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Windows CE Object Store

• Windows CE name for persistent

• Provides storage for the
– Registry
– Databases
– File System
• In a non-volatile portion of RAM
• To centralize applicationr, user and system
• Consolidates what was done earlier with
autoexec.bat, config.sys, etc.
• Stored as a hierarchy, with each element termed
a key.
• Each key has a default value and several optional
extra values
• Four hierarchies
– HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE: char. of m/c
– HKEY_USERS: default user config.
– HKEY_CURRENT_USER: for current user
– HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT: types and properties of
supported documents
Registry (contd.)
• RegCeateKeyEx() to create keys
• RegSetValueEx() to update a value of
a key
• RegQueryValueEx() retrieves the
associated type and data
• CE offers an integrated database not
offered by other Windows versions
• Note that this is not really a DBMS
– No SQL (direct API)
– No concurrency control
– No transactional notion
• Volume: A collection of tables
• Database: One of these tables
• Record: One row of table
• Property: A column of the table
• Sort Order: A method to quickly
access rows
• Each database can support upto 4
sort orders (specified at creation).
• Databases are stored in a file (called volume).
• First mount a volume using CeMountDBVol()
• CeCreateDatabaseEx() to create a database
• CeOpenDatabaseEx() to open an existing database
– can ask to be notified if someone else modifies
when in use.
• CeWriteRecordProps() to create or update a
• Each call to CeReadRecordProps() returns the next
record in the specified sort order (at open)
• CeSeekDatabase() to seek to a specific record –
record id, matching a value, having the immediate
previous value, etc.
File System
• Portion of object store where files reside
• Differences from normal Windows:
– No security/access permissions
– No notion of drives (A:, C:, etc.) – everything
is accessible from “\”
– No concept of current directory, always need to
specify from “\”
• When inserting flash cards, they appear
under the directory “\StorageCard1”,
“\StorageCard2”, etc.
File System API
• CreateFile() to create files – analogous to Unix
• ReadFile() and WriteFile() to read and write data
from/to files.
• Writes are buffered and flushed to appropriate
device sometime later
• Applications can force the writes with
FlushFileBuffers() call
• File seeking is done with SetFilePointer() call.
• Can use same calls for device interfaces as well.
In addition there is a DeviceIOControl() call similar
to Unix ioctl().
Memory Mapped Files
• Allows normal memory load/store
interface to files
• Also, allows creating shared memory
• Different from traditional Unix in
that it increases the virtual address
space of process. E.g. a process
(normally 32MB) mapping a 4MB file
becomes 36MB, but not all of it is
Memory Mapping API
• CreateFileForMapping() is done first
• Then the handle is passed to
CreateFileMapping() which creates a file
mapping object and associates it with the
opened file.
• MapViewOfFile() maps the file in memory
and returns a memory pointer to it.
• When two processes do this, they have
created a shared memory region.
Device Drivers
• Native drivers
– Control low level devices built-in with the
CE platform (audio, battery display,
keyboards …)
– They can have unique APIs
• Stream drivers
– They export the same API
– They usually drive 3rd party devices (GPS
receivers, printers, etc.)
Interface between Kernel and
Native Driver

Event Interrupt
Handler Service
(EH) Handler (ISH)
Native Driver
4 Interrupt Service Thread
1 2 3 7
Service Platform Dependent
Routine (ISR) Driver

• EH in kernel is first invoked.
• EH disables all interrupts and invokes
appropriate ISR in OAL
• ISR performs some minimal processing and
returns interrupt id to kernel
• ISH re-enables all but this interrupt, uses
the interrupt id to signal an event on which
a IST of a native driver is waiting (Event
• IST may need to perform some hardware
specific actions to process interrupt
• IST then notifies kernel once it is done
• ISH then re-enables this interrupt by
calling some functions in OAL.
Stream Drivers
• Presents the device as being a special
• Standard API regardless of the
• Strict naming rules: 3 upper case
letters (identifies function prefix) +
single digit + colon
• They can be loaded/unloaded by the
Device Manager.
Loading Drivers
• At boot time, Device Manager loads all drivers
listed under
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Drivers\Builtin registry
• When a device is connected, the Device Manager
calls the native socket driver to obtain a Plug and
Play id. This id is compared against registry
entries in
found, that driver is loaded. Else, it calls
functions listed in ….\PCMCIA\Detect that are
Stream Driver functions. If one of them says it
can handle, then that driver is loaded.
• If an application attempts to open a device without
driver loaded, then the application can explicitly
load the driver.
Stream Interface Functions
• XXX_Close()
• XXX_Deinit()
• XXX_Init()
• XXX_IoControl()
• XXX_Open()
• XXX_PowerDown()
• XXX_PowerUp()
• XXX_Read()
• XXX_Seek()
• XXX_Write()

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