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 Globalization is a process of interaction and integration
among the people, companoes, and governments of
different nations, a process driven by international trade
and investments and aided by information technology. 

What is  Globalization is not really new, though. The globe has

been globalized even before men coined the term
Globalization? globalization.
 Technology has been the other principal driver of
globalization. Advances in information technology, in
particular, have dramtically transformed economic life.
1. Virtual Intercations. Globalization has introduced virtual
communication and collaboration as a major part of
academic and workplace dynamics.
2. Cultural Awareness in Speech. The need for cultural
awareness is a major impact of globalization on the
required skillset of effective communicators, resulting in
IMPACTS OF the evolution of communication skills development
ON 3. Cultural Awareness in Body Language. Awareness of
COMMUNICATION cultural differences in body language can be just as
important as the nuances of speech.
4. Time Differences. The advent of global collaboration
introduces another new dynamic to communication skills -
the need to communicate and share information with
people accross several time zones.
 According to Danev (2017), the process of globalization has widely increased the
availability of information for people accross the world. Global communication
services have also contributed to the enlightenment and development of the
political process in a number of states.

Danev (2017) also enumerates the Three Major Impacts of Globalization on Global
Communication and Identifies the major problem, as follow:
1. Availability of information. The availability of information is a major effect of the
IMPACTS OF process of globalization.

GLOBALIZATION 2. Business Conduct. Globalization has influenced global communication by

ON GLOBAL implementing new techniques for business conduct among workers at
COMMUNICATION international corporations.

3. Social Awareness. The availability of information, which is a directveffectvof the

development of global communication systems, has led to increased social
awareness of people across the world.

4. The Problem. Despite its quick spread and continous development, global
communication has not reached the majority of people on all continents

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