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Learning activity 4

Evidence: Consolidation activity - Stage 2: Scott

Cooper’s life”

Scoot Copper is a sportsman. He

has dedicated his life to tennis.
Now, he teaches little children
how to play.

Fuente: SENA
Scott was born in October 31st 1978. His
parents were tennis players so they taught
him about the sport since he was a little
child. He started taking tennis lessons
when he was three years old. Since then,
he has dedicated his life to tennis. He has
always been a sportsman.

Fuente: SENA
Scott started playing tennis when he was a little kid.
Little by little and thanks to the
teachings of his parents, he was
participating in international
tournaments, making himself known in
sports, I traveled to any country to
leave everything on the field.

It was in these international courts

where in the company of his family he
met his friends and his eternal rival
Rafael Nadal.

Scott became professional tennis player in 1997 and he Fuente: SENA

started traveling around the world playing tournaments.
I fight and fight, on the court I left
everything, no matter the scratches,
scratches, wounds, pains or blows,
the very inside of my heart knew that
one day I would achieve its goal,
winning all the Grand Slam the four
main tennis tournaments male and
female: Australian Open, Roland
Garros, Wimbledon and United States

Fuente: SENA In 2005, Scott became the number 1 tennis player in

the world. He won several titles.
For more than 5 years he was the
champion of tennis, he rubbed
shoulders with the best athletes, won
for 2 consecutive years the prize for the
best athlete of the year (2006-2007), he
continued winning more and more
trophies, until starting 2010 he started
have muscle problems, which little by
little were depleting the champion.
Moving away little by little from his
ideals, it was a very hard time for him.

Scott played his last tennis match in 2010. He retired  that Fuente: SENA
year from professional practice.
When I consider that his moment had
ended, he discovered that he could
continue in the world of sports in a
different way, this time leaving the
legacy to his apprentices, transmitting
all their knowledge and dreams, it was
they who continued with the dream,
this time in addition to the best tennis
player, he would be the best coach.

Fuente: SENA Now, Scott has a tennis academy  where he teaches

children about the sport.  
Criterios de evaluación
• Realiza predicciones futuras, teniendo en cuenta la estructura gramatical, vocabulario y contexto
• Describe experiencias futuras, teniendo en cuenta la estructura gramatical, vocabulario y contexto
• Usa “to + infinitive” al expresar un propósito teniendo en cuenta la estructura gramatical,
vocabulario y contexto requerido.
• Describe experiencias de su vida y procesos continuos teniendo en cuenta la estructura
gramatical, vocabulario y contexto requerido.
• Identifica la diferencia entre el pasado simple y el presente perfecto teniendo en cuenta su uso y el
contexto requerido.
• Usa términos y expresiones relacionados con educación y carreras teniendo en cuenta la
estructura gramatical, vocabulario y contexto requerido.
• Describe sus puntos de vista sobre estilos de vida teniendo en cuenta la estructura gramatical,
vocabulario y contexto requerido.

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