Appliance Control by RT-LINUX

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This project is to control Audio player by RT-Linux. An audio player program will be
running on a windows machine. We will control the audio player by RT-Linux by using
play, pause and stop commands.
To test the application we need :

◦ RT Linux installed on a Linux system.

◦ Windows to communicate with RT Linux.
◦ A null-modem cable to communicate between RT-Linux and
windows machine.
RT-Linux Serial Driver
#include <rt_com.c>
#include <rt_com.h>
#include <rt_comp.h>
rt_com functions (1): –
int rt_com_setup(unsigned int com, unsigned int baud, usigned int parity, unsigned int stopbits, unsigned int databits);
• read –
#include – int rt_com_read(unsigned int com, char *ptr, int cnt);
• write –
#include – int rt_com_write(unsigned int com, char *ptr, int cnt);
Some paths to be aware of:

•RT Linux is installed in the directory /usr/rt Linux-xxx, where xxx is the version number.
•To simplify future development, a symbolic link has been created as /usr/rt Linux 
•which points to /usr/rt Linux-xxx.
•Users are encouraged to specify their paths via this symbolic link to maintain future compatibility with
new RT Linux versions.
•/usr/rt Linux/include contains all the include files necessary for development projects.
•/usr/rt Linux/examples contains the RT Linux example programs, which illustrate the use of much of
the API.
•/usr/doc/rt Linux/man contains the manual pages for RT Linux.
•/usr/rt Linux/modules contains the core RT Linux modules.
•/usr/rt Linux/bin contains RT Linux scripts and utilities.
◦ Play.c: This file is to send the instruction to windows mac to play.
◦ Pause.c : This file is to send the instruction to pause.
◦ Stop.c : This file is to send the instruction to stop.
◦ And other files: make file contains list of obj files
The init_module(): which is called when the module is inserted
into the kernel. It should return 0 on
success and a negative value on failure.

The cleanup_module(): which is called just before the module is

#include <rtl.h>
The rtl.h include file contains prototypes for all the RTX
kernel routines, and some of the TCPnet and FlashFS
#include < rtl_FIFO.h >
Provide functions that initialize a FIFO, put data in, get data out, and
return the current size. The file includes a transmit FIFO using index
implementation and a receive FIFO using pointer implementation.
#include <time.h>
The time.h header defines four variable types, two macro
and various functions for manipulating date and time.
#include <pthread.h>
Pthreads are defined as a set of C language programming types
and procedure calls.
#include <asm/io.h>
This file contains the definitions for the x86 IO instructions *
inb/inw/inl/outb/outw/outl and the "string .
Declaration of variables:
int period=100msec//period is var having value of 100ms
int fifo_size=4000;
pthread_t thread;
char a[210]={};//a is array from 0 -209
void *play(void *t){
//play function with arguments
pthread_make_periodic_np(pthread_t thread, hrtime_t start time, hrtime_t period);// The thread tells
the scheduler to periodically execute this thread at a frequency of (500 microseconds).

a[0]=‘2’;//send signal 2 to play

rt_com_write() - writes cnt characters from buffer ptr to the Realtime serial
port com.
Return 0;

Void cleanup_module(void)
//to clean previous data
rt_com_setup(0, -1, 0, 0, 0);
void *stop(void *t){
//stop function with arguments
pthread_make_periodic_np(thread, gethrtime(), period);// The thread tells the scheduler to
periodically execute this thread at a frequency of (500 microseconds).

a[0]=‘3’;//send signal 2 to stop

rt_com_write(0,a,1) - writes cnt characters from buffer ptr to the Realtime

serial port com.
Return 0;

Void cleanup_module(void)
//to clean previous data
rt_com_setup(0, -1, 0, 0, 0);
void *pause(void *t){
//pause function with arguments
pthread_make_periodic_np(thread, gethrtime(), period);// The thread tells the scheduler to
periodically execute this thread at a frequency of (500 microseconds).

a[0]=‘4’;//send signal 2 to pause

rt_com_write(0,a,1) - writes cnt characters from buffer ptr to the Realtime

serial port com 0.
Return 0;

Void cleanup_module(void)
//to clean previous data
rt_com_setup(0, -1, 0, 0, 0);

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