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Will be able to answer what's nanotechnology all
Will be able to know nanotechnology standards.
Will be able to know the importance of nano
technology in the field of science.
Nanotechnology is an emerging field
and is so new that its future is very
uncertain. Nanotechnology is the study
of incredibly small objects, deriving its
name from a nanometer (nm), which is
one-billionth of a meter.
The stained glass windows used in European Cathedrals
throughout the 6th to 15th Centuries derived from the
nanoparticles of gold chloride and other metal oxides and
Physicist Richard Feynman
he was an American
theoretical physicist.
introduced the concept
of manipulating and
controlling objects close
in size to individual
atoms and molecules in
his 1959 talk at an
American Physical
Society Meeting titled
“There’s Plenty of
Room at the Bottom”.
3 basic shapes that are used to create objects
through nanotechnology:
is a a microscopic
particle with at least
one dimension less
than 100 nanometers.
are relatively
new class of
materials that have
promising potential
for use in many
medical and health
care applications.
a nano-object
with one external
imension in the
nanoscale and
two other external
Nanofibers contain three 3 subgroups
Nanowires Nanotube

With nano-objects
being so unknown,
providing a proper
education in the
topic is incredibly
Standard Guide for Workforce
Education in Nanotechnology Health
and Safety
This guide is to provide a basic educational structure
in the health and safety aspects of nanotechnology to
organizations developing or carrying out education
programs for the nanotechnology workforce.
Nanotechnology can be a very useful as a tool to
combat cancer

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