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English Plus 6

How bad are drivers where you live?

How bad are drivers where you live?
A) How bad aredriverswhere
you live?
B) What measures are in your
city/country in place to
reduce driver’s speed?

C) Who do you know that

doesn’t care about speed
bumps, speed limits, road
signs, speed cameras…? Have
you had a bad experience with
him/her because of the way
he/she drives?
Listen and answer exercise 10A ,10B and 10C
from page 58.

Make it personal. Exercise 8D – page 58.

Proposal language.

Have you ever had to make a proposal? When?


(Not a marriage proposal)

A plan or suggestion,
especially a formal or
written one, put forward for
consideration or discussion
by others.
Lookattheseexpressions.Trytoget theircontext I can’t stand his spelling out
andwritesomesentenceswiththemandpossessiveadjectives+-ingform.every time he makes clumsy
mistakes on the reports.
Airtight Redo To do over or again.
Having no noticeable weakness, flaw.
Too strong or effective to fail or to be defeated.

“An airtight argument”
Spell out
To impose, involve, or imply as a result. To clarify or to demonstrate.
“The project will entail considerable expense”
Put together Steps

To add or to make/build.
Turn down
Some parts of a process, series, or ranking.

To reject.

A basic or implicit reason.

Answer exercise 11A page 58.
1.- In pairs, use the previous vocabulary and choose a topic below
in order to develop a proposal. Make certain it has a clear rationale
and list at least three features as bullet points.

2.-After that, you will work with another classmate to describe what
your proposal is about.

How to…
evaluate students who aren’t good at exams.
make your neighborhood cleaner or safer.
earn money if you can’t find a good job.
develop new parking rules in your city.
offer scholarships to needy students.
In many kinds of writing, adverbs and adverbial
expressions not only help to link ideas, but they
also show what the sentence or next point it will be

Admittedly ( = I concede/agree it’s true that) our

school is not a charity.
What are the meanings of these adverbs?

• Admittedly.
• Incidentally.
• Frankly.
• Essentially.
• Apparently.
• Obviously.
• Broadly speaking.
Choose the correct expression
in part 12B page 59.
Formulaic expressions.

Fixed expressions – they facilitate written

communication by offering standard openings,
closings, and other useful language.
• The importance of… cannot be
• Please allow me to…
• We would be happy to…
• …at your convenience.
• We will do our best to…
Writing a proposal:

Set the purpose.

Set supporting arguments.
Set the proposal.

Write your proposal you previously discussed in 11B and

write a formal email to present it in about 250 words. (Read
the example to get through your own ideas).

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