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A clandestine
observation of
persons, places, or
vehicles for purposes
of obtaining
Three General kinds of

1. Tailing or shadowing
is the act of following a person.
2. Casing or Reconnaissance
is surveillance of a
building, place or area to
determine its suitability for
intelligence use or its
vulnerability in an
intelligence operation.
3. Undercover Operation or
is the obtaining of
information of one’s person’s
What are the things should be
avoided during shadowing?
Don’t meet the eye of the subject
Don’t adopt slinking, sleuthing, creeping manner
Don’t carry story book disguises
Don’t carry noticeable items
Don’t greet fellow agents
Don’t make notations ostensively
How to detect foot
Stopping abruptly and look back
Casually looking around
Reversing course/retracing steps
Boarding bus and alighting just before they start
Riding short distance on bus
Circling the block on a taxi
Entering a building and leaving immediately via exit
Stopping abruptly after turning the corner
Using convoys
Watching reflection in shop windows
Walking slowly and rapidly alternate intervals
Dropping a piece of papers to see if anyone retrieves it
Stopping to tie a shoe string, meanwhile looking around for
Arranging with a friends in a shop, stores, or other places to watch
for surveillants
How to elude foot
1. Jumping off a bus, trains just as the doors are about to close
2. Leaving a building through the rear or side exits
3. Losing one self in crowds
4. Entering theaters and leaving immediately through an exit
5. Pointing out one surveillant to a police to a generally require the
agent to explain his action
6. Using decoys
7. Taking the last taxi at stand
8. Changing clothing
Methods of Shadowing
One-Man Shadow – extremely difficult
and should be avoided, if unavoidable keep
subject in view at all times.

Two-Man Shadow – two agents are

employed to follow the subject
Methods of Shadowing
Leap frog or Progressive Method – this is used in
attempting to locate the hideout of a subject from a
vantage-point without moving after the subject. The
following day the shadower/agent takes up a watch
from the point at which the subject was last seen.
Agents are stations at a fixed point assuming that the
subject followed the same general route each day.
Combined Foot-Auto Surveillance – employment of
surveillants on foot and agents in a automobile.
Automobile Surveillance
The methods of auto surveillance to be used depends upon the
numbers and type of surveillance vehicle available, the volume
of vehicular traffic in the area, the importance of concealing the
surveillance from the subject, and the subject’s estimated
ability to detect and elude surveillance. At all times each
vehicle should be occupied by at least two agents; one to
concentrate on driving, and other one is to observed, take
notes, operate radio equipment, or to dismount and continue
the surveillance on foot.
How to detect automobile
Alternate fast and slow driving
Driving into dead-end streets
Frequency parking
Committing flagrant traffic on one way streets, and running
through red lights
Stopping suddenly around curves or corner
Pulling into driveways
Speeding up a hill, then coasting slowly down
How to elude automobile
Committing traffic violations
Using double entrances to driveways; in one and
out the other
Curbing through parking lot
Driving through congested areas
Deserting the vehicle behind curves or corners,
but permitting the drivers to drive on as a decoy.
an investigative technique in which the
Agent’s/Investigator’s official identity is
concealed to accomplish an investigative
Natural Cover – using the individuals true
identity, occupation or profession

Artificial Cover – the manufacture of

documents, false documents, passports or
forged documents.
What are the common types of places
of assignment for undercover work?
Special Qualification of
Undercover Agent:
Thorough knowledge of the area, the people and
customs were agent will operate.

Preferably single and unmarried.

