Private Schools

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What is private school?
 A school that is established, conducted , and
primarily supported by non-government agency.
 A private school is autonomous and generates
its own funding through various sources like
student tuition, private grands and endowments.
What is private school?
 A privately owned and managed institution for
teaching and learning, established and
authorized by the Department to operate certain
educational programs in accordance with law
and the prescribed policies and rules of the
 Colegio de San Juan de Letran , a private
education institution located in Intramuros
Manila is the oldest college in the Philippines as
well as the oldest secondary institution in Asia.It
was established in 1620 and had offered
colleges courses by then.
Fundamental State Policies on
Education in 2010 Revised Manual of
Regulations for Private Schools in Basic

1. Education for All (EFA). The state shall protect

and promote the right of all citizen s to quality
education at all levels and shall take appropriate
steps to make such education accessible to all.
2. Complete Adequate and Integrated System of
Education. The State shall establish, maintain and support
a complete , adequate and integrated system of education
relevant to the needs of the people.

3.Scholarship Grants , Student Loans Program,

Subsidies. The state shall establish and maintain a system
of scholarship grants, students loan programs,subsidies and
other incentives which shall be available to deserving
students in both public and private schools especially to the
4.Alternative Learning System. The State shall
encourage non-formal, informal and indigenous learning
system as well as self learning, independent and out-of-
school study programs particularly those that respond to the
community needs. The State shall provide adult citizens the
disabled and out –of-school youth with training in
civics,vocational efficiency and other skills.

5.Constitution as Part of Curricula. All educational

institutions shall include the study of the Constitution as
part of the Curicula.
6. Complementary roles of Public and Private
Institutions in the Educational System. The State
recognizes the complementary roles of public and private
institutions in the educational system and shall exercise
reasonable supervision and regulation of all educational

7. Ownership of Schools. All private schools other than

those established by religious group and mission boards,
shall be owned solely by citizen of the Philippines or
coporations or associatins at least sixty per centum of the
capital of which is owned by such citizen.
8.Control and Administration of School. The control
and administration of educational institution shall be vested
in citizens of the Philippines.

9.Establihment of Schools for Aliens and

Composition of Aliens in Enrollment . No educational
institution shall be established exclusively for aliens and no
group of aliens shall compromise more than one third of the
enrollment of the school.
10.Exemption from Taxes and Duties. All revenues
and assets on non-stock ,non-profit educational institutions
used actually,directly and exclusively for educational
purposes shall be exempt from taxes and duties.

8.Establihment of Schools for Aliens and

Composition of Aliens in Enrollment . No educational
institution shall be established exclusively for aliens and no
group of aliens shall compromise more than one third of the
enrollment of the school.
Benefits of Private Schools

 Enriched academic opportunities

One of accepted benifitd of private schools is that
they provide exceptional and challenging
experiences through extracurricular
activities,Advanced Placement courses,the
International Baccalaureate program and gifted
Benefits of Private Schools

 Smaller Classes
A comprehensive study on class size made by
researcher Bruce Biddler David Berliner in 2002
showed that the smaller the class size,the better
the average student performs on academic
acchivement test.
Benefits of Private Schools

 Parental Involvement
Private schools are built around open
communication between parents and
administration, and they make it priority to
involve parents in the community.
 Parental Involvement
Instructors are both qualified and passionate about
their subject ,often holding advance degrees in the
Benefits of Private Schools

 Safe Environment
Private schools have reputation for maintaining
high standards for discipline and respect.
 Community Environment
According to a Fraser Institute survey, 62% of
parents with children in private shool system
believe their school’s environment is motivating
,supportive and nurturing.
Benefits of Private Schools

 Ample Resources
Private schools ,you’ll find incredible resources to
support student learning in the classroom,sports
field,art studio and beyond.
 Extra Curricular Activities
While academic remain priority for most private
schools,many also place strong focus on well-rounded
education and encourage participation in extra curricular
activities such as sports,music,arts or clubs.
Benefits of Private Schools

 Development for today’s and tomorrow’s World

Private schools are responsible for producing
many leaders in politics,business and society,with
a history of adapting quickly to changes in
technoly and culture.
Features of Private Schools

 Smart class rooms with projectors.

 Well equipped laboratories
 Digital Library
 Well conditioned benches and chairs
 Clean Toilets
School Infrastructure

 All have own buildings.

 ¼ of those schools has library
 Almost of those Schools have playground
 More infracstructure for cultural activity.
School Infrastructure

 More electrical facilities.

 First Aid Kit
 More computers available.
 Total number of classroom is high.

 Main reason- rapid growth of private school

 Better quality in private
 Special concentration on slow learners.
 Teacher motivation is high.
 Private School Cons

 Cost
 Teacher do not have to be certified with Degree
 Less classes to choose from
 Do not always offer Special Education Classes
 Some Schools have Entrance Exam
 Lots of Schools are Religious based
 Private School Pros

 Small Classes
 Better Textbooks and Materials
 Better Computers
 Classes are more challenging
 Lot of Schools are Religious based

 Less salary
 Rate of Teacher Activity is high.
 They have higher officials who questioned
 Teacher attendance is more
Parents Role

 Parents can questioned the management about

their children’s performance since they do pay
 Management conduct regular meetings with the
 Parents come to know the level of the children
 They can coach them at home

 Private Schools follows good Discipline.

 Dress code
 Certain Hairstyle
 Cleanliness
 Shaving
Admission Standards

 A private School accepts any students it wishes.

 It is not required to give a reason why it has
refused to admit anyone

 A private School are generally safe places.

 Building is carefully monitored and contolled.
 But both private and public school
administrators have child’s safety on top of
their list of priorities.

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