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• Obligations and Prohibitions:

• Rules and regulations refer to do’s and don'ts. They in fact set boundaries to us.
• Hence, every individual is supposed to strictly abide by such rules and
regulations, no matter wherever we are either at home, school, college, office,
park, hospital and so on, and whoever are , all are equal to them.
• In this modern day, none is above the rules and regulations. Everybody should
accept the ‘rule of law’. However the rules and regulations massively differ from
one organization to another, from one place to another, and of course one
situation to another situation.
• It means every public and private organization or institution has a set of rules and
regulations for its smooth function and regulation. Rules and regulations express
obligations and prohibitions for visitors. We can read its rules and regulations in
its brochure, leaflet, and other booklets.
• Obligations:
• Meanings: duty, responsibility, requirement, compulsion, commitment etc.
• A social, legal, or moral requirement, duty, contract, or promise that compels
someone to follow or avoid a particular course of action.
• A course of action imposed by society, law or conscience by which someone is
bound or restricted.
• Obligations are conditions set for us. We cannot escape doing them. When we are
forced to do something, we are obliged.
• Prohibitions:
• Meanings: bans, preventions , exclusions, forbidding
• Prohibitions refer to the acts of stopping something being done or used or stopping
somebody to do something.
• The thing which are not allowed to do or to carry out because of law and order.
Note: Obligations are the conditions which should be carried out where as
prohibitions are the conditions which are not allowed to carry out.
• Obligation
'Have to' and 'must' are both used to express obligation. There is a slight difference in the
way that they are both used.
'Have to' shows that the obligation comes from someone else, not the speaker. This is
usually referring to a rule or law.
We have to be at the airport at least two hours before the flight.
I have to work on Saturday.
They have to wear their uniforms at school.
'Must' shows us that the obligation comes from the speaker.
I must hand in my thesis by tomorrow.
I really must call my parents.
• Here is an example of the difference between 'have to' and 'must':
My doctor said that I have to stop smoking or I'll risk serious problems. (I have no choice)
I must stop smoking. It’s costing me too much money. (it’s my decision)
• We use 'don't have to' to show that there is no obligation. You can do something if you
want but it is not an obligation.
You don't have to wear a tie to go to that restaurant but it would be nice.
You didn't have to call for me. I could have got a taxi.
Students don't have to wear uniforms to school.
• Prohibition
'Can't' and 'mustn't' (must not) are used to show that something is prohibited
(not allowed)
You can't go into that restaurant without a tie.
You can't drive in this country unless you are over eighteen.
You mustn't use your phone in class.
'Can't' usually gives the idea of something that is against the rules. Mustn’t
usually means that it is the speaker who is setting the rule.
• Now choose the correct verb for these sentence.
• You…….come to the meeting but it would help us all if you are there.
• a) must b) don’t have to
Common English Words: Permission, Obligation, Prohibition
Permission = It’s OK
You can smoke here. (Image source:
English words used for permission:
What’s the difference? 
The word “to” is used after allowed and permitted, but not after can or may.
•You’re allowed to smoke in here.
•You can to smoke in here.
•You can smoke in here.
Can is more informal, may and permitted are more formal, and allowed is both formal and informal.
For the past and future of “can,” you can use could / was allowed (in the past) and will be
allowed (in the future):
•When I was a kid, I was allowed to stay up until 11 PM on Friday nights.
•We‘ll be allowed to check two suitcases on the flight.
Obligation = It’s necessary
 You have to show your photo ID.
English words used for obligation:
•have to
•need to
What’s the difference?
Must and required are more formal than have to and need to.
Don’t use “to” after “must.”
Supposed to / Not supposed to
You can use these words for “light” requirements and prohibitions – for example, rules that are
often not followed.
•We’re supposed to arrive on time, but it’s OK if we’re a little late. Our boss is pretty relaxed.
•The employees aren’t supposed to eat lunch at their desks, but a lot of them do so anyway.
Prohibition = It’s not OK
    English words used for prohibition:
•not allowed
•not permitted
What’s the difference?
Can’t is more informal, mustn’t and not permitted are more formal,
and not allowed is both formal and informal.
Don’t use “to” after “mustn’t.”
The first “t” in “mustn’t” is silent!
You’re not allowed to swim here.
• And this is how we express prohibition and lack of obligation:
• Writing Tips:
• Give heading.
• Use simple language.
• Be straight.
• Use ‘must’ and ‘have to’ for obligations.
• Use ‘mustn’t’, ‘can’t’, ‘ not allowed to,’ ‘prohibited’, etc. for prohibition.
• Structures for Preparing Rules and Regulations. (We can formulate rules and regulations………………….
a. By using Simple Present (Passive) form:
 Obj. + is/am/are/+ allowed/ permitted +to +v1.
 All the students are allowed to play on the ground during break hour.
 None is permitted to go out of school premises without prior permission.
 She is allowed to come late under certain condition.
b. obj. + is/am/are/ +expected/ supposed+ to +v1.
 Passengers are supposed to be in a queue to take tickets.
 Students are expected to be neat and clean.