Thorough knowledge of the language or dialect spoken

in the area of operation.
Operational Security Guidelines
on Undercover Assignments:
The agent’s appearance must be inconspicuous
The Subject should cultivate the agent, rather than the reverse
Analyze subject and appeal to his ego, vanity and interest
Obtain subject’s confidence (rapport)
Play along with the subject’s plan
Don’t be impatient, over-anxious or too eager
Don’t displayed more interest in statements or actions of the subject and of the subject’s associates than is
compatible with the cover story.
Don’t betray knowledge of the subject’s background which was gained from the preliminary investigation or
Don’t get involved with subject’s girlfriend
Don’t let any relations with subject’s incur enmity, envy or jealousy of the subject’s associates
Special Qualification of
Undercover Agent:
Don’t became unnecessary friendly with women
Don’t overact the cover story. Don’t reveal more cover story details than necessary
Don’t carry weapon unless told to do so
Don’t make unexplainable trips or phone calls
Don’t maintain contact with personal friends or relatives
Don’t display money more than the amount provided for by the cover story
Don’t reveal the true identity unless is a part of preconceived plan
Don’t drink intoxicating beverages if it can be avoided
Don’t assumes the “big shot” attitude. An outstanding characteristics will bring the agent under
Beware of entrapment
REMEMBER: The compromise
of your true identity could
endanger your life or
compromise the mission.
Kinds of Criminals Identified by
Known Criminals (Fugitive) – these are criminals
whose pictures are available from police files and

Unknown Criminals (Fugitive) – these are criminals

whose identification are furnished by eyewitness only.
Procedures of Identification by
Physical/Police Line-up – means of selecting a suspect
mixed with a group of innocent persons usually composed of 7-
10 individuals. The purpose of line-up is to eliminate the power
of suggestion.

Physical show-up – only one person is shown to the witness

usually at the scene of the crime and made immediately after
the arrest of the suspect.
Portrait Parle
(Verbal Description)
French word of “speaking
likeness” depends on the
ability of the witness to
observe, describe and
Rouges Gallery
the use of photographic
files, successful if there
is an existing
photograph of the
suspect on police files.
Artist/Cartographic Sketch
the witness and prober
develop a picture of the
criminal with the help of
skilled cartographer
(Composite Criminal
General Photograph
variety of facial types
showing different features
of the face is presented to
the witness by the
Crime Scene
a venue or place where the
alleged crime/incident/event
has been committed and the
most valuable physical
evidence can be found.
Primary Scene
where original or first
criminal act occurred;
where the dead body
was found.
Secondary Scene
any places associated with but other
than primary crime scene
Edmond Locard says:

“Every penetration leaves a trace.”

Are articles and materials which are found in
connection with the investigator and which aid in
establishing the identity of the perpetrator or the
circumstances under which the crime was committed.

It may be material left or taken from the scene of a

crime by the suspect or victim, or it might be an
impression left in some material.
Physical Evidence to Identify
Corpus Delicti – is the body of the crime or fact of specific
loss or injury sustained. It constitute the essential parts of
elements in the commission of the crime.
Associative Evidence – these are the pieces of evidence
that will link the suspect to the crime scene. The suspect may
leave some clues at the crime scene such as weapons, tools,
Tracing Evidence – articles which assist the investigator in
locating the criminal. (Ex. Items containing the identity of the
Includes identification and interview of

Arrest of the suspect

Scientific processing of crime scene

Only to processing of the crime scene (soco
assistance) and Laboratory Examination (Field
Laboratory works)
Crime Scene
is any place where
physical evidence can be
found. It may be extended
miles or kilometers away
from the scene of the
Scene of the Crime
is the very place where
the crime is committed.
First Responders (FR’s)
the very first person to arrive and respond at the crime scene.
The Four (4) priorities of the
FR’s upon arrival at the scene:
1.To give first aid; or to try to save life, if
2.To apprehend the suspected offender
3.To protect and if necessary collect and
preserve evidence
4.To cordon off and protect the area;
The First Responder shall :
Cordon off crime scene with whatever available
materials like ropes, straws, human barricade,
police line;
Evacuate injured persons to the nearest
Prepare to take “dying declaration” of
severely injured person with the following
The First Responder shall :
That death is imminent and the declarant is conscious of the fact;
That the declaration refers to the cause and surrounding circumstances
of such death;
That the declaration relates to facts which the victim is competent to
testify to; and
That the declaration is offered in a case wherein the declarant’s death is
the subject of inquiry.
Prevent entry/exit of persons with in the cordoned area; and
Prepare to brief the CSI Team Leader of the situation upon their arrival.
The End

Thank You 

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