface is another important analytical property. The

surface normal at a point is a vector which is perpendicular to both tangent
vectors at the point.

And the unit normal vector is given by:

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Bicubic Patch Surfaces and Surface Modeling

The Hermite bicubic surface can be written in terms of the 16 input


; Hermite matrix

; geometri ya da sınır koşulu matrisi

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Bicubic Patch Surfaces and Surface Modeling

P(u,v) equation can be further expressed as:

The second order twist vectors Puv are difficult to define. The
Ferguson surface
(also called the F-surface patch) is a bicubic surface patch with zero
twist vectors at the patch corners. Thus, the boundary matrix for the
F-surface patch becomes:

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Bicubic Patch Surfaces and Surface Modeling

F-surface patch

This special surface is useful in design and machining applications.

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Bicubic Patch Surfaces and Surface Modeling

• Advantages
– Boundary curves are Hermite curves
– Interior points can be controlled

• Disadvantages
–What should be the twist factor? It is not esay to sense the effect of twist
vector(Ferguson pacth twist vector is 0).
– Cannot be used with high order polynomials.

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07/22/2020 25
Bezier Surfaces Surfaces and Surface Modeling

• Bezier curves can be extended to surfaces

• Same problems as for Bezier curves:
– no local modification possible
– smooth transition between adjacent patches difficult to achieve

Parametric space Cartesian space

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Bezier Surfaces Surfaces and Surface Modeling

Bezier Surfaces:
• Two sets of orthogonal Bezier curves can be used to design an object surface.
• A tensor product Bezier surface is an extension for the Bezier curve in two parametric
directions u and v:

• P(u, v) is any point on the surface and P ij are the control points. These points form the
vertices of the control or characteristic polyhedron.
• Curves are formed,
when u is constant v changes in [0..1]
when v is constant u changes in [0..1]
• Like in Beziér curves Bin(u) and B jm(v) n. and m. Deg ree Bernstein polynomials.
• Generally n=m=3: cubic Beziér patch is used. (4x4=16 control points; Pi,j is necessary.)

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Bezier Surfaces Surfaces and Surface Modeling

P(u, v) is a point on the surface and Pij are control points.

These points form the control polygon’s vertex points.

Below figure shows cubic Bezier patch.

When n=3 and m=3 is placed in Bezier equation then Bezier patch
equation becomes:

Parametric space Cartesian space

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Bezier Surfaces Surfaces and Surface Modeling

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Bezier Surfaces Surfaces and Surface Modeling

A 3rd degree Bezier surface defined with 16 control points:

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Bezier Surfaces Surfaces and Surface Modeling

Open and closed Bezier surface examples

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B-Spline Surfaces Surfaces and Surface Modeling

• As with curves, B-spline surfaces are a generalization of Bezier surfaces

• The surface approximates a control polygon
• Open and closed surfaces can be represented

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B-Spline Surfaces Surfaces and Surface Modeling

A tensor product B-spline surface is an extension for the B-spline curve in two
parametric directions u and v.

For n=m=3, the equivalent bicubic formulation of an open and closed cubic B-spline
surface can be derived as below.

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B-Spline Surfaces Surfaces and Surface Modeling

where [P] is an (n +1)×(m +1) matrix of the vertices of the characteristic polyhedron of
the B-spline surface patch.
For a 4×4 cubic B-spline patch:

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B-Spline Surfaces Surfaces and Surface Modeling

B-Spline surface example

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