 Examinees are expected to arrive in the examination hall before the exam begins.
 c. Obj. + is/am/are + prohibited /permitted + to + V1.
He is permitted to go early today.
All the visitors are prohibited to take photographs of the temple.
No visitor is permitted to go near the tiger’s cage.
 d. Obj. + is / am / are + obliged + to + v1. (oblige = make (someone) legally or
morally bound to an action or course of action.) compel, force ,pleased, gratified
All the travelers are obliged to buy tickets for their entrance.
 All are obliged to respect their seniors.
 None is obliged to disobey their parents.
e. By using present progressive form ….
 V(ing) + is /am /are + v3
 smoking is strictly prohibited here.
 Parking is completely restricted in this area.
 Making a noise is restricted in the library.
By using “Must”
• f. Sub. + must / must not + v1.
• All the students must be punctual at school.
• All the citizens must respect their nation.
• We must not be traitors.
 by using simple future form.
 Sub. + shall + v1 .
 All the students shall pay their monthly fee by the 15th of each month or else certain amount fine is charged.
All the clients shall be charged fine if all the dues are not settled by the end of this month.
Everyone shall respect the visitor in their class and stand up.
• The following structure are helpful to write the rules and regulations ( ms sopea)
• S+should+v1…………..
• S+ should not +v1………..
• S+must+v1
• S+ must not+v1
• S+ is/am/are+ allowed to +v1………
• S+ is/am/are+ not allowed to +v1………..
• It is prohibited/forbidden to +v1
• S+ is/am/are +permitted/not permitted+to+v1………..
• V4+noun +is+ forbidden /prohibited………….
V-ing + is not + allowed + ….…….
V-ing + is + prohibited +
• Write a set of obligations and prohibitions for the students to be followed at
• Students should go to school by 10 am.
• Students must wear the school uniform.
• Students must obey the teachers.
• Students must be laborious.
• Students should attend the school assembly.
• Students should ask questions to their teachers.
• Every student should follow the rules and regulation of school.
• Every student must show his/her homework to the teachers.
• Students are not allowed to fight with friends.
• Students are not allowed to run away from school.
• Students must be disciplined all the time.
• Write a list of obligations and prohibitions for a school library.
• You can read the newspaper in the library.
• You should/have to/ must/ ought to/ are to use your own library card.
• You are allowed/permitted to borrow a book for seven days.
• You can renew the book for another seven days.
• You can't borrow the reference books .
• You shouldn't use other's library card.
• You aren't allowed to make noise in the library.
• You are (strictly) prohibited / forbidden to make noise in the library.
• Write a list of obligations and prohibitions for the examinees in the examination hall.
• Examinees should arrive in the exam hall in time.
• Cheating in the exam is strictly prohibited.
• Examinees are not allowed to make a noise.
• They must bring their own essential things such as rulers ,compass ,pencils etc.
• None is permitted to leave the class before an hour.
• Examinees should bring their admission card daily.
• Exercises for practice
1.Write a set of rules and regulations for the library on the basis of the clues given below.
• Opens 8:00am-5:00pm
• Rs 100 for membership for one year
• Tearing and damaging books are strictly prohibited
• Two books for 15 days
• Timely return is must
• No talks, silence, no discussion ,no loud reading
2.Write a set of obligations or prohibitions to be followed in temple on the basis of the following clues.
• Buy flowers and other materials outside the temple premises
• Take off your shoes before you enter the temple
• No any other leather items
• No camera and no photos
• Except Hindus
3.Write a set of obligations or prohibitions to be followed in a zoo on the basis of the following clues.
• Enter the zoo showing the ticket
• Buy ticket before 4:00pm
• Show identity card if you are student for discount
• Adult- no allow to swing made for children
• No allowed to provoke animals
• Not allowed to feed animals * No allowed to pluck flower
• Rules and regulations of a library for users:
• 1. Only members can the use the library.
• 2. The library remains open everyday from 10 am to 6pm.
• 3. Students may not put books back onto the shelves. Books left in the reading rooms should be left on the
tables. You should not misplace the books.
• 4. You must switch off your cell phone when entering the library. It causes a disturbance to other readers.
• 5. The loss of a library card must be reported to the department immediately.
• 6. A user is responsible for any damage to or loss of library material issued on his/her card.
• 7. You can borrow two books at a time for fifteen days. The loan period may be extended if there is no demand
for the book.
• 8. A fine of ten rupees per day will be levied on all library materials, which are not returned with in the
stipulated period. After 14 days the fine becomes twenty rupees per day.
• 9. If after three weeks of the expiry date, the book has not been returned, the member will forfeit membership
of the library.
• 10. Books on loan are under no circumstances transferable. Every library user is responsible for the return of
library material he/she borrowed.
• 11. Smoking is strictly prohibited.
• 12. The rules and regulations are subject to change.
• Write a set of obligations or prohibitions that patients of a hospital should follow.
• Write a set of obligations or prohibitions that the hostel residents should follow.
• Write a set of obligations or prohibitions that the passengers of Narayani Bus Sewa should follow. 

